Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1144 What causes the Codewarrior error "Too many include paths"

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Classification: General Category: Tools
Created: 09/28/2004 Modified: 10/07/2004
Number: FAQ-1144
Platform: Not Applicable

My code builds fine at the command line, but when I build in Codewarrior I get the error:
"Too many include paths! Please reduce the number of include paths or use non-recursive paths"
What causes this, and how do I fix it ?

This error is because Codewarrior is set to recursively search all the include directories underneath the ones you have specified in your .mmp file. You need to switch off this recursive search option by doing the following:
In the file \epoc32\tools\ file change this line (in the addSystemSearchPaths function, not the addUserSearchPaths one)

&textSetting($accesspath, "Recursive", "true");
&textSetting($accesspath, "Recursive", "false");

then reimport your mmp file.