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8. Turbulenz Platform

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7. Turbulenz Game Engine

The Turbulenz Game Engine provides solutions for the development of next generation quality games playable directly in the browser.

The technology is organized in two main blocks:

  • Runtime: executed on the final user machine
  • Offline: used only during development of the game

This section gives an overview of these two areas of functionality as well as some recommendations and guidelines for developing games for the browser.

7.1. Runtime API Overview

The runtime may be broadly categorized into two types of code:

  • Low-level API: A set of interfaces providing access to low-level functionality. The APIs at this level are similar in functionality to known APIs such as OpenGL, OpenAL, etc. This functionality is provided either by the Turbulenz browser extensions (native code), or by a thin wrapper on top of interfaces provided by the browser (such as WebGL, WebAudio, etc). In the second case, the Turbulenz API will determine which interfaces the browser provides and dynamically select the most appropriate.
  • High-level API: a collection of JavaScript libraries that built on top of the Low-level APIs that provide developers with features such as a Scene Graph, Material System, Forward and Deferred Renderers, etc.

7.1.1. Low-level API

The interface consists of several modules called Devices, providing:

  • Efficient interface on top of existing stable and flexible libraries, for example Bullet, OpenAL or WebGL.
  • Efficient interface on top of low level hardware access, for example the input mechanisms or vector math operations.

These Devices are not limited to specific kinds of games, they are powerful enough and flexible enough to cover next generation game requirements. Device objects are usually created once by passing a parameters object to create functions on the TurbulenzEngine global object. Once created they can later be retrieved by calling the corresponding get functions. See, for example, createGraphicsDevice and getGraphicsDevice.


  • Simple shader-based immediate mode API.
    • A Shader may contain multiple Techniques, either single or multi-pass.
    • Once a shader Technique is set on the Device, the parameters required by the program code can be updated by a TechniqueParameter object.
    • TechniqueParameter objects hold multiple references to Textures, TechniqueParameterBuffers or individual values.
    • Multiple TechniqueParameters can be set on the Device at once.
  • Vertex buffers, Index buffers and Textures can be created, updated and destroyed dynamically.

  • Multiple Streams of Vertex buffers can be used at the same time.

  • Support for 1D, 2D, 3D and Cube textures.
    • Any pixel format supported by the hardware.
  • Asynchronous resource loading.
    • Multiple resource files can be downloaded on the fly, JavaScript code will be notified when resource is available for usage.
  • Multiple image file formats.
    • DDS, JPG, PNG and TGA.
  • Support for textures archives containing multiple image files.
    • Less flexibility than individual files but better for optimal bandwidth usage.
  • Occlusion queries.
    • Number of pixels rendered can be queried for a section of rendering.
    • Available in plugin mode only.
  • Fullscreen support (Supported platforms).

  • Take screenshot feature.

  • Video playback support.
    • WebM, MP4.
    • Render video as texture.
    • Playback controls play, pause, stop, resume, rewind.


  • Math types:
    • Vector2 Vector3, Vector4
    • Matrix33, Matrix34, Matrix43, Matrix44
    • Quaternion, QuatPos
    • AABB
  • Storage format optimized based on available support

  • Optimized operations support destination parameters, reducing object allocation.

  • Array to/from Math type conversion utilities.



  • Easy-to-use efficient physics simulation.
  • Rigid bodies and collision objects.
    • Plane, Box, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, Cone, Triangle Mesh, Convex Hull.
  • Constraints.
    • Point to Point, Hinge, Cone Twist, 6DOF, Slider.
  • Ray and convex sweep queries.
    • Returning closest point of impact and surface normal.
  • Character representation.
    • For use with 1st/3rd person games.
    • Includes properties for velocity, position, crouch, jump height, death, on ground.
  • Contact callbacks.
    • Rigidbodies, characters, collision objects.
    • Called on presolve, added, processed, removed.
    • Filter responses by mask.
    • Triggers with no collision response.


Developers may see slightly different behavior across the plugin and canvas implementations of PhysicsDevice.


  • Efficient 2D physics simulation written specifically for JavaScript.

  • Shapes.
    • Circle, Box, Rectangle, Regular Polygon, Custom Polygon.
    • Create shapes as sensors.
    • Shape grouping and mask interactions.
  • Collision detection.
    • Sweep & Prune, Box Tree Broadphases.
    • Utilities for Raytest, Signed Distance, Intersection, Contains Point, Sweep Test.
  • Simulation world.
    • Multiple simulation groups.
    • Optional gravity.
    • Customisable simulation iterations.
  • Rigid body simulation.
    • Dynamic, Static, Kinematic objects.
  • Materials.
    • Elasticity, Static/Dynamic/Rolling Friction, Density.
  • Arbiters.
    • Contact grouping.
    • Contact information: Position, Penetration, Normal/Tangent Impulse
  • Constraints.
    • Point to Point, Distance, Weld, Angle, Motor, Line, Pulley, Custom Constraint.
  • Debug rendering.
    • Rigid Bodies, Constraints, Worlds, Lines, Curves, Rectangles, Circles, Spirals, Linear/Spiral Springs.
    • Enabling and disabling of rendering types.
    • Scaling for Draw2D viewport.


  • Easy-to-use efficient wrapper of hardware audio features.
    • Utilizes Web Audio, <Audio> tag, OpenAL dependent on platform support.
  • 3D sound sources.
    • Position, Direction, Velocity, Gain, Pitch, Loop.
  • Emulated 3D sound for stereo setups.

  • Asynchronous sound files loading.
    • Multiple resource files can be downloaded on the fly, JavaScript code will be notified when resource is available for usage.
  • Uncompress audio dynamically.

  • Multiple sound file formats:
    • OGG, WAV, MP3.
  • Supported query for platform capabilities.
    • Load the best audio format for the platform.
  • Effect/Filter support:
    • Reverb, Echo, Low Pass


    Interface availability depends on platform.


  • Bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a TCP socket.
  • HTTP-compatible handshake so that HTTP servers can share their default HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443) with a WebSocket server.

  • Support for secure connections as part of the standard.

  • Support for data compression with the extension deflate-frame.


  • Access to input types.
    • Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox360 Pad, Joysticks, Wheels, Touch, Multi-touch
  • Asynchronous event system when state changes.
    • JavaScript code is notified when input changes.
    • Events for keydown, keyup, mousedown, mouseup, mousewheel, mousemove, mouseover, mouseenter, mouseleave, paddown, padup, focus, blur, mouselocklost, touchstart, touchend, touchmove, touchmove, touchenter, touchleave, touchcancel.
  • Additional mouse features:
    • hiding/showing platform icon, locking/unlocking (supported platforms).
  • Language independent keymapping.

7.1.2. High-level API

These higher-level JavaScript libraries are designed for flexibility and ease of use. The JavaScript language itself provides all the reflection mechanisms required for runtime debugging and tweaking, supporting dynamic code generation and object serialization.

Only documented objects, functions and properties should be used. Undocumented items are implementation details and may change in the future.

Scene Graph

  • Flexible JSON file format.
    • Could describe either a whole scene or individual meshes.
  • Asynchronous loading of external references.
    • If a scene contains references to external meshes they are all loaded in parallel and attached to the main scene when ready.
    • Support for optimal reuse of same mesh on different locations.
  • Pluggable renderer system.
    • Links between geometries, effects and materials are resolved at runtime.
    • Easy swap of multiple rendering techniques for same assets.
  • Geometry sharing.
    • Geometry information can be optimally reused on multiple scene locations with different rendering effects.
  • Flexible scene hierarchy nodes.
    • Lights, Geometries, Animation, Physics.
  • Visibility queries.
    • Portals, Frustum, Overlapping Box.
  • Sorting and grouping.
    • Visible nodes are sorted and grouped for optimal rendering: Opaque, Transparent, Decal.
  • Lazy evaluation of node updates.


  • 3D animation for scene geometry.

  • Skeleton/Skinning animation.

  • Animation controllers.
    • Interpolation, Overloaded Node, Reference, Transition, Blend, Mask, Pose, Skin, GPU Skin, Skinned Node.
    • Controllers can be combined for desired effect.
  • Dynamically update scene data.

Resource Manager

  • Asynchronous loading avoiding duplicates.
    • Additional remapping layer for easy URL redirection.
  • Provide default resources if missing.
    • Game can provide custom default resource to be used when a required one is missing or still loading.
  • Multiple managers for individual needs.
    • Animations, Effects, Fonts, Shaders, Sounds, Textures.
  • Bandwidth and hardware scaling by selecting different assets and effects depending on machine and Internet connection performance.

  • Client-side asset cache for optimizing and reusing requests.

Server Requests

  • HTTP & AJAX request functionality
    • Automatic retry and error handling.
    • Cross-browser support.
    • Encrypted API support.

Deferred Renderer

  • Unlimited number of lights.
    • Point, Spot, Directional, Ambient.
  • Texture based light falloff.
    • Allows multi-colored lights and cheap fake shadows, for example the typical fan under a light source.
  • Materials with multiple texture maps.
    • Specular color and intensity, Normal vector, Glow color, Alpha.
  • Pluggable post effects.
    • Easy set-up for full screen post effects as part of the final deferred shading.
    • Copy, Fade in, Modulate, Bicolor, Blend.
  • Exponential shadow maps.
    • Reuse of texture shadow maps to save video memory.
    • Gaussian blur for smooth results.
    • Exponential depth information to avoid light bleeding.
  • Volumetric fog.

  • 4 weight GPU skinning.

  • UV animation.

  • Wireframe mode.

  • Callbacks for additional passes.
    • decals, transparency, debug
  • Available in plugin mode only.

Forward Renderer

  • Unlimited number of lights.
    • Point, Spot, Directional, Ambient.
  • Texture based light falloff.
    • Allows multi-colored lights and cheap fake shadows, for example the typical fan under a light source.
  • Materials with multiple texture maps.
    • Specular color and intensity, Normal vector, Glow color, Alpha.
  • Pluggable post effects.
    • Easy set-up for full screen post effects as part of the final deferred shading.
    • Copy, Fade in, Modulate, Bicolor, Blend.
  • Exponential shadow maps.
    • Reuse of texture shadow maps to save video memory.
    • Gaussian blur for smooth results.
    • Exponential depth information to avoid light bleeding.
  • 4 weight GPU skinning.

  • UV animation.

  • Wireframe mode.

  • Callbacks for additional passes.
    • decals, transparency, debug

Default Renderer

  • Single point and ambient light.

  • Pixel-based lighting.

  • Materials with multiple texture maps.
    • Specular color and intensity, Normal vector, Glow color, Alpha.
  • Optimzed for speed and compatibility on a wide range of hardware.

  • 4 weight GPU skinning.

  • UV animation.

  • Wireframe mode.

  • Callbacks for additional passes.
    • decals, transparency, debug

Simple Renderer

  • Single point and ambient light.

  • Vertex-based lighting.

  • Materials with multiple texture maps.
    • Specular color and intensity, Normal vector, Glow color, Alpha.
  • Optimzed for speed and compatibility on a wide range of hardware.

  • 4 weight GPU skinning.

  • UV animation.

  • Wireframe mode.

  • Callbacks for additional passes.
    • decals, transparency, debug

2D Rendering


  • 2D sprite-based renderer.
    • Batches sprites for efficiency.
  • Draw modes:
    • Draw: Draw object literal, DrawRaw: Draw buffer data, DrawSprite: Draw sprite reference.
  • Scalable viewport.
    • Input coordinate mapping.
  • Sort modes.
    • Immediate, Deferred, Texture.
  • Blend modes.
    • Opaque, Additive, Alpha.
  • Custom shader support.

  • Render-to-target support.

  • Texture effects.
    • Distort, Gaussian Blur, Bloom, Color, Grey Scale, Sepia, Negative, Saturation, Hue, Brightness, Contrast.
  • Recording performance data.



  • Allocation and management of graphics buffers.
    • Vertex buffers.
    • Index buffers.
  • API controlled JavaScript profiling.
    • Per-function millisecond accuracy timing.
    • Record top-down or bottom-up function trees.
    • Calculate the time spent by an individual function or the total spent by sub-functions.
    • Identify the source file and line number of problematic areas.
  • Memory usage identification.
    • Retrieve the object count of constructed object types.
    • Take snapshots and compare memory fluctuations.
  • Encryption and decryption of server-side requests for TZO formats.

  • Debug utility with function stripping for performance.
    • assert, log, abort.
    • Complete stacktrace.
    • Supports adding custom functions.
  • Network Simulator.
    • Simulates latency and network behaviour.
    • Client-side manipulation of multiplayer session messages.
    • Simulates spikes in network traffic.

7.2. Offline Tools

Offline tools are provided to process JavaScript and HTML code, and to generate and serve the assets required for the runtime. Tools for asset processing are provided as a set of standalone command-line tools which can be run in parallel when assets dependencies allow.

Some file formats are converted into a custom JSON format supported by the runtime code, others are kept as-is and only additional processing is provided.

All assets and scripts are compressed, compacted and uniquely tagged for efficient transfer between the web server and browser.

7.2.1. Tools

Code tools exist to:

  • Optionally remove debugging code (such as asserts)
  • Concatenate and compact JavaScript and all referenced libraries
  • Generate HTML files to be used to launch applications during development

Asset tools are provided to handle the following build steps:

  • Conversion of Collada files to JSON
  • Conversion of CgFX files to JSON
  • Conversion of OBJ files to JSON
  • DXT compression
  • PNG compression
  • Cubemap generation
  • Mipmap generation
  • Texture level of detail, removing mipmap levels on demand

7.3. Templating and the Build Tools

When developing JavaScript applications to run on the Turbulenz Engine it’s useful to build and test all configurations. The development configurations (plugin-debug and canvas-debug) are set up to run inside the browser and allow use of browser debugging tools. The release configurations (plugin and canvas) load and run a code bundle, often compacted. In the case of plugin mode, JavaScript code is executed inside the engine provided by the Turbulenz browser extensions (for reasons of performance and compatibility), making debugging much more difficult.

