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class CBitmapScaler : public CBase;
The public API for clients to call the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap scaling.
Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap.
- The public API for clients to call the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap scaling.
Defined in CBitmapScaler
Cancel any outstanding activity. CustomCommand(TUid,TAny *)
Provides custom command capabilties on CBitmapScaler. The command is dispatched ...DisablePostProcessing(TBool)
Slowest/highest qualityEMediumQuality
Middle range speed/middle range qualityEMinimumQuality
Fastest/lowest qualityNewL()
Constructs a CBitmapScaler object.Scale(TRequestStatus *,CFbsBitmap &,CFbsBitmap &,TBool)
Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.Scale(TRequestStatus *,CFbsBitmap &,const TSize &,TBool)
Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.SetQualityAlgorithm(TQualityAlgorithm)
An enumeration to specify the level of quality algorithm.UseLowMemoryAlgorithm(TBool)
This is the destructor for the CBitmapScaler and is responsible for deallocating...Inherited from CBase
Delete(CBase *)
Deletes the specified object.Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
Extension function operator new(TUint)
Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary z...operator new(TUint,TAny *)
Initialises the object to binary zeroes.operator new(TUint,TLeave)
Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary z...operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary z...operator new(TUint,TUint)
Allocates the object from the heap and then initialises its contents to binary z...IMPORT_C static CBitmapScaler* NewL();
Constructs a CBitmapScaler object.
IMPORT_C ~CBitmapScaler();
This is the destructor for the CBitmapScaler and is responsible for deallocating all resources alloctaed by the CBitmapScaler.
IMPORT_C void Scale(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap &aSrcBitmap, CFbsBitmap &aTgtBitmap, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio=ETrue);
Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
The scaling factor is based on the relative sizes of the source and target bitmaps. The operation is asynchronous. KErrOverFlow status is set if the sizes of input bitmaps are too large for the algorithm to handle.
The result of the operation is pointed to by aRequestStatus.
IMPORT_C void Scale(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap &aBitmap, const TSize &aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio=ETrue);
Begins the bitmap re-scaling operation.
The scaling factor is based on the relative value of the source bitmap size and the explicitly supplied size. The operation
is asynchronous. When it is complete, successfully or otherwise, the TRequestStatus
is set, passing the state of the operation. KErrOverFlow status is set if the sizes of input bitmaps are too large for the
algorithm to handle.
IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommand(TUid aUid, TAny *aParam);
When a command requires parameters aParam is not NULL.
Provides custom command capabilties on CBitmapScaler. The command is dispatched on aUid and if the command is not known KErrNotSupported will be returned. This function is synchronous.
The Default implementation will support one command to enable and disable post processing on the scale operation The uid of this command is published in the header file. Changes to the status of Post Processing Enabled will become effective only after an exising scaling operation has completed.
inline TInt DisablePostProcessing(TBool aState);
inline TInt UseLowMemoryAlgorithm(TBool aState);
inline TInt SetQualityAlgorithm(TQualityAlgorithm aQualityLevel);
An enumeration to specify the level of quality algorithm.