Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1145 How do I simulate low disk space on the emulator?

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Classification: General Category: Emulator
Created: 09/29/2004 Modified: 10/07/2004
Number: FAQ-1145
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1, Symbian OS v7.0, Symbian OS v7.0s, Symbian OS v8.0a, Symbian OS v8.1a

I want to test low disk space and out of disk space on the emulator but my emulated internal drive, "\epoc32\wins\c\" lives on a PC drive with a few gigabytes free space. Is there a practical way of reaching low disk ?

Point the emulated c:\ drive at a disk which is full or nearly full.:
\epoc32\data\epoc.ini lets you specify where you want your C: drive to be with a line something like

_EPOC_DRIVE_C X:\somedir

Where X:\somedir is the drive and folder that will be treated used as the emulated c: drive.

The drive could be:

  • Removable media, such as a USB MMC card reader
  • a small virtual disk (such as a PGP disk)

It is unlikely that the emulator will boot from a clean drive and you may need to copy the contents of the original \epoc32\wins\c\ to the new drive. So it's useful to ensure that the new drive has enough space.

To Remove the mapping:

Simply remove the _EPOC_DRIVE_C from epoc.ini and the emulator will revert to the default folder.