Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1045 What are the Product IDs that I need to specify in my .PKG file for installation onto devices

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Classification: General Category: Installation
Created: 05/04/2004 Modified: 09/22/2005
Number: FAQ-1045
Platform: Symbian OS v6.1, Symbian OS v7.0, Symbian OS v7.0s, Symbian OS v8.0, Symbian OS v8.0a, Symbian OS v8.1a

Every SIS file in order to be created needs some specifications as to which platform or device it targets, stated in it's corresponding .PKG file. A developer can target a SIS file to a specific product or to a whole range of products. This is achieved by specifying a Product ID, that will refer to either a whole class of devices (based on their GUI), or to a particular product (and possibly variants).

This is a list of Product IDs you can use in your PKG file to specify the target platform of your application.

As a developer one has to decide whether one's application can target and thus be compatible with a range of products, defined by their GUI platform, or with a specific product only - and then carefully select a Product ID from one of the appropriate sets below.

Product IDs for GUI class of devices
UIQ v2.0 0x101F617B
UIQ v2.1 0x101F61CE
Series 60 v0.9 0x101F6F88
Series 60 v1.0 0x101F795F
Series 60 v1.1 (deprecated) 0x101F8201
Series 60 v1.2 0x101F8202
Series 60 Platform, 2nd Ed. 0x101f7960
Series 60 Platform, 2nd Ed., FP1 0x101F9115
Series 60 Platform, 2nd Ed., FP2 0x10200BAB
Series 60 Platform, 2nd Ed., FP3 0x102032BD
Series 60 Platform 3rd Ed. 0x101F7961
Series 80 Platform 2.0 0x101F8ED2
Series 90 Platform 1.1 0x101FBE05
Series 90 Platform 1.1 China Edition 0x101FBE06
Samsung Series 60 2.1 phones 0x10272F37        

Products IDs for specific products
Sony Ericsson P80x 0x101F80BE
Sony Ericsson P9xx 0x101FBB35
BenQ P30 0x101FD279
Sendo-X 0x101FA031
Nokia 7650 0x101F6F87
Nokia 3650 (and variants) 0x101F7962
Nokia N-Gage 0x101F8A64
Nokia N-Gage QD 0x101FB2B1
Nokia 6260 0x101FB3F4
Nokia 6600 0x101F7963
Nokia 6620 0x1020216B
Nokia 6630 0x101F7964
Nokia 7610 0x101FD5DB
Siemens SX1 0x101F9071
Nokia 3230 0x10200F97
Nokia 6680 0x102078D1
Nokia 6681 0x102078D0
Nokia 6682 0x102078CF
Nokia 9500 Communicator 0x101F8DDB
Nokia 9300 0x101F8ED1
Nokia 7710 0x101FBE09
Nokia 7710 China Edition 0x101FBE0A
Samsung SGH-D720 0x10272F38        
Samsung SGH-D730 0x10272F39
Panasonic X700 0x101FF525    

To distinguish P90x apps from P91x apps (if needed) you can specify
(0x101FBB35), 1, 0, 0, {"SonyEricssonP9xxPlatformProductID"}
in the .pkg file for the former and
0x101FBB35), 2, 0, 0, {"SonyEricssonP9xxPlatformProductID"}
in the .pkg file for the latter.

Forum Nokia also maintain a list of product IDs for Nokia UIs and phones based thereon on their web site under the title "Series 60 Platform Identification Code".