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Architecture of the Unified Trace Solution

The full Unified Trace solution consists of the following components:

The following diagram illustrates the high-level architecture of the Unified Trace solution.

Unified Trace solution architecture

Unified Trace solution architecture

UTrace OS component

UTrace non-OS component


Provided by Nokia


Provided by Eclipse

Trace viewer

Uses the TPTP module to view traces in CBE format.

Trace config API

Java API-Windows service and host-side device driver to remote configure ULogger


Command Line Interface used to configure ULogger


Used to start logging at device boot.


Filters traces coming from UTrace


BTrace.dll-provides an API to access the BTrace buffer, this implements the BTrace handler.

The tracing process consists of three basic phases:


ULogger engine

ULogger enables you to configure and capture trace data from a device. ULogger engine comprises of the following components:

RULogger client API

ULogger engine component provides a client RULogger API that allows clients to connect to and configure the ULogger server. The ULogger engine allows Trace Collectors to do the following tasks:

Using the RULogger client API

A Trace Collector, using the RULogger client API to customise their client, needs to follow these guidelines

To use the RULogger client API, complete the following steps:

  1. Include the uloggerclient.lib library in the MMP file.

  2. Call the RULogger client API from the epoc32/include/uloggerclient.h file.

Plug-in framework

ULogger engine component provides the following two types of plug-in frameworks that can be implemented for communication (input and output) channels.

Considerations for using the ULogger engine:

Trace Collectors should take into account the following considerations before using the ULogger engine: