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: Decoding/Encoding an image using the Image
Conversion Library
This example application demonstrates how to convert still images, stored
in files or descriptors, to and from bitmap objects using the Image Conversion
Library (ICL) API. It is located in the folder
The overview contains the following sections:
The example application demonstrates how to encode, decode, rotate and scale an image using the plug-ins provided by ICL. It covers the following scenarios:
Decoding an image format from a descriptor or a file
Encoding an image format into a descriptor
Rotating a bitmap
Scaling a bitmap with or without a mask.
Note: An ECom session is started internally by the ICL
framework, as it uses the ECom framework. The session is ended by calling the
The application creates and initialises a decoder
) object to decode either from a descriptor
or a file to a bitmap. It uses the
functions to specify the
descriptor and file image sources respectively. After the source is specified,
the application creates a bitmap (CFbsBitmap
) object to
store the decoded image. Finally, the
function is called to start
decoding process.
Apart from decoding an image from a file or a descriptor to a bitmap, the example application also demonstrates the following:
decoding a JPEG image to a YUV format image frame using a
object. Before starting the
decoding process by calling the
function, the
is called to find out whether the image supports YUV format or not.
accessing the thumbnail and Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format)
metadata of a JPEG image using a CJPEGExifDecoder
decoding a JPEG image thumbnail to a bitmap
decoding an image to bitmaps of different sizes using the
decoding an image in a separate thread using the
decoding a multi-frame GIF image to bitmap
decoding a GIF image to a bitmap with a mask
displaying comments attached to the image and its frames, using
the CImageDecoder::ImageCommentL()
The application creates and initialises an encoder
) object to encode the bitmap to a
descriptor. It uses the CImageEncoder::DataNewL()
to specify the descriptor to be used to store the encoded image. The
application creates a bitmap (CFbsBitmap
) object to
represent the source bitmap. Finally, the
function is called to start the
encoding process.
Apart from encoding a bitmap to a descriptor, the example application also demonstrates the following:
accessing the thumbnail and setting Exif metadata using
resizing an image and preserving image data using an object of
the CImageTransform
adding a thumbnail and Exif metadata to a JPEG image using
, CJPEGExifEncoder
The example application rotates a bitmap using an object of the
The example application scales a bitmap using an object of the
Note: The application uses an object of the
class to store image header information, such
as, image size, dimension of the frame, colour depth and so on.
The Symbian OS build process describes how to build an application.
The IclExample
builds an executable called
in the standard location
<build_variant> for
CodeWarrior). After launching the executable, depending on the emulator you are
using, you may need to task away from the application launcher/shell screen to
view the console.
// bld.inf
// ICLExample
// Copyright ©) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
smiley.bmp \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\smiley.bmp
clock.gif \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\clock.gif
am475.gif \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\am475.gif
thumbimage.jpg \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\thumbimage.jpg
comment.jpg \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\comment.jpg
exifencode.jpg \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\exifencode.jpg
yuvimage.jpg \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\yuvimage.jpg
source.mbm \epoc32\WINSCW\C\ICLExample\source.mbm
// iclexample.mmp
// Copyright ©) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
TARGET iclexample.exe
UID 0 0xE80000B3
CAPABILITY ReadUserData WriteUserData
SOURCE iclmainexample.cpp
SOURCE icldecodeexample.cpp
SOURCE iclencodeexample.cpp
SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY gdi.lib
LIBRARY fbscli.lib
LIBRARY ImageConversion.lib
LIBRARY imagedisplay.lib
LIBRARY efsrv.lib
LIBRARY jpegexifplugin.lib
LIBRARY jpegimageframeplugin.lib
LIBRARY bitmaptransforms.lib
LIBRARY ecom.lib
LIBRARY exifutility.lib
LIBRARY gifscaler.lib
LIBRARY imagetransform.lib
// iclexample.h
// Copyright ©) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
Contains the CIclExample class.
#ifndef __ICLEXAMPLE_H__
#define __ICLEXAMPLE_H__
// Symbian OS includes
#include <bitmaptransforms.h>
#include <iclexifimageframe.h>
#include <exifutility.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
// Literals
_LIT(KTitle, "ICL Example" );
_LIT(KWelcomeMessage,"\n Welcome to ICL Example \n");
_LIT(KPressAKeyMsg, "\n Press any key to step through the example\n");
_LIT(KExitMsg, "\n Press any key to exit the application ");
_LIT(KPressAKey, "\n Press any key to continue\n");
_LIT(KFailed, "\n Failed to complete");
_LIT(KDecode,"\n Decoding Bitmap ");
_LIT(KDecodeFromDescriptorToBitmap, "\n Decode descriptor to bitmap \n");
_LIT(KDecodeFromDescriptorAndFile, "\n File %S successfully decoded from descriptor and file\n");
_LIT(KDecodeToHalfFourthAndEighthSizedBmp, "\n File %S successfully decoded to half,fourth and eighth sized bitmap using reduction factor and reduced size\n");
_LIT(KSeparateThreadAndCancelAndContinueConvert, "\n File %S successfully decoded using separate thread and Continue convert \n");
_LIT(KDecodeUsingImageMask, "\n Decode using image mask\n");
_LIT(KDecodeToYuv, "\n File %S successfully decoded to image frame Yuv\n");
_LIT(KDecodeUsingSepThread, "\n Decode using separate thread\n");
_LIT(KAccessThumbnailToDecode, "\n JPEG thumbnail access\n");
_LIT(KAccessExifMetadata, "\n Access Exif metadata\n");
_LIT(KDisplayingImageComments, "\nDecode and display image comments\n");
_LIT(KGettingMimeTypeOfSourceDescriptor, "\nGet the MIME type of a source image descriptor, and load a decoder using a MIME type\n");
_LIT(KRChunk, "aRChunkICL");
_LIT(KAccessExifThumbnailAndDecodeThumbnail, "\nEXIF And JPEG thumbnail accessed and thumbnail part of file %S decoded successfully\n");
_LIT(KImageMaskAndMultiFrameImageDecode, "\nFile %S successfully decoded using image mask and Multiframe image \n");
_LIT(KImageAndFrameComment, "\nImage comment and frame comment accessed successfully\n");
_LIT(KGettingMimeTypeFromSourceAndFile, "\nFile %S decoded successfully after getting the MIME type from source image\n");
_LIT(KEncode, "\n Encoding Bitmap ");
_LIT(KFileEncode, "\nFile %S encoded successfully to descriptor\n");
_LIT(KEncodeImageWithThumbnail, "\nEncode a JPEG thumbnail of an image\n");
_LIT(KAccessToThumbnailAndExifSetting,"\nThumbnail access and setting Exif metadata to image successful\n");
_LIT(KFileRotate, "\nBitmap rotated successfully\n");
_LIT(KScaleBitmap, "\nBitmap scaled successfully including optional selection of low memory and quality algorithms\n");
_LIT(KSetSourceDestinationandResize, "\nResize using CImageTransform\n");
_LIT(KFileRotateAfterDecode, "\nFile %S rotated successfully after being decoded\n");
_LIT(KSetSourceAndDestinationAndResize, "\nSetting source and destination and resize and preserve image data successful\n");
_LIT8(KExifMetadata, "Smiley bitmap");
_LIT8(KBuf8ParamWriteVersion, "Add Exif data");
_LIT(KExifAndThumbnailAdded, "\nAdding thumbnail and Exif metadata successful\n");
_LIT(KAddThumbnailToJpegFile, "\nAdd thumbnail to JPEG file\n");
_LIT(KPluginLoadedSpecificToUID, "\nPlugin loaded according to specific uid\n");
_LIT(KScaledWithWithoutAndThresholdScaling, "\nScaling with and without mask and threshold scaling successful\n");
class CActiveListener;
Demonstrates some uses of the Symbian OS ICL (Image Converter Library) component.
The class demonstrates how to decode, encode, rotate and scale images using the plug-ins provided by ICL.
It covers the following use-cases of the ICL component:
- Decoding an image:
- from a descriptor
- from a file
- using an image mask
- using separate thread
- using the image thumbnail
- using mult-frame
- that supports YUV format into an image frame
- Encoding an image to a descriptor with EXIF metadata
- Rotating a bitmap
- Scaling a bitmap with and without mask
class CIclExample: public CBase
static CIclExample* NewLC();
CActiveListener* CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
void DecodeFromDescriptorToBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeFromFileToBitmapL(const TDesC& aFilename);
void DecodeToYuvFrameL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void AccessThumbnailToDecodeL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void AccessExifMetadataL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeUsingSepThreadL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeToHalfFourthAndEighthSizedBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeUsingImageMaskL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void MultiFrameImageDecodeL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeTheThumbnailL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeUsingContinueConvertL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DisplayingImageCommentsL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DisplayingFrameCommentsL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void GettingMimeTypeOfSourceDescriptorL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void GettingMimeTypeOfSourceFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void EncodeBitmapToDescriptorL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void EncodeImageWithThumbnailL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void SettingExifMetadataL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void RotateBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void ScaleBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void DecodeWithRotateL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void SetSourceDestinationandResizeL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void SettingWithUseOfPreserveImageDataL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void AddThumbnailToJpegFileL(const TDesC& aSrcFileName, const TDesC& aDesFileName );
void AddExifDataToJpegFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
void LoadPluginByUidL(const TDesC& aFilename, TUid aCodecUid);
void ConstructL();
TPtr8 LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(const TDesC& aFileName);
/* File server session */
RFs iFs;
CActiveListener provides the asynchronous operation
of an active object
class CActiveListener : public CActive
static CActiveListener* NewLC();
void InitializeActiveListener();
TBool IsRequestCancelled();
virtual void RunL();
virtual void DoCancel();
#endif //__ICLEXAMPLE_H__
// icldecodeexample.cpp
// Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
The code demonstrates various decode functionality of CIclExample
#include "iclexample.h"
Note 1: For demonstration purposes we create a client side active object which can handle
the asynchronous request to decode the image. In a standard application the asynchronous
call would be made passing in a TRequestStatus object associate with an active object
which is part of that application. We would return to the main UI processing thread in
which an active scheduler is running and wait for the asynchronous request to complete. In
this demonstration we need to manually start the active scheduler.