Compacting code is an important optimization for deployment and can dramatically reduce the size of the code that needs to be transferred and parsed at runtime. Turbulenz recommends the UglifyJS tool be used in plugin and canvas configurations. See maketzjs for further details.

The tools maketzjs and makehtml support the use of template markup to allow a single set of source files to be easily built in any configuration. The templates in the example template app follow the structure shown below:

/*{{ javascript("scripts/script1.js") }}*/
/*{{ javascript("scripts/scriptN.js") }}*/

TurbulenzEngine.onload = function onloadFn()

7.3.1. Asserts and Debug Code

The Turbulenz JavaScript libraries include code to validate parameters and to assert that internal state is correct. This is intended to catch bugs and warn the programmer of problems as early as possible in the games execution. Since such debug code has a performance cost, it must be stripped out of release builds.

Debug functionality is provided by the debug object, and calls to methods on this object are stripped out of code by the maketzjs tool automatically.

Developers wishing to make use of this functionality, and developers with customized code pipelines should be aware of the behavior of the debug code stripping, and may wish to use it outside of the maketzjs tool, via strip-debug.


As an example, developers who run code compactors on game code before passing that code to maketzjs may mangle the naming of the debug object making it impossible for maketzjs to find and remove the debug code. In that case, strip-debug must be invoked directly when building release and canvas configurations, to ensure that debug code is removed before any compaction or obfuscation takes place.

7.3.2. HTML Generation

Many examples given here and in other sections use a default template to generate HTML pages for loading and running applications. This template is built into the tools, but it is perfectly possible to insert your own HTML, override parts of the default template or create your own HTML template from scratch.

Since Turbulenz games have full access to the browsers JavaScript context, they can interact with the HTML DOM in the same way that regular JavaScript code can. Although this is not generally useful for deployed games, during development HTML controls can be used to send data to the game (such as for tweaking parameters), or to display data about the running game (such as text output to log errors or metrics).

To customize the HTML generation it is necessary to understand some simple templating concepts. Here we briefly describe conditions, variables, blocks and comments, as implemented in the jinja2 templating engine, used by the Turbulenz tools.

7.3.3. Inheritance, Blocks and the Default Template

HTML templates can inherit from other HTML files using a declaration of the form:

/*{% extends "file.html" %}*/

In this case file.html is inlined and any blocks declared in it can be overridden by the child file. To include the default template, built into the tools, use:

/*{% extends "default" %}*/

(The default template can be inspected using the —dump-default-template flag on the makehtml tool):

makehtml --dump-default-template

For example, to add some HTML elements to the bar on the left of the default HTML template you can override blocks in the following way:

/*{% extends "default" %}*/

/*{% block tz_app_html_controls %}*/
  <div class="html-control control-button-pair">
      <span class="control-title">Switch animation</span>
      <input type="button" id="button01" value="Next">
      <input type="button" id="button02" value="Previous">
/*{% endblock %}*/

Blocks defined by the default template include:

  • tz_app_title defines the title used in the browser window
  • tz_app_title_name represents the title at the top of the page
  • tz_app_html_controls defines the HTML elements to be placed in the left hand margin of the page

See the default template for the definitive list of blocks that can be overridden. It is also possible to extend or inherit from a template that in turn inherits from another template (which may be the default template).

7.3.4. Conditions

Conditions allow simple predication of code based on template variables, using markup of the form /*{% if test condition %}*/, followed by /*{% endif %}*/. The main use for this is to define pieces of code which should be executed only when running in certain configurations. Examples are:

  • /*{% if tz_development %}*/ means the JavaScript game code is included using script tags allowing for easy debugging. This variable is true then the --mode flag to tools is used to specify plugin-debug or canvas-debug modes.
  • /*{% if tz_canvas %}*/ means the game is running using the canvas (non-plugin) version of the Turbulenz engine. This variable is true in canvas and canvas-debug modes.
  • /*{% if tz_hybrid %}*/ means the game is running using both the canvas (non-plugin) version of the Turbulenz engine and the plugin version (available as TurbulenzEngine and TurbulenzEnginePlugin respectively). This variable is true when the hybrid option is used.

These can be used in JavaScript, or HTML code.

7.3.5. Variables

The markup for a variable expansion is /*{{ variable }}*/. For the Turbulenz tools we define some special variable expansions to allow applications to be built.

For JavaScript code we provide

  • javascript this allows a JavaScript file to be included or referenced. For a development builds, an HTML script tag will be included with a reference to the JavaScript file, