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Location: sbdefs.h

Namespace conn

namespace conn


This namespace is the global Symbian Connect namespace which encapsulates all of the connectivity components within Symbian OS.


Defined in conn:
CActiveBackupClient, EBURBackupFull, EBURBackupPartial, EBURNormal, EBURRestoreFull, EBURRestorePartial, EBURUnset, EBackupBase, EBackupIncrement, ENoBackup, KBURPartTypeMask, KBackupIncTypeMask, KUidBackupRestoreKey, MActiveBackupDataClient, TBURPartType, TBackupIncType

Member classes

Class MActiveBackupDataClient

class MActiveBackupDataClient;


MActiveBackupDataClient is a Mixin to be implemented by an Active Backup client. The client connects to the Secure Backup Server using the CActiveBackupSession class and provides an instance of MActiveBackupDataClient to be called for a range of functions.

The bulk transfer of data and snapshots is expected to be by means of shared heaps for performance reasons so the API is expected to change in these areas.


Defined in conn::MActiveBackupDataClient:
AllSnapshotsSuppliedL(), GetBackupDataSectionL(), GetDataChecksum(), GetExpectedDataSize(), GetExtendedInterface(), GetSnapshotDataL(), InitialiseGetBackupDataL(), InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL(), InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL(), InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL(), InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL(), ReceiveSnapshotDataL(), RestoreBaseDataSectionL(), RestoreComplete(), RestoreIncrementDataSectionL(), TerminateMultiStageOperation(), ~MActiveBackupDataClient()

Construction and destruction


inline virtual ~MActiveBackupDataClient();


Empty virtual destructor to avoid memory leaks

Member functions


virtual void AllSnapshotsSuppliedL()=0;


This method informs the active backup data client that all snapshots have been supplied. If the client has not received a snapshot then it should perform a base backup.


virtual void ReceiveSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive, TDesC8 &aBuffer, TBool aLastSection)=0;


This method receives all or part of a snapshot of data to allow calculation of an incremental backup. The snapshot is one that was previously supplied by the data owner. The snapshot data should be read from the location supplied. The snapshot data may be larger than the location supplied in which case the routine will be called repeatedly until all data has been supplied.

Snapshot data will also be supplied as part of a restore operation.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being backed up

TDesC8 &aBuffer

a pointer to the base of the location from whence data can be copied.

TBool aLastSection

ETrue if this is the last section of snapshot data, else EFalse.

Leave codes


if the data owner does not support incremental backups.


virtual TUint GetExpectedDataSize(TDriveNumber aDrive)=0;


This method returns the expected size of backup data that will be supplied. If an incremental backup is underway then this method will not be called until after ReceiveSnapshotDataL(). The size data will be used for the purpose of tracking progess during a backup. If it is inaccurate then the user may see irregular progress but the actual backup data will not be affected so it is acceptable to return an estimated value.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being backed up.

Return value


the size of the data that will be returned


virtual void GetSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive, TPtr8 &aBuffer, TBool &aFinished)=0;


This method returns a snapshot of data to accompany a backup. The snapshot is expected to contain details on files / data being backed up. The format of the snapshot is only meaningful to the data owner. The snapshot will be supplied if the data owner is asked for an incremental backup and for a restore operation. The snapshot data should be copied to the location supplied. The snapshot data may be larger than the location supplied in which case the routine will be called repeatedly until all data has been retrieved.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being backed up

TPtr8 &aBuffer

a pointer to the base of the location where data can be copied.

TBool &aFinished

on return ETrue if all data has been returned for this drive, else EFalse.

Leave codes


if the data owner does not support incremental backups.


virtual void InitialiseGetBackupDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive)=0;


This method prepares the implementor to return backup data. It will be followed by a sequence of calls to request the actual data.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being backed up.


virtual void GetBackupDataSectionL(TPtr8 &aBuffer, TBool &aFinished)=0;


This method requests a section of backup data. InitialiseGetBackupDataL() will have been called prevously to specify the drive concerned. The data returned may be base or incremental depending on the type of backup and the capability of the data owner.


