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#include <Tuner.h>
Link against: tuner.lib
This item is not part of the S60 5th Edition SDK

Class CMMRdsTunerUtility

class CMMRdsTunerUtility : public CBase;


The RDS class augments the tuner API to give access to the RDS capabilities of the device. As such additional tuner technologies can be supported without changing the Tuner API.

Note that despite this class being names 'RDS', it is capable of supporting both the RDS standard, and the North American equivilant RBDS. The only important difference from the APIs perspective is the interpretation of the Programme Type (PTY) codes. See TRdsProgrammeType for more information.



Defined in CMMRdsTunerUtility:

Inherited from CBase:

Construction and destruction

NewL(CMMTunerUtility &,MMMTunerObserver &)

Interface status: deprecated User CMMTunerUtility::GetRdsTunerUtility() instead

IMPORT_C static CMMRdsTunerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility &aTuner, MMMTunerObserver &aObserver);


Factory function to create a new instance of the RDS Tuner API


CMMTunerUtility &aTuner

A RDS capable tuner object (check using CMMTunerUtility::GetCapabilities(TInt,TTunerCapabilities &))

MMMTunerObserver &aObserver

The observer of the tuner to receive asynchronous completion messages.

Return value

CMMRdsTunerUtility *

A pointer and ownership of a fully constructed CMMRdsTunerUtility object

Leave codes


Out of memory


CMMRdsTunerUtility object is not present


RDS is not supported by the tuner


IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMRdsTunerUtility();


Final stage deconstruction of a CMMRdsTunerUtility object


Member functions

GetRdsCapabilities(TRdsCapabilities &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetRdsCapabilities(TRdsCapabilities &aCaps) const;


Get the RDS capabilities of the device


TRdsCapabilities &aCaps

The capabilities object to fill

Return value


A standard system error code

IsRdsSignal(TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt IsRdsSignal(TBool &aRds);


Returns the status of the RDS reception.


TBool &aRds

On return, will be ETrue if and only if a RDS signal is currently being received.

Return value


A standard system error code


IMPORT_C void StationSearchByRds(TFrequency aStartFrequency, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand, CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection, TBool aCircularSeek=ETrue);


Find a radio station which contains RDS data starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).

Note: this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune methods of CMMTunerUtility


TFrequency aStartFrequency

The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the beginning of the stated band.

CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand

The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.

CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection

The direction to search in

TBool aCircularSeek

If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.


IMPORT_C void StationSearchByProgrammeType(TRdsProgrammeType aProgType, TFrequency aStartFrequency, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand, CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection, TBool aCircularSeek=ETrue);


Find a radio station, of the specified programme type starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).

Note: this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune methods of CMMTunerUtility


TRdsProgrammeType aProgType

The type of programme to search for

TFrequency aStartFrequency

The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the beginning of the stated band.

CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand

The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.

CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection

The direction to search in

TBool aCircularSeek

If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.


IMPORT_C void StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier(TRdsProgrammeIdentifier aPi, TFrequency aStartFrequency, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand, CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection, TBool aCircularSeek=ETrue);


Find a radio station, with the specified programme identifier starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).

Note: this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune methods of CMMTunerUtility


TRdsProgrammeIdentifier aPi

The programme identifier of the station to search for

TFrequency aStartFrequency

The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the beginning of the stated band.

CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand

The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.

CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection

The direction to search in

TBool aCircularSeek

If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.


IMPORT_C void StationSearchByTrafficProgramme(TBool aTp, TFrequency aStartFrequency, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand, CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection, TBool aCircularSeek=ETrue);


Find a radio station, with the specified traffic programme flag value starting at the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).

Note: this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune methods of CMMTunerUtility


TBool aTp

The TP flag value of a station to search for

TFrequency aStartFrequency

The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the beginning of the stated band.

CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand

The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.

CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection

The direction to search in

TBool aCircularSeek

If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.


IMPORT_C void CancelRdsSearch();


Cancels an ongoing RDS search as initiated by one of the functions StationSearchByRds, StationSearchByProgrammeType, StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier or StationSearchByTrafficProgramme. The asynchronous callback will not occur if this is called.

Has not affect if no RDS search operation is ongoing.

NotifyRdsDataChange(MMMRdsDataObserver &,TUint32)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsDataChange(MMMRdsDataObserver &aObserver, TUint32 aWhichData=TRdsData::KAllRdsData);


Requests notifications when all RDS data become invalid due to the tuner being retuned.


MMMRdsDataObserver &aObserver

The client to be notified.

TUint32 aWhichData

The subset of data for which change notifications are required.

Return value


A standard system wide error code.


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsDataChange();


Cancel a NotifyRdsDataChange request.

