Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1243 MEM-02: What is the low storage memory threshold?

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Classification: General Category: Symbian Signed
Created: 03/21/2005 Modified: 03/22/2005
Number: FAQ-1243
Platform: Not Applicable

What is the maximum amount of memory an application can write to the disk before it fails the MEM-02 test?

An application should gracefully handle the condition where any write-to-memory fails; therefore the precise value of the threshold used in the test is irrelevant.

The MEM-02 test tool fills up most of the available storage memory to some threshold.
The application passes the test if:
  • it successfully writes the data in this space, or
  • the write fails, the user is notified appropriately, and the failure is handled gracefully
The application fails the test if, during an unsuccesful write it does not:
  • notify the user and/or
  • either cleanly exits or recovers.