TPtr8 &aBuffer

a pointer to the base of the location where data can be copied.

TBool &aFinished

on return ETrue if all data has been returned for this drive, else EFalse.


virtual void InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive)=0;


This method prepares the implementor to receive base restore data for a drive. It will be followed by a sequence of calls to supply the actual data.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being restored.


virtual void RestoreBaseDataSectionL(TDesC8 &aBuffer, TBool aFinished)=0;


This method receives a section of base restore data. InitialiseRestoreBaseDataL() will have been called prevously to specify the drive concerned.


TDesC8 &aBuffer

a pointer to the base of the location whence data can be read.

TBool aFinished

ETrue if all data has been returned for this drive, else EFalse.


virtual void InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL(TDriveNumber aDrive)=0;


This method prepares the implementor to receive incremental restore data for a drive. It will be followed by a sequence of calls to supply the actual data. If multiple increments are supplied then this methid will be called before each increment.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being restored.


virtual void RestoreIncrementDataSectionL(TDesC8 &aBuffer, TBool aFinished)=0;


This method receives a section of increment restore data. InitialiseRestoreIncrementDataL() will have been called prevously to specify the drive concerned.


TDesC8 &aBuffer

a pointer to the base of the location whence data can be read.

TBool aFinished

ETrue if all data has been returned for this increment, else EFalse.


virtual void RestoreComplete(TDriveNumber aDrive)=0;


This method is called when all data to be restored has been supplied.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being restored.


inline virtual void InitialiseGetProxyBackupDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDrive);


This method prepares the implementor to return backup data on behalf of another data owner. It will be followed by a sequence of calls to request the actual data. This method is only for use by a proxy data manager that backs up data on behalf of other data owners. There is no corresponding method for snapshots as it is assumed that a proxy data manager will only handle base data.


TSecureId aSID

the data owner whose data is to be backed up

TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being backed up.


inline virtual void InitialiseRestoreProxyBaseDataL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDrive);


This method prepares the implementor to receive base restore data for another data owner for a drive. It will be followed by a sequence of calls to supply the actual data. This method is only for use by a proxy data manager that restores up data on behalf of other data owners. There is no corresponding method for incremental data as it is assumed that a proxy data manager will only handle base data.


TSecureId aSID

the data owner whose data is to be restored

TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive being restored.


virtual void TerminateMultiStageOperation()=0;


This method is called if copying of data is terminated prematurely to allow the implementor to tidy up. The same method applies to all types of data and to backup and restore


inline virtual TAny *GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 aUid);


Gets an extended interface based on a supplied uid.


const TInt32 aUid

Uid which identifies an extended interface

Return value

TAny *

Pointer to an extended interface


virtual TUint GetDataChecksum(TDriveNumber aDrive)=0;


Gets a 32-bit checksum for its private data. This routine is for test purposes. It must be implemented but an invariant checksum value can be provided. Some tests may cause checksum values to be compared.


TDriveNumber aDrive

the drive containing data being checksummed

Return value


the 32-bit checksum

Class CActiveBackupClient

class CActiveBackupClient : public CBase;


CActiveBackupSession provides a connection to the Secure Backup Server for a data owning process.

It can be used to obtain information about an active backup or restore operation. It can also be used to signal to the Secure Backup Server when the data owner is ready for backup or restore.

It is also used by data owners that implement active backup or restore to provide a MActiveBackupDataClient implementation.

This class owns a RActiveBackupSessionImpl instance and publishes the public API to the outside world. The reason for this facade class is twofold:



Defined in conn::CActiveBackupClient:
BURModeInfoL(), ConfirmReadyForBURL(), DoesPartialBURAffectMeL(), NewL(), NewL(), ~CActiveBackupClient()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Construction and destruction


static IMPORT_C CActiveBackupClient *NewL();


This method creates a CActiveBackupSession, connects to the Secure Backup Server and does not wish to be called back so does not supply an implementation of MActiveBackupDataClient.