GetRdsData(TRdsData &,TUint32 &,TUint32)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetRdsData(TRdsData &aData, TUint32 &aValid, TUint32 aWhichData=TRdsData::KAllRdsData) const;


Request some RDS data. This will complete immediately with whatever RDS data have already been received.

When this function returns, and data that was requested but is not indicated to be valid can be assumed not to have been received.


TRdsData &aData

The RDS data will be written to this variable.

TUint32 &aValid

On return, indicates a subset of RDS data that are valid.

TUint32 aWhichData

The subset of RDS data that are being requested.

Return value


A standard system wide error code.


Interface status: deprecated Use the non-static ConvertRdsLanguageId instead Converts an RDS language identifier into a Symbian TLanguage type. Note that not all languages defined by the RDS specification IEC62106 are present in the TLanguage enumeration; in these cases, a value of ELangOther will be returned.

IMPORT_C static TLanguage ConvertRdsLanguageId(TRdsLanguageIdentifier aRdsLangId);



TRdsLanguageIdentifier aRdsLangId

An RDS language identification code

Return value


The corresponding TLanguage member, or ELangOther if none exists.

ConvertRdsLanguageId(TRdsLanguageIdentifier,TLanguage &)

IMPORT_C TInt ConvertRdsLanguageId(TRdsLanguageIdentifier aRdsLangId, TLanguage &aLanguage);


Converts an RDS language identifier into a Symbian TLanguage type. Note that not all languages defined by the RDS specification IEC62106 are present in the TLanguage enumeration; in these cases, a value of ELangOther will be returned.


TRdsLanguageIdentifier aRdsLangId

An RDS language identification code aLanguage The corresponding TLanguage value, or ELangOther if none exists.

TLanguage &aLanguage

Return value


A standard system wide error code.

GetRadioTextLength(TUint &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetRadioTextLength(TUint &aLength) const;


Get the length of the available radio text. If no radio text is available this function will return KErrNotFound. The maximum possible length for radio text is 64 characters.


TUint &aLength

The variable to set to the length of the avaiable radio text

Return value


A standard system error code.

GetRadioText(TDes &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetRadioText(TDes &aRadioText) const;


Get the radio text. If no radio text is available, this will return KErrNotFound. In this case, a client can call NotifyRadioText to receive a notification when it is received.

The radio text will have been converted to unicode, eliminating any control characters within it.


TDes16 &aRadioText

The descriptor to fill with the radio text

Return value


A standard system error code

NotifyRadioText(MMMRdsDataObserver &)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRadioText(MMMRdsDataObserver &aObserver);


Request notification when the radio text is received or changes.


MMMRdsDataObserver &aObserver

The client to be notified when the radio text is received or changes.

Return value


A standard system wide error code.


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRadioText();


Cancel a NotifyRadioText request.

NotifyRdsSignalChange(MMMRdsSignalChangeObserver &)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsSignalChange(MMMRdsSignalChangeObserver &aRecipient);


Request to receive notification about availability of Rds signal


MMMRdsSignalChangeObserver &aRecipient

The object to receive the notifications.

Return value


A system wide error code.


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsSignalChange();


Cancels an outstanding NotifyRdsSignalChange request.


IMPORT_C TInt SetRegionalLink(TBool aRegOn);


Turns regional link function on or off depending on the value of the parameter. A value of ETrue should be passed if you wish to stay tuned to the currently tuned local station regardless of signal quality and signal strength. i.e. don't switch to another local station in the region.


TBool aRegOn

ETrue to turn regional link on, EFalse to turn it off

Return value


A standard system error code

GetRegionalLink(TBool &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetRegionalLink(TBool &aRegOn) const;


Finds out if the regional link function is currently on or off.


TBool &aRegOn

This will be set to ETrue on return if and only if the regional link function is currently enabled.

Return value


A standard system error code.


IMPORT_C TInt SetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool aTaOn);


Turn the travel announcement function on or off depending on the value of the parameter. A value of ETrue turns on Traffic Announcements, EFalse turns them off.

If Traffic announcements are disabled while the tuner is retuned to a traffic announcement, the tuner will not revert to the original frequency. To revert to the original frequency, CMMRdsTunerUtility::StopAnnouncement() must be called before the traffic announcement feature is disabled.


TBool aTaOn

ETrue to turn TA on, EFalse to turn it off

Return value


A standard system error code

GetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool &aTaOn) const;


Finds out if the traffic announcement function is currently enabled or not.


TBool &aTaOn

This is set to ETrue on return if and only if the traffic announcement function is currenly enabled.

Return value


A standard error code.


IMPORT_C TInt SetAnnouncementVolume(TInt aVolume);


Set the absolute volume to apply during a traffic or news announcement.


TInt aVolume

The volume to use. Must be between 0 and MaxVolume.

Return value


A standard system error code.

GetAnnouncementVolume(TInt &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetAnnouncementVolume(TInt &aVolume) const;


Find the current absolute volume level used for news of traffic annoucements.


TInt &aVolume

This will be set to the current volume used for annoucements.

Return value


A standard system error code, KErrNotFound if a annoucement volume offset has been set. use.


IMPORT_C TInt SetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt aVolumeOffset);


Set the offset to the system volume level to apply during a traffic or news announcement


TInt aVolumeOffset

The offset to the volume level to set for announcements. Must be between -MaxVolume and MaxVolume inclusive. the actual volume with the offset applied will be clipped between 0 and MaxVolume if the offset would otherwise result in a volume outside this range.

Return value


A standard system error code

GetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt &aVolumeOffset) const;


Find the current offset of the system volume that applies during traffic and news announcements.


TInt &aVolumeOffset

This will be set to the current traffic and news announcement offset on return.

Return value


A standard system error code, KErrNotFound if an absolute annoucement volume has been set.


IMPORT_C TInt SetNewsAnnouncement(TBool aNaOn);


Turn the news announcement function on or off depending on the value of the parameter. The news announcement function when enabled causes the radio to retune to a station when that station is broadcasting a news report. When the news announcement is finished the radio will tune back to the original station. A value of ETrue turns on News Announcements, EFalse turns them off.

If News announcements are disabled while the tuner is retuned to a news announcement, the tuner will not revert to the original frequency. To revert to the original frequency, CMMRdsTunerUtility::StopAnnouncement() must be called before the news announcement feature is disabled.


TBool aNaOn

ETrue to turn NA on, EFalse to turn it off

Return value


A standard system error code

GetNewsAnnouncement(TBool &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetNewsAnnouncement(TBool &aNaOn) const;


Finds out whether the news announcement function is on or off.


TBool &aNaOn

This will be set to ETrue if and only if the new announcement function is currently on.

Return value


A standard system error code.


IMPORT_C TInt StopAnnouncement();


Cancels any current announcement, reverting to the original frequency. The announcement feature will remain enabled. If no announcement is currently happening, this function has no affect. This can be used for both News and Traffic announcements.

Return value


A standard system error code. KErrNone if an announcement was successfully stopped, or KErrNotReady if no announcement is currently happening.


IMPORT_C TInt SetAlternativeFrequency(TBool aAfOn);


Turns alternative frequency function on or off depending on the value of the parameter. Sets the automatic switching of the transmitter in the case of a stronger transmitter with the same PI presence. Based on AF and/or EON fields. A value of ETrue should be passed if you wish to enable automatic retuning to the current station on an alternative frequency.


TBool aAfOn

ETrue to turn alternative frequency on, EFalse to turn it off

Return value


A standard system error code

GetAlternativeFrequency(TBool &)const

IMPORT_C TInt GetAlternativeFrequency(TBool &aAfOn) const;


Finds out whether the alternative frequency function is on or off i.e. gets the mode of the automatic switching of the transmitter in case of a stronger transmitter with the same PI presence.


TBool &aAfOn

This will be set to ETrue if and only if the alternative frequency function is currently on.

Return value


A standard system error code.

NotifyRdsStateChange(MMMRdsStateChangeObserver &)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsStateChange(MMMRdsStateChangeObserver &aObserver);


Requests a notification when RDS functionality is enabled or disabled, or when the traffic announcement volume offset is changed.


MMMRdsStateChangeObserver &aObserver

The class which is to be notified of the changes.

Return value


A standard system error code.


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsStateChange();


Cancels an outstanding RDS state change notification request.

GetRdsTime(TPckg< TDateTime > &,TRequestStatus &)const

IMPORT_C void GetRdsTime(TPckg< TDateTime > &aTimeAndDate, TRequestStatus &aStatus) const;


Get the current RDS time. This is an asynchronous function due to the latency of the RDS information becoming available. This information is broadcast at the start of every minute, and is not cached for obvious reasons. Thus, whenever a request is made, it will complete next time the Data and Time are broadcast. The RDS standard states that this is broadcast within 0.1s of the start of a minute, and is accurate to one minute. The latency of the notification reaching the application cannot be guarteed.


TPckg< TDateTime > &aTimeAndDate

The variable to set to the current RDS time and date

TRequestStatus &aStatus

A TRequestStatus. This will be signalled when the request completes and will contain the result of the request, this will be one of the system error codes.


IMPORT_C void CancelGetRdsTime();


Cancel the GetRdsTime request

NotifyAnnouncement(MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver &)

Interface status: deprecated Use NotifyAnnouncement(MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver2& aObserver) instead

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyAnnouncement(MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver &aObserver);


Request notification when a retune caused by an announcement occurs. This will be a traffic or news announcement. A notification will be provided both at the start of the announcement and at the end.


MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver &aObserver

The object wishing to receive announcement events

Return value


A standard system error code


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyAnnouncement();


Cancel the NotifyAnnouncement request

GetEonInfoL(RArray< TEonStation > &)const

IMPORT_C void GetEonInfoL(RArray< TEonStation > &aEonInfo) const;


Returns a list containing information about other networks broadcast with the currently tuned programmme. This call will return immediately with whatever EON information is currently available. Note that is is possible for this function to return no EON stations when several are being broadcast simply because not enough RDS frames have been received yet. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonInfo to receive notifications when EON information is received or changes.


RArray< TEonStation > &aEonInfo

An array to which the EON information will be appended.

GetEonFrequenciesL(const TEonStation &,RArray< TFrequency > &)const

IMPORT_C void GetEonFrequenciesL(const TEonStation &aEonStation, RArray< TFrequency > &aFrequencies) const;


Gets the frequencies assoicated with an EON station. This will complete immediately with whatever frequencies are currently cached. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonChange to receive notifications when more frequencies are received.


const TEonStation &aEonStation

the EON station to get the frequencies for

RArray< TFrequency > &aFrequencies

an array to which the frequencies associated with the given station will be appended.

GetEonMappedFrequenciesL(const TEonStation &,RArray< TEonMappedFrequency > &)const

IMPORT_C void GetEonMappedFrequenciesL(const TEonStation &aEonStation, RArray< TEonMappedFrequency > &aMappedFrequencies) const;


Gets the mapped frequencies associated with an EON station. This will complete immediately with whatever mapped frequencies are currently cached. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonChange to receive notifications when more frequencies are received.


const TEonStation &aEonStation

the EON station to get the mapped frequencies for

RArray< TEonMappedFrequency > &aMappedFrequencies

an array to which the mapped frequencies associated with the given station will be appended.

NotifyEonInfo(MMMRdsEonObserver &)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyEonInfo(MMMRdsEonObserver &aObserver);


Request notification when the Enhanced Other Networks (EON) information changes.


MMMRdsEonObserver &aObserver

The client to be notifier when EON information changes or an error occurs.

Return value


A standard error code


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyEonInfo();


Cancels a NotifyEonInfo request.

TuneToEonStation(const TEonStation &)

IMPORT_C void TuneToEonStation(const TEonStation &aEonStation);


Tunes to a station represented by a TEonStation. This will result to a callback to MtoTuneComplete.


const TEonStation &aEonStation

The EON station that is to be tuned to.

GetAlternativeFrequencyListL(RArray< TAlternativeFrequency > &)

IMPORT_C void GetAlternativeFrequencyListL(RArray< TAlternativeFrequency > &aAfArray);


Returns an array containing the current alternative frequencies list, if any. This will return immediately containing whatever AF information has already been received. If a client wishes to be notified when this information changes, a call to NotifyAlternativeFrequencies should be made.


RArray< TAlternativeFrequency > &aAfArray

An array to which the list of alternative frequencies are to be appended

Leave codes


system wide error code.

NotifyAlternativeFrequencies(MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver *)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyAlternativeFrequencies(MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver *aObserver);


Requests notifications when the list of alternative frequencies is received or changes.


MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver *aObserver

The client to which notification should be sent.

Return value


TInt A system wide error code.


IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyAlternativeFrequencies();


Cancels a NotifyAlternativeFrequencies request.

ReceiveRdsFrames(TUint32,MMMRdsFrameReceiver &)

IMPORT_C TInt ReceiveRdsFrames(TUint32 aWhichGroups, MMMRdsFrameReceiver &aRecipient);


Request to receive raw RDS frames. If the request is successful, the recipient will be called back whenever an RDS frame of one of the requested types is received.


TUint32 aWhichGroups

The set of frame types that the recipient wished to receive. This value should contain values from enumeration TRdsFrameGroup ored together to indicate which frames the recipient is interested in.

MMMRdsFrameReceiver &aRecipient

The object to receive the RDS frames.

Return value


A system wide error code.


IMPORT_C void CancelReceiveRdsFrames();


Cancels an outstanding ReceiveRdsFrames request.

CustomCommandSync(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)

IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs &aArgs);


Send a synchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.


TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined by the first IPC argument

const TIpcArgs &aArgs

The IPC arguments to send to the RDS tuner. The first of these arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first argument properly will result in the command completing with KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly the client being panicked.

Return value


A standard system error code

CustomCommandAsync(TInt,const TIpcArgs &,TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs &aArgs, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Send an asynchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.


TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined by the first IPC argument

const TIpcArgs &aArgs

The IPC arguments to send to the RDS tuner. The first of these arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first argument properly will result in the command completing with KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly the client being panicked.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the result of the request on completion. The exact range of result values is dependent on the interface.


Member enumerations

Enum TAnnouncementType



RDS Announcement Type


Traffic announcement


News announcement