Note 2: Starts the active scheduler - this is for demonstration purposes. See Note 1:
Demonstrates how to decode an image for which the content of the file has been loaded into memory.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
@leave KErrCouldNotConnect A session could not connect
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrTooBig A number is too big
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeFromDescriptorToBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image (first frame)
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, destBitmap, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to decode an image which has been loaded into a file.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
@leave KErrCouldNotConnect A session could not connect
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrTooBig A number is too big
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeFromFileToBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
// Create the decoder, passing the filename. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(iFs, aFileName);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image (first frame)
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // activeListener, destBitmap and imageDecoder
Demonstrates how to decode a JPEG image to an uncompressed YUV image frame.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrNotSupported Functionality is not supported
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeToYuvFrameL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
RChunk chunk;
TInt imageSizeInBytes;
// Create the decoder, passing the filename. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CJPEGImageFrameDecoder* jpegImageDecoder = static_cast<CJPEGImageFrameDecoder*>( CJPEGImageFrameDecoder::FileNewL(iFs, aFileName));
// Check the image whether it's supporting YUV or not
if ( jpegImageDecoder->RecommendedBufferSize(imageSizeInBytes) == EFalse )
User::LeaveIfError(chunk.CreateGlobal(KRChunk, imageSizeInBytes, imageSizeInBytes, EOwnerProcess));
// Create an empty imageframe
CImageFrame* imageFrame = CImageFrame::NewL(&chunk, imageSizeInBytes, 0);
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image to YUV image frame
jpegImageDecoder->ConvertFrame(&activeListener->iStatus, *imageFrame, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete either display the image or report an error.
// YUV pixel buffer can be used if appropriate screen driver is available
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, imageFrame, chunk and jpegImageDecoder
Demonstrates accessing the JPEG thumbnail of an image for which the content of the file
has been loaded into memory.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt Either the plugin cannot interpret data, or links between sections have been corrupted
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
void CIclExample::AccessThumbnailToDecodeL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CJPEGExifDecoder* exifDecoder = static_cast<CJPEGExifDecoder*> (CJPEGExifDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr));
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = exifDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
exifDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // access and decode to thumbnail complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, destBitmap, exifDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to access Exif metadata of an image.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrNotSupported Functionality is not supported
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrOverflow An overflow in some operation
void CIclExample::AccessExifMetadataL(const TDesC& aFileName)
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CJPEGExifDecoder* exifDecoder = static_cast<CJPEGExifDecoder*>(CJPEGExifDecoder::FileNewL(iFs, aFileName));
// Create a MExifMetadata object and Initializes to metadata associated with the CJPEGExifDecoder
MExifMetadata* metaData = exifDecoder->ExifMetadata();
// Create a TExifReaderUtility object and pass the metadata to read it
if ( metaData != NULL )
TExifReaderUtility reader(metaData);
HBufC8* buffer8Bit = NULL;
// Image metadata buffer can be used here
delete buffer8Bit;
Demonstrates how to decode the thumbnail of the image for which the content of the
file has been loaded into memory.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt Either the plugin cannot interpret data, or links between sections have been corrupted
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
@leave KErrCouldNotConnect A session could not connect
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrTooBig A number is too big
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeTheThumbnailL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer . The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder= CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Set the image type to thumbnail to decode only the thumbnail part of the image
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the thumbnail part of the image
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, destBitmap, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to decode an image using separate thread.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeUsingSepThreadL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer and decoder option as EOptionAlwaysThread. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr, CImageDecoder::EOptionAlwaysThread);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap , KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete using separate thread either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, destBitmap, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to decode an image to ½, ¼ and 1/8 sized bitmaps for which the content of the file
has been loaded into memory.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range.