If this is called when the Secure Backup Server is not active then it will leave with KErrNotSupported.

Return value

CActiveBackupClient *

Pointer to a created CActiveBackupClient object


static IMPORT_C CActiveBackupClient *NewL(MActiveBackupDataClient *aClient);


This method creates a CActiveBackupSession, connects to the Secure Backup Server and supplies a pointer to a MActiveBackupDataClient implementation.

If this is called when the Secure Backup Server is not active then it will leave with KErrNotSupported.


MActiveBackupDataClient *aClient

pointer to an object that implements the MActiveBackupDataClient mixin. If this is NULL then the data owner does not take part in active backup or restore.

Return value

CActiveBackupClient *

Pointer to a created CActiveBackupClient object

Leave codes


only - If an ActiveScheduler is not installed

Panic codes


Debug only - If an ActiveScheduler is not installed


IMPORT_C ~CActiveBackupClient();


Standard destructor.

Member functions


IMPORT_C void BURModeInfoL(TDriveList &aDriveList, TBURPartType &aBackupType, TBackupIncType &aIncBackupType);


This method returns the type(s) of backup / restore operation currently active


TDriveList &aDriveList

list of drives involved in backup and restore

TBURPartType &aBackupType

enumerated type indicating whether a backup or restore is in progress and whether full or partial.

TBackupIncType &aIncBackupType

enumerated type indicating whetherr a backup is base or incremental.


IMPORT_C TBool DoesPartialBURAffectMeL();


This method can be called when a partial backup or restore is active and will indicate whether the calling process is expected to take part. If a full backup or restore is active then this method will return ETrue for all data owners. If no backup or restore is active then this method will return EFalse for all data owners.

Return value


ETrue if the calling data owner is involved in the current backup or restore operation.


IMPORT_C void ConfirmReadyForBURL(TInt aErrorCode);


This method is called to indicate to the Secure Backup Server that the data owner is ready to participate in backup or restore. The data owner must call this method to indicate readiness or the Secure Backup Server will not request or supply backup data.

N.B. The Secure Backup Server will supply snapshot data (if relevant) before a data owner indicates readiness as it assumes that the data owner requires snapshot data in order to prepare for a backp or restore.


TInt aErrorCode

this should be set to KErrNone when the client is ready for backup or restore. If it is set to any other value then it indicates that the client cannot continue with the backup or restore and the error code will be supplied to the remote backup client.


Member enumerations

Enum TBURPartType



The backup / restore state of a device.


0x00000000: The backup / restore mode has not been set


0x00000001: The device as a whole is not engaged in a backup or restore


0x00000002: The device as a whole is engaged in a backup of all components data


0x00000004: The device as a whole is engaged in a backup of selected components data


0x00000008: The device as a whole is engaged in a restore of all components data


0x00000010: The device as a whole is engaged in a restore of all components data

Enum TBackupIncType



The type of a backup.


0x00000000: No backup is in progress


0x00000100: The backup is a base backup, i.e. it includes all files / data


0x00000200: The backup is an incremental backup, i.e. it includes only files / data that have changed since a previous backup


Member data


const TUint KUidBackupRestoreKey;


Secure Backup and Restore publish and subscribe key

Secure Backup and Restore uses a Publish and Subscribe key to publish the current backup / restore state.

The key is a system key so the category to be used when subscribing is KUidSystemCategoryValue The key to be used is KUidBackupRestoreKey. The value is a bit-wise OR of a TBURPartType value and a TBackupIncType value This means that a normal state (i.e. non-backup or restore) is EBURNormal | ENoBackup but If the key has not been set (i.e. == 0) then no backup or restore is in progress either


const TUint KBURPartTypeMask;


TBURPartType Bitmask


const TUint KBackupIncTypeMask;


TBackupIncType Bitmask