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Location: S32FILE.H
Link against: estor.lib

Class CDictionaryFileStore

class CDictionaryFileStore : public CDictionaryStore;


File based dictionary store.

A dictionary store is a store where a stream is accessed by UID, rather than directly by stream ID. A dictionary store contains streams in the usual way but, in addition, the root stream is a stream dictionary, i.e. a CStreamDictionary type.



Defined in CDictionaryFileStore:
OpenL(), OpenLC(), SystemL(), SystemLC()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Inherited from CDictionaryStore:
Commit(), CommitL(), ConstructL(), IsNullL(), IsPresentL(), Remove(), RemoveL(), Revert(), RevertL(), iStore

Member functions


static IMPORT_C CDictionaryFileStore *SystemL(RFs &aFs);


Opens the system dictionary file store.


RFs &aFs

Handle to a file server session.

Return value

CDictionaryFileStore *

A pointer to the system file based dictionary store object.


static IMPORT_C CDictionaryFileStore *SystemLC(RFs &aFs);


Opens the system dictionary file store and puts the pointer to the file store object onto the cleanup stack.


RFs &aFs

Handle to a file server session.

Return value

CDictionaryFileStore *

A pointer to the system file based dictionary store object.


static IMPORT_C CDictionaryFileStore *OpenL(RFs &aFs, const TDesC &aName, TUid aUid3);


Creates a file based dictionary store object.

If the file with the specified full path name exists, then an attempt is made to open an existing file store contained within this file. Any existing file store must satisfy the following conditions:

it must be a valid dictionary store

the third UID component of the file store type must match the specified UID; this UID serves to differentiate between dictionary stores

otherwise the function leaves with KErrCorrupt.

If the file with the specified full path name does not exist, then an attempt is made to create a new file and to create a file based dictionary within it. The third UID component of the file store type is set to the specified UID value.

Note that the file is opened in exclusive access mode.


RFs &aFs

Handle to a file server session.

const TDesC &aName

The full path name of the file.

TUid aUid3

The UID used to differentiate between dictionary stores.

Return value

CDictionaryFileStore *

A pointer to the file based dictionary store object.

See also:


static IMPORT_C CDictionaryFileStore *OpenLC(RFs &aFs, const TDesC &aName, TUid aUid3);


Creates a file based dictionary store object and puts the pointer onto the cleanup stack.

If the file with the specified full path name exists, then an attempt is made to open an existing file store contained within this file. Any existing file store must satisfy the following conditions:

it must be a valid dictionary store

the third UID component of the file store type must match the specified UID; this UID serves to differentiate between dictionary stores

otherwise the function leaves with KErrCorrupt.

If the file with the specified full path name does not exist, then an attempt is made to create a new file and to create a file based dictionary within it. The third UID component of the file store type is set to the specified UID value.

Note that the file is opened in exclusive access mode.


RFs &aFs

Handle to a file server session.

const TDesC &aName

The full path name of the file.

TUid aUid3

The UID used to differentiate between dictionary stores.

Return value

CDictionaryFileStore *

A pointer to the file based dictionary store object.

See also: