#include <centralrepository.h>
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class CRepository : public CBase;
Provides access to a repository.
There are potentially 2^32 repositories, each identified by a UID. Within each repository up to 2^32 settings can be stored.
Settings within a repository are identified by a 32-bit key and may be of the types integer, real or descriptor.
Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap.
- Provides access to a repository.
Defined in CRepository
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,TInt,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that contain a given integer and match the specification ...
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC16 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that contain a given string value and match the specifica...
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC8 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that contain a given string value and match the specifica...
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TReal &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that contain a given floating point value and match the s...
FindL(TUint32,TUint32,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that exist and match the specification given by aPartialK...
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,TInt,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMa...
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC16 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMa...
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC8 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMa...
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TReal &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMa...
Get(TUint32,TDes16 &)
Reads a descriptor setting.
Get(TUint32,TDes16 &,TInt &)
Reads a descriptor setting.
Get(TUint32,TDes8 &)
Reads a descriptor setting.
Get(TUint32,TDes8 &,TInt &)
Reads a descriptor setting.
Get(TUint32,TInt &)
Reads an integer setting.
Get(TUint32,TReal &)
Reads a floating point setting.
Creates a CRepository object for accessing a repository. If there is no such rep...
Creates a CRepository object for accessing a repository. If there is no such rep...
Cancels a notification previously requested from the two-argument overload of No...
Cancels a notification previously requested from the three-argument overload of ...
Cancels all uncompleted notifications from this CRepository.
NotifyRequest(TUint32,TRequestStatus &)
Requests a notification if the value of a given setting changes. Only one notifi...
NotifyRequest(TUint32,TUint32,TRequestStatus &)
Requests a notification if the value of a given setting changes. Only one notifi...
Inherited from CBase
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CentRepExample: Using central repository for persistent storage
Construction and destruction
IMPORT_C static CRepository* NewL(TUid aRepositoryUid);
Creates a CRepository object for accessing a repository. If there is no such repository, the function leaves with KErrNotFound.
TUid aRepositoryUid |
The UID of the repository to be accessed
Return value
CRepository *
A pointer to a newly created CRepository object
IMPORT_C static CRepository* NewLC(TUid aRepositoryUid);
Creates a CRepository object for accessing a repository. If there is no such repository, the function leaves with KErrNotFound.
A pointer to the object is left on the cleanup stack.
TUid aRepositoryUid |
The UID of the repository to be accessed
Return value
CRepository *
A pointer to a newly created CRepository object
IMPORT_C virtual ~CRepository();
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read access policy of that key in the repository. |
IMPORT_C TInt Get(TUint32 aKey, TInt &aValue);
Reads an integer setting.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aKey |
Key of setting to be read.
TInt &aValue |
Returns the value of the setting if it is an integer.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not an integer, plus other system-wide
error codes.
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read access policy of that key in the repository. |
IMPORT_C TInt Get(TUint32 aKey, TReal &aValue);
Reads a floating point setting.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aKey |
Key of setting to be read.
TReal &aValue |
Returns the value of the setting if it is a floating point value.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not a floating point value, plus
other system-wide error codes.
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read access policy of that key in the repository. |
IMPORT_C TInt Get(TUint32 aKey, TDes8 &aValue);
Reads a descriptor setting.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aKey |
Key of setting to be read.
TDes8 &aValue |
Returns the value of the setting if it is a descriptor.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not a descriptor, KErrOverflow
if the descriptor is too small to receive the value in the repository, plus other system-wide error codes.
Get(TUint32,TDes8 &,TInt &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read access policy of that key in the repository. |
IMPORT_C TInt Get(TUint32 aId, TDes8 &aValue, TInt &aActualLength);
Reads a descriptor setting.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aId |
Key of setting to be read.
TDes8 &aValue |
Returns the value of the setting if it is a descriptor.
TInt &aActualLength |
Returns the actual length of the setting if it is a descriptor.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not a descriptor, KErrOverflow
if the descriptor is too small to receive the value in the repository, plus other system-wide error codes.
Panic codes
Panics |
client if called while pending start or pending commit transaction.
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read access policy of that key in the repository. |
IMPORT_C TInt Get(TUint32 aKey, TDes16 &aValue);
Reads a descriptor setting.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aKey |
Key of setting to be read.
TDes16 &aValue |
Returns the value of the setting if it is a descriptor.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not a descriptor, KErrOverflow
if the descriptor is too small to receive the value in the repository, plus other system-wide error codes.
Get(TUint32,TDes16 &,TInt &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read access policy of that key in the repository. |
IMPORT_C TInt Get(TUint32 aId, TDes16 &aValue, TInt &aActualLength);
Reads a descriptor setting.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aId |
Key of setting to be read.
TDes16 &aValue |
Returns the value of the setting if it is a descriptor.
TInt &aActualLength |
Returns the actual length of the setting if it is a descriptor.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist, KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not a descriptor, KErrOverflow
if the descriptor is too small to receive the value in the repository, plus other system-wide error codes.
Panic codes
Panics |
client if called while pending start or pending commit transaction.
FindL(TUint32,TUint32,RArray< TUint32 > &)
IMPORT_C TInt FindL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that exist and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask. Matches occur whenever (key
& mask) == (partialKey & mask). The partial key is guaranteed to be masked before use.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrNotFound if no items were found in the
source range, plus other system-wide error codes.
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,TInt,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindEqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, TInt aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that contain a given integer and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
TInt aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be integers with value aValue.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is an integer
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TReal &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindEqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, const TReal &aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that contain a given floating point value and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
const TReal &aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be floating point values with value aValue.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is a floating
point value aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC8 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindEqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, const TDesC8 &aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that contain a given string value and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
const TDesC8 &aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be string values with value aValue.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is a string
value aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindEqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC16 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindEqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, const TDesC16 &aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that contain a given string value and match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
const TDesC16 &aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be string values with value aValue.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is a string
value aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,TInt,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindNeqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, TInt aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not integer values or do
not have the given value.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
TInt aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be settings that either contain values that are not integers or integers other than aValue.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is either
not an integer or an integer not equal to aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no non-matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TReal &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindNeqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, const TReal &aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not floating point values
or do not have the given value.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
const TReal &aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be settings that either contain values that are not floating point or floating point values
other than aValue.
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is either
not a floating point value or a floating point value not equal to aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no non-matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC8 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindNeqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, const TDesC8 &aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not string values or do
not match the given string.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
const TDesC8 &aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be settings that either contain values that are not strings or strings with value other than
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is either
not a string value or a string value not equal to aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no non-matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
FindNeqL(TUint32,TUint32,const TDesC16 &,RArray< TUint32 > &)
Capability: |
Dependent |
Caller must satisfy the read policies of all settings found in the source range. |
IMPORT_C TInt FindNeqL(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, const TDesC16 &aValue, RArray< TUint32 > &aFoundKeys);
Finds all the settings that match the specification given by aPartialKey and aMask, but are either not string values or do
not match the given string.
Transactions fail only on those "other system-wide error codes".
TUint32 aPartialKey |
Contains a bit pattern that all the keys returned must at least partially match.
TUint32 aMask |
Has bits set for all the bits in aPartialKey that must match the returned keys.
const TDesC16 &aValue |
Settings for the keys found will be settings that either contain values that are not strings or strings with value other than
RArray < TUint32 > &aFoundKeys |
All the keys found. For each key k in aFoundKeys, (k & aMask) == (aPartialKey & aMask) and the setting with key k is either
not a string value or a string value not equal to aValue.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability
check, KErrNotFound if capability check passed but no non-matching items are found, plus other system-wide error codes.
See also:
NotifyRequest(TUint32,TRequestStatus &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
The caller must satisfy the relevant access policies for the repository |
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRequest(TUint32 aKey, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
Requests a notification if the value of a given setting changes. Only one notification can be received per call to NotifyRequest.
Only one notification per setting per CRepository may be active at any one time.
TUint32 aKey |
The key setting to be informed about.
TRequestStatus &aStatus |
The object that will receive the notification.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAlreadyExists if there is already a notification from this CRepository on this setting, or an
error from IPC or server side resource allocation failure.
NotifyRequest(TUint32,TUint32,TRequestStatus &)
Capability: |
Security policy note: |
The caller must satisfy the relevant access policies for the repository |
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRequest(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
Requests a notification if the value of a given setting changes. Only one notification can be received per call to NotifyRequest.
Only one notification per setting per CRepository may be active at any one time.
TUint32 aPartialKey |
The partial key setting to be informed about.
TUint32 aMask |
The mask to be used with the partial key
TRequestStatus &aStatus |
The object that will receive the notification.
Return value
KErrNone if successful, KErrAlreadyExists if there is already a notification from this CRepository on this setting, or an
error from IPC.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyCancel(TUint32 aKey);
Cancels a notification previously requested from the two-argument overload of NotifyRequest.
TUint32 aKey |
The parameter to the previous call to NotifyRequest to be cancelled.
Return value
KErrNone The method always returns KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyCancel(TUint32 aPartialKey, TUint32 aMask);
Cancels a notification previously requested from the three-argument overload of NotifyRequest.
TUint32 aPartialKey |
The parameter to the previous call to NotifyRequest to be cancelled.
TUint32 aMask |
The mask to be used with the partial key
Return value
KErrNone The method always returns KErrNone.
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyCancelAll();
Cancels all uncompleted notifications from this CRepository.
Return value
KErrNone The method always returns KErrNone.