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The class RFs
provides a number of functions that
extract drive and volume information.
The FileSystemSubType() function returns the sub type of a drive. This information can be used to warn a user if they try to use a volume that is not of the correct format.
The volume information supplied by VolumeIOParam() is particularly useful as it allows you to get specific properties for a volume. This includes the block size of the underlying media for read/write operations, allowing your application to access data on the underlying media in the most efficient way. For example:
Applications that download from a local or network connection to transfer files, for example, bluetooth beaming, HTTP, FTP, may be able to improve their performance by knowing the recommended block and cluster sizes.
For Multimedia source data, reading in optimal sized blocks may help to achieve a consistent read speed.
retrieves an array of drives.
The drive list consists of an array of 26 bytes. Array index zero corresponds
to drive A, one equals B and so on. If the value of an array member is 1 the
corresponding drive exists. If this drive is able to contain removable media
then use RFs::Drive
to test for its presence.
The following code prints each drive in the drive list as a letter, followed by the hex value of the integer indicating the drive's attributes.
TDriveList drivelist;
TChar driveLetter;
TInt driveNumber;
_LIT(KDrive,"%c: %02x ");
if (drivelist[driveNumber])
console->Printf(KDrive, TUint(driveLetter), drivelist[driveNumber]);
retrieves the attributes of the
drive specified with TDriveInfo
. The following example
loops through all possible drives, a-z, and prints a message if a drive is
TChar driveLetter;
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
TInt driveNumber;
_LIT(KFlash,"Drive %c is flash\n");
for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
fsSession.Drive(driveInfo, driveNumber);
if (driveInfo.iDriveAtt == KDriveAbsent)
if (driveInfo.iType == EMediaFlash)
User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber, driveLetter));
console->Printf(KFlash, driveLetter);
To retrieve the sub type of the volume use
. Pass this function a drive
number and a TFSName
for the sub type. For example, the
sub type can be 'FAT16' of the Fat file system.
Note: For file systems that do not have a sub type, for example a ROM file system, the name of the file system is returned, in this case 'ROM'.
TChar driveLetter;
TFSName name;
TInt driveNumber;
_LIT(KSubType,"Drive %c is Sub Type: %S\n");
for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
TInt err = fsSession.FileSystemSubType(driveNumber, name);
if (err != KErrNone)
User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber, driveLetter));
console->Printf(KSubType, driveLetter, &name);
Use RFs::Volume()
to get the volume information,
with a TVolumeInfo
object. The information returned
includes a TDriveInfo
object with the volume name, its
unique ID, size and the amount of free space.
The following example prints out the names of volumes:
TChar driveLetter;
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
TInt driveNumber;
_LIT(KVolName,"Volume name: %S\n");
for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
TInt err = fsSession.Volume(volumeInfo, driveNumber);
if (err != KErrNone)
User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber, driveLetter));
console->Printf(KVolName, &volumeInfo.iName);
Note: Use the return value from RFs::Volume()
test whether a volume is present in the drive, a value of
indicates that there is no volume present.
Use RFs::VolumeIOParam
to retrieve volume
information, with a TVolumeIOParamInfo
object. The object
returns the recommended sizes for read and write operations on memory and
TChar driveLetter;
TVolumeIOParamInfo volumeparamInfo;
TInt driveNumber;
_LIT(KRecWriteSize,"Drive %c's recommended write size: %d\n");
for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
TInt err = fsSession.VolumeIOParam(driveNumber, volumeparamInfo);
if (err != KErrNone)
User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber, driveLetter));
console->Printf(KRecWriteSize, driveLetter, &volumeparamInfo.iRecWriteBufSize);