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeToHalfFourthAndEighthSizedBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
// Create a new TSize object which is half the size of original size
// and pass this size to the destination bitmap
TSize halfSize;
TInt reductionFactor = 1; // half size, but quarter (2) and eighth (3) size are possible too
imageDecoder->ReducedSize(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, reductionFactor, halfSize);
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(halfSize, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image to half sized bitmap
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode to half sized bitmap complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, destBitmap, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to decode an image using an image mask for which the content of the file
has been loaded into memory.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range.
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeUsingImageMaskL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
// for both destination bitmap and destination mask bitmap
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
if ( frameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible )
// we can decode the mask
CFbsBitmap* destBitmapMask = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
// mask bitmap type depends on presence of alpha channel
TDisplayMode bitmapMode = (frameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::EAlphaChannel) ? EGray256 : EGray2;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmapMask->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, bitmapMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Decoding the frame and separating the mask from the main image.
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, *destBitmapMask, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete using an image mask either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // activeListener, destBitmapMask
// no mask available - in this case we decode without mask
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete without using mask either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // destBitmap, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to decode a multi-frame image for which the content of the file
has been loaded into memory.
The image is decoded into a bitmap which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::MultiFrameImageDecodeL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // First frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and
// can create the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(KFrameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// Read the number of frames
const TInt KNumberOfFrame = imageDecoder->FrameCount();
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CActiveListener::NewLC();
// Iterate all the frames and display them
for ( TInt frameNumber = 0; frameNumber < KNumberOfFrame; ++frameNumber )
// Convert the multi frame image
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, frameNumber);
// See Note 1
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete using multiframe image either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output and it gets overwritten each loop. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, destBitmap, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to decode an image using CBufferedImageDecoder::Convert() and
CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueConvert() functions.
The image is decoded into a bitmap, which can later be displayed on the screen.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::DecodeUsingContinueConvertL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
const TInt KChunkSize = 32;
// Open the file containing the image and get the size.
// Create a TPtr object to wrap the pointer to the buffer.
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs, aFileName, EFileShareReadersOnly|EFileStream|EFileRead));
// Read the file size
TInt fileSize = 0;
// Allocate the buffer for the file read in chunks
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(KChunkSize);
TPtr8 bufferPtr(buffer->Des());
// Read the first chunk from the file
User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(bufferPtr, KChunkSize));
// Create the decoder passing the File Server session and attempt to open the decoder
CBufferedImageDecoder* decoder = CBufferedImageDecoder::NewL(iFs);
// The image is recognised by the Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and
// the image headers parsed.
for ( decoder->OpenL(bufferPtr); ! decoder->ValidDecoder(); decoder->ContinueOpenL() )
// read next chunk of data
User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(bufferPtr, KChunkSize));
// Make sure the header has been fully processed
for ( ; ! decoder->IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete(); decoder->ContinueProcessingHeaderL() )
// read next chunk of data
User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(bufferPtr, KChunkSize));
// Create the destination bitmap
const TFrameInfo frameInfo = decoder->FrameInfo(0);
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image (first frame) using Convert() function for the first piece of code
// and ContinueConvert() function for the remaining piece of code
// Fed the image piece by piece in to decoder when the error code is KErrUnderflow until it becomes KErrNone
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
decoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *bitmap, KFrameNumber);
// See Note 2
for ( TInt status = activeListener->iStatus.Int(); status == KErrUnderflow; status = activeListener->iStatus.Int() )
if ( status != KErrNone && status != KErrUnderflow )
// even if it attempts to read more byte, the Read function won't exceed the end
// and return the number of read bytes.
User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(bufferPtr, KChunkSize));
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5); // file, buffer, decoder, bitmap and activeListener
Demonstrates how to display the comments contained in an image for which the content of the file
has been loaded into memory.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
void CIclExample::DisplayingImageCommentsL(const TDesC& aFileName)
TInt numberOfImageComment;
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Count the number of image comments attached to the specified image
numberOfImageComment = imageDecoder->NumberOfImageComments();
for ( TInt commentNumber = 0; commentNumber < numberOfImageComment; ++commentNumber )
HBufC* imageComment = imageDecoder->ImageCommentL(commentNumber);
TPtrC commentPtr = imageComment->Des();
// Decoded image comments can be displayed here
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to display the comments contained in frame of an image for which the content of the file
has been loaded into memory.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
void CIclExample::DisplayingFrameCommentsL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt KFrameNumber = 0; // first frame
TInt numberOfComment = 0;
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
for ( TInt frameNumber = 0; frameNumber < imageDecoder->FrameCount(); ++frameNumber )
// Count the number of frame comments
numberOfComment = imageDecoder->NumberOfFrameComments(frameNumber);
for ( TInt commentNumber = 0; commentNumber < numberOfComment; ++commentNumber )
HBufC* frameComment = imageDecoder->FrameCommentL(frameNumber,commentNumber);
TPtrC commentPtr = frameComment->Des();
// Decoded frame comments can be displayed here
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to get the mime type of source in descriptor and load the decoder using this mime type.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrPermissionDenied An operation cannot be performed due to a potential security violation
@leave KErrInUse Requested resource is already in use
void CIclExample::GettingMimeTypeOfSourceDescriptorL(const TDesC& aFileName)
TBuf8<128> theMimeType;
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Call GetMimeTypeDataL() function of CImageDecoder to get the mime type of specified file
CImageDecoder::GetMimeTypeDataL(imageFromFilePtr, theMimeType);
// Create the decoder, passing the image buffer. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr, theMimeType);
// Decoded image mime can be displayed here after convert operation.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // imageDecoder and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to get the mime type of source in file and load the decoder using this mime type.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
void CIclExample::GettingMimeTypeOfSourceFileL(const TDesC& aFileName)
TBuf8<128> theMimeType;
// Call GetMimeTypeFileL() function of CImageDecoderGet to get the mime type of source file
CImageDecoder::GetMimeTypeFileL(iFs, aFileName, theMimeType);
// Create the decoder, passing the filename and mime type. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(iFs, aFileName, theMimeType);
// Decoded image mime can be displayed here after convert operation
Demonstrates how to resolve and load a plug-in by specific UID
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@param TUid aCodecUid specific Uid to load the decoder
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
void CIclExample::LoadPluginByUidL(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid aCodecUid)
// create the decoder, passing the filename. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed according to Uid.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = NULL;
imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(iFs, aFileName, CImageDecoder::EOptionNone, aCodecUid);
// Decoder can be used here
Demonstrates how to decode a bitmap including rotation of image MNG/GIF 'Animation'
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave EFrameNumberOutOfRange Frame range is out of limit
@leave KErrCouldNotConnect A session could not connect
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrTooBig A number is too big
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
@leave ENoSourceBitmap Invalid source bitmap
void CIclExample::DecodeWithRotateL(const TDesC& aFileName)
const TInt frameNumber = 0; // first frame
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// create the decoder, passing in the image memory. The image is recognised by the
// Image Conversion Library, an appropriate codec plugin loaded and the image
// headers parsed.
// If the image is not recognised or valid then the call will leave with an error
CImageDecoder* imageDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFs, imageFromFilePtr);
// Since the image header has been parsed we can find out the image size and can create
// the bitmap to match the display mode we wish to support.
const TFrameInfo& frameInfo = imageDecoder->FrameInfo(frameNumber);
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image (first frame)
imageDecoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, frameNumber);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // decode complete either display the image or report an error.
// Create a CBitmapRotator object and push it on the cleanup stack
CBitmapRotator* rotator = CBitmapRotator::NewL();
// Rotate the bitmap through the specified angle
rotator->Rotate(&activeListener->iStatus, *destBitmap, CBitmapRotator::ERotation180DegreesClockwise);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // rotate complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. The rotated image can also be displayed instead.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5); // rotator, destBitmap, activeListener, imageDecoder and imageInMemory
// iclencodeexample.cpp
// Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
This code demonstrates various encoding,rotating and scaling functionality of images in
ICL component
Note 1: For demonstration purposes we create a client side active object which can
handle the asynchronous request to decode the image. In a standard application the asynchronous
call would be made passing in a TRequestStatus object associate with an active object
which is part of that application. We would return to the main UI processing thread in
which an active scheduler is running and wait for the asynchronous request to complete. In
this demonstration we need to manually start the active scheduler.
Note 2: Starts the active scheduler - this is for demonstration purposes. See Note 1:
#include "iclexample.h"
#include <gifscaler.h>
#include <imagetransform.h>
Demonstrates how to encode an image into a descriptor.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::EncodeBitmapToDescriptorL(const TDesC& aFileName)
HBufC8* encodedImageDescriptor = NULL;
// Create the encoder, passing a buffer to store the encoded image
CImageEncoder* encoder = CImageEncoder::DataNewL(encodedImageDescriptor, CImageEncoder::EOptionNone,KImageTypeGIFUid);
// Create a CFbsBitmap to store the source bitmap to encode
CFbsBitmap* sourceBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(sourceBitmap->Create(TSize(20,30), EColor16M));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
encoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *sourceBitmap);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int());// encode complete either display the image or report an error.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // encoder, sourceBitmap and activeListener
// We can use the descriptor here
// And as we took ownership back, we need to push into the cleanup stack to make sure no
// memory leaks take place if any leave later
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError(file.Replace(iFs, _L("c:\\ICLExample\\encodeddescriptor.mbm"), EFileWrite));
Demonstrates how to encode a JPEG thumbnail of an image.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrUnderflow An underflow in some operation
void CIclExample::EncodeImageWithThumbnailL(const TDesC& aFileName)
HBufC8* encodedImageDescriptor = NULL;
// Create the encoder, passing a buffer to store the encoded image
CImageEncoder* encoder = CImageEncoder::DataNewL(encodedImageDescriptor, CImageEncoder::EOptionNone, KImageTypeJPGUid);
// Set the image type to thumbnail
// Create a bitmap to access the thumbnail
CFbsBitmap* sourceBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(sourceBitmap->Create(TSize(250,200), EColor16M));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
encoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *sourceBitmap);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // access to thumbnail complete either display the image or report an error.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // encoder, sourceBitmap and activeListener
// We can use the descriptor here
// And as we took ownership back, we need to push into the cleanup stack to make sure no
// memory leaks take place if any leave later
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError(file.Replace(iFs, _L("c:\\ICLExample\\encodedbitmapwiththumbnail.mbm"), EFileWrite));
Demonstrates how to set the exif metadata of an image.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrCorrupt The plugin cannot interpret data
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrNotSupported Functionality is not supported
void CIclExample::SettingExifMetadataL(const TDesC& aFileName)
HBufC8* encodedImageDescriptor = NULL;
// Create the encoder, passing a buffer to store the encoded image
CJPEGExifEncoder* exifEncoder = static_cast<CJPEGExifEncoder*>(CImageEncoder::DataNewL(encodedImageDescriptor, CImageEncoder::EOptionNone, KImageTypeJPGUid));
// Create a MExifMetadata object and initialize it with the metadata associated with CJPEGexifEncoder
MExifMetadataWriter* metaData = exifEncoder->ExifMetadata();
// Create a TExifWriterUtility object to write the metadata in to the image
TExifWriterUtility exifWriteUtility(metaData);
HBufC8* buf8ParamWriteVersion = KBuf8ParamWriteVersion().AllocLC();
// Create a bitmap
CFbsBitmap* sourceBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(sourceBitmap->Create(TSize(250,200), EColor16M));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
exifEncoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *sourceBitmap);
// See Note 2
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // encoder, sourceBitmap and activeListener
// We can use the descriptor here
// And as we took ownership back, we need to push into the cleanup stack to make sure no
// memory leaks take place if any leave later
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError(file.Replace(iFs, _L("c:\\ICLExample\\settingexifdescriptor.mbm"), EFileWrite));
Demonstrates how to rotate a bitmap.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave ENoSourceBitmap Invalid source bitmap
void CIclExample::RotateBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName)
// Create a CBitmapRotator object and push it on the cleanup stack
CBitmapRotator* rotator = CBitmapRotator::NewL();
// Create a source bitmap
CFbsBitmap* sourceBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(sourceBitmap->Create(TSize(15,20), EColor16M));
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Rotate the bitmap through the specified angle
rotator->Rotate(&activeListener->iStatus, *sourceBitmap, CBitmapRotator::ERotation180DegreesClockwise);
// See Note 2
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // rotator, sourceBitmap and activeListener
Demonstrates how to scale a bitmap including optional selection of low memory
and quality algorithms.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KErrNotSupported Functionality is not supported
void CIclExample::ScaleBitmapL(const TDesC& aFileName)
// Create a source bitmap object and push it on to the cleanup stack
CFbsBitmap* sourceBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(sourceBitmap->Create(TSize(100,100), EGray2));
// Create a destination bitmap object and push it on to the cleanup stack
CFbsBitmap* destBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(destBitmap->Create(TSize(20,30), EColor16M));
// Scale the bitmap with old algorithm
// Create a CBitmapScaler object and push it on to the cleanup stack
CBitmapScaler* scaler = CBitmapScaler::NewL();
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Scale the bitmap using low memory and medium quality algorithm
// Call the scale() function of CBitmapScaler to perform the scaling operation with optional selection of low memory
scaler->Scale(&activeListener->iStatus, *sourceBitmap, *destBitmap, EFalse);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int());// scale complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output. Descriptor can also be used instead
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, scaler, destBitmap and sourceBitmap
1) Specifies the name of the source file containing the image to transform
2) Defines the destination descriptor
3) Resize using CImageTransform
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
void CIclExample::SetSourceDestinationandResizeL(const TDesC& aFileName)
HBufC8* desData = NULL;
// Create CImageTransform object and push it on to the cleanup stack
CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
imageTransform->SetDestSizeInPixelsL(TSize(160, 120), ETrue);
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Call Transform() function of CImageTransform for image transform operation
// See Note 2
// destData ownership is on CLI side if something goes wrong
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // imageTransform and activeListener
// We can use the destination data here
// And as we took ownership back, we need to push into the cleanup stack to make sure no
// memory leaks take place if any leave later
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError(file.Replace(iFs, _L("c:\\ICLExample\\destdata.mbm"), EFileWrite));
1) Specifies the source descriptor containing the image to transform
2) Specifies the name of the destination file where the transformed image
is to be written to.
3) Transforms the bitmap
4) Either specify that the original image data is to be preserved, as far as possible,
or that the image data should be re-encoded to produce a more size-efficient image.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
void CIclExample::SettingWithUseOfPreserveImageDataL(const TDesC& aFileName)
TPtr8 imageFromFilePtr = LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(aFileName);
// Create CImageTransform object and push it on to the cleanup stack
CImageTransform* imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
imageTransform->SetDestSizeInPixelsL(TSize(160, 120), ETrue);
// Call Transform() function of CImageTransform for image transform operation
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Call Transform() function of CImageTransform for image transform operation
// See Note 2
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // activeListener, imageTransform and imageInMemory
Demonstrates how to add thumbnail to JPEG file.
@param aSrcFileName The specified file where the source image is stored
@param aDesFileName The specified
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrNotSupported Functionality is not supported
void CIclExample::AddThumbnailToJpegFileL(const TDesC& aSrcFileName, const TDesC& aDesFileName)
// Create a CImageTransform object and push it on to the cleanup stack
CImageTransform* imageTransform = NULL;
imageTransform = CImageTransform::NewL(iFs);
imageTransform->SetDestSizeInPixelsL(TSize(160, 120), ETrue);
// encode the image to add thumbnail
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Call Transform() function of CImageTransform for image transform operation
// See Note 2
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // activeListener and imageTransform
Demonstrates how to add Exif data to a JPEG file.
@param aFileName The specified file where the image is stored
@leave KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified ECom could not find the specified interface
@leave KErrNotFound Either the appropriate plugin decoder for this file hasn't been found, or the file itself is missing
@leave KErrArgument An argument is out of range
@leave KErrNotSupported Functionality is not supported
@leave KErrOverflow An overflow in some operation
void CIclExample::AddExifDataToJpegFileL(const TDesC& aFileName)
HBufC8* encodedImageDescriptor = NULL;
// Create the encoder, passing a buffer to store the encoded image
CJPEGExifEncoder* exifEncoder = static_cast<CJPEGExifEncoder*>(CImageEncoder::DataNewL(encodedImageDescriptor, CImageEncoder::EOptionNone, KImageTypeJPGUid));
// Create a MExifMetadata object and initializes to metadata associated with CJPEGexifEncoder
MExifMetadataWriter* metaData = exifEncoder->ExifMetadata();
// Create a TExifWriterUtility object to write the metadata in to the image
TExifWriterUtility exifWriteUtility(metaData);
HBufC8* buf8ParamWriteVersion = KBuf8ParamWriteVersion().AllocLC();
// Create a CFbsBitmap to store the source bitmap to encode
CFbsBitmap* sourceBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
User::LeaveIfError(sourceBitmap->Create(TSize(20,30), EColor16M));
// Create CFrameImageData object and push it on the cleanup stack
CFrameImageData* frameImageData = CFrameImageData::NewL();
// See Note 1
CActiveListener* activeListener = CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC();
// Convert the image
exifEncoder->Convert(&activeListener->iStatus, *sourceBitmap, frameImageData);
// See Note 2
User::LeaveIfError(activeListener->iStatus.Int()); // encode complete either display the image or report an error.
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // activeListener, frameImageData, sourceBitmap and exifEncoder
// We can use the descriptor here
// And as we took ownership back, we need to push into the cleanup stack to make sure no
// memory leaks take place if any leave later
// Just verifying the presence of some output.
RFile file;
User::LeaveIfError(file.Replace(iFs, _L("c:\\ICLExample\\addexifdescriptor.mbm"), EFileWrite));
// iclmainexample.cpp
// Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2007. All rights reserved.
This example program demonstrates the usage of the CIclExample and CActiveListener classes.
It defines E32Main() which internally calls the MainL() function for calling all the
functions of the CIclExample class.
#include "iclexample.h"
CActiveListener factory function
@return A CActiveListener object
CActiveListener* CActiveListener::NewLC()
CActiveListener* self = new(ELeave) CActiveListener;
return self;
Constructor for class CActiveListener
CActiveListener::CActiveListener() : CActive(EPriorityLow)
Handles the request.
This function is derived from CActive
void CActiveListener::RunL()
Cancels the outstanding request.
This function is derived from CActive
void CActiveListener::DoCancel()
Initializes the CActiveListener
void CActiveListener::InitializeActiveListener()
Check that the request has been cancelled.
@return A boolean indicating whether the request has been cancelled or not
TBool CActiveListener::IsRequestCancelled()
return ( iStatus == KErrCancel );
Instance a CIclExample object and push it on the cleanup stack.
Initializes all member data to their default values.
@return A CIclExample object
CIclExample* CIclExample::NewLC()
CIclExample* self = new(ELeave) CIclExample();
return self;
void CIclExample::ConstructL()
// Close REComSession
Opens file and creates file pointer
@param aFileName The specified file to open
@return imageInMemoryPtr A Pointer to iImageInMemory
@leave System-wide error codes
TPtr8 CIclExample::LoadImageIntoMemoryLC(const TDesC& aFileName)
RFile file;
TInt fileSize = 0;
// Open the file for decoding
User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs, aFileName, EFileRead));
HBufC8* imageInMemory = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(fileSize);
TPtr8 imageInMemoryPtr = imageInMemory->Des();
return imageInMemoryPtr;
Creates and Initializes a CActiveListener object.
@return A CActiveListener object
CActiveListener* CIclExample::CreateAndInitializeActiveListenerLC()
// Create an active Listener and push it on the cleanup stack
CActiveListener* activeListener = CActiveListener::NewLC();
return activeListener;
LOCAL_C void MainL()
// Create a CConsoleBase to define console interface
CConsoleBase* gConsole = Console::NewL(KTitle,TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
// Create an active scheduler to handle asychronous calls
CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CIclExample* app = CIclExample::NewLC();
Various Decode functions
// Decode descriptor to bitmap
// Decode from image file to bitmap
gConsole->Printf(KDecodeFromDescriptorAndFile, &KBitmapFile);
// Decode to image frame YUV
gConsole->Printf(KDecodeToYuv, &KYuvBitmap);
// Decode to ½, ¼ and 1/8 sized bitmaps
gConsole->Printf(KDecodeToHalfFourthAndEighthSizedBmp, &KBitmapFile);
// Decode using image mask
// Multi-frame Image Decode
gConsole->Printf(KImageMaskAndMultiFrameImageDecode, &KMultiFrameClock);
// Decode using separate thread
// Decode using continue convert
gConsole->Printf(KSeparateThreadAndCancelAndContinueConvert, &KBitmapFile);
// JPEG thumbnail access
// Access Exif metadata
// Decode the thumbnail part of the image
gConsole->Printf(KAccessExifThumbnailAndDecodeThumbnail, &KThumbFile);
// Decode and display image comments
// Decode and display frame comments
// Get the MIME type of a source image descriptor, and load a decoder using a MIME type
// Get the MIME type of a source image file, and load a decoder using a MIME type
gConsole->Printf(KGettingMimeTypeFromSourceAndFile, &KBitmapFile);
// Decode Bitmap including rotating an image
gConsole->Printf(KFileRotateAfterDecode, &KBitmapFile);
// Load a Plugin by specific UID
app->LoadPluginByUidL(KBitmapExif, KImageTypeJPGUid);
various encode functions
// Encode image frame (YUV) to descriptor
gConsole->Printf(KFileEncode, &KSourceBitmap);
// JPEG thumbnail access
// Setting EXIF metadata
// Rotating a bitmap
// Scaling a bitmap (including optional selection of low memory and quality algorithms)
// Set Source to File and destination to descriptor and resize
// Set Source to descriptor and destination to File and resize
// Adding thumbnail to JPEG file
app->AddThumbnailToJpegFileL(KBitmapExif, KYuvBitmap);
// Adding Exif data to JPEG file
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);// app, scheduler, gConsole
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
if ( cleanup == NULL )
return KErrNoMemory;
TRAPD(err, MainL());
if ( err != KErrNone )
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;