The sale module defines the Sale model.
The sale is mainly defined by a party to which the products will be sold and a list of sale lines, each one containing a product and a quantity. Here is the extensive list of the fields, most of them are optional or completed with sensible default values:
Party: The customer.
Invoice Address: The invoice address of the customer.
Shipment Party: An optional different party where the shipment will be sent.
Shipment Address: The address where the shipment will be sent.
Description: An optional description for the order.
Number: The internal reference of the sale (will be generated automatically on confirmation).
Reference: The optional external reference of the order.
Sale Date: The date the sale is made.
Payment Term: Define which payment term will be use for the future invoice.
Warehouse: Define the warehouse from which the goods will be sent.
Currency: define the currency to use for this sale. All product prices will be computed accordingly.
Sale Lines:
Invoice State: The state of the invoice related to the sale.
Shipment State: The state of the shipment related to the sale.
Untaxed: The untaxed amount.
Tax: The tax amount.
Total: The total amount.
State: The state of the sale. May take one of the following values: Draft, Quotation, Confirmed, Processing, Cancelled.
Company: The company which issue the sale order.
Invoice Method: May take one of the following values:
Shipment Method: May take one of the following values:
One should note that choosing On Shipment Sent for the Invoice Method and On Invoice Paid for the Shipment Method is an invalid combination.
Comments: A text fields to add custom comments.
Invoices: The list of related invoices.
Moves: The list of related stock moves.
Shipments: The list of related shipments.
Return Shipments: The list of related shipments return.
The Sale report allow to print the sale orders or to send them by mail.