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15. The Scale widget

The purpose of a scale widget is to allow the user to set some integer or float value within a specified range. Here are two scale widgets, one horizontal and one vertical:

Each scale displays a slider that the user can drag along a trough to change the value. In the figure, the first slider is currently at -0.38 and the second at 7.

To create a new scale widget as the child of a root window or frame named master:

    w = Scale ( master, option, ... )

The constructor returns the new scale widget. Options:

activebackgroundThe color of the slider when the mouse is over it. See Section 4.3, “Colors”.
bg or backgroundThe background color of the parts of the widget that are outside the trough.
bd or borderwidthWidth of the 3-d border around the trough and slider. Default is 2 pixels. For acceptable values, see Section 4.1, “Dimensions”.
commandA procedure to be called every time the slider is moved. If the slider is moved rapidly, you may not get a callback for every possible position, but you'll certainly get a callback when it settles.
cursorThe cursor that appears when the mouse is over the scale. See Section 4.8, “Cursors”.
digitsThe way your program reads the current value shown in a scale widget is through a control variable; see Section 22, “Control variables: the values behind the widgets”. The control variable for a scale can be an IntVar, a DoubleVar (float), or a StringVar. If it is a string variable, the digits option controls how many digits to use when the numeric scale value is converted to a string.
fontThe font used for the label and annotations. See Section 4.4, “Type fonts”.
fg or foregroundThe color of the text used for the label and annotations.
from_A float or integer value that defines one end of the scale's range. For vertical scales, this is the top end; for horizontal scales, the left end. The underbar (_) is not a typo: because from is a reserved word in Python, this option is spelled from_. The default is 0. See the to option, below, for the other end of the range.
highlightbackgroundThe color of the focus highlight when the scale does not have focus. See Section 23, “Focus: routing keyboard input”.
highlightcolorThe color of the focus highlight when the scale has the focus.
highlightthicknessThe thickness of the focus highlight. Default is 1. Set highlightthickness=0 to suppress display of the focus highlight.
labelYou can display a label within the scale widget by setting this option to the label's text. The label appears in the top left corner if the scale is horizontal, or the top right corner if vertical. The default is no label.
lengthThe length of the scale widget. This is the x dimension if the scale is horizontal, or the y dimension if vertical. The default is 100 pixels. For allowable values, see Section 4.1, “Dimensions”.
orientSet orient=HORIZONTAL if you want the scale to run along the x dimension, or orient=VERTICAL to run parallel to the y-axis. Default is horizontal.
reliefWith the default relief=FLAT, the scale does not stand out from its background. You may also use relief=SOLID to get a solid black frame around the scale, or any of the other relief types described in Section 4.6, “Relief styles”.
repeatdelayThis option controls how long button 1 has to be held down in the trough before the slider starts moving in that direction repeatedly. Default is repeatdelay=300, and the units are milliseconds.
resolutionNormally, the user will only be able to change the scale in whole units. Set this option to some other value to change the smallest increment of the scale's value. For example, if from_=-1.0 and to=1.0, and you set resolution=0.5, the scale will have 5 possible values: -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, +0.5, and +1.0. All smaller movements will be ignored.
showvalueNormally, the current value of the scale is displayed in text form by the slider (above it for horizontal scales, to the left for vertical scales). Set this option to 0 to suppress that label.
sliderlengthNormally the slider is 30 pixels along the length of the scale. You can change that length by setting the sliderlength option to your desired length; see Section 4.1, “Dimensions”.
stateNormally, scale widgets respond to mouse events, and when they have the focus, also keyboard events. Set state=DISABLED to make the widget unresponsive.
takefocusNormally, the focus will cycle through scale widgets. Set this option to 0 if you don't want this behavior. See Section 23, “Focus: routing keyboard input”.
tickintervalNormally, no “ticks” are displayed along the scale. To display periodic scale values, set this option to a number, and ticks will be displayed on multiples of that value. For example, if from_=0.0, to=1.0, and tickinterval=0.25, labels will be displayed along the scale at values 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00. These labels appear below the scale if horizontal, to its left if vertical. Default is 0, which suppresses display of ticks.
toA float or integer value that defines one end of the scale's range; the other end is defined by the from_ option, discussed above. The to value can be either greater than or less than the from_ value. For vertical scales, the to value defines the bottom of the scale; for horizontal scales, the right end.
troughcolorThe color of the trough.
variableThe control variable for this scale, if any; see Section 22, “Control variables: the values behind the widgets”. Control variables may be from class IntVar, DoubleVar (float), or StringVar. In the latter case, the numerical value will be converted to a string. See the the digits option, above, for more information on this conversion.
widthThe width of the trough part of the widget. This is the x dimension for vertical scales and the y dimension if the scale has orient=HORIZONTAL. Default is 15 pixels.

Scale objects have these methods:


This method returns the current value of the scale.

.set ( value )

Sets the scale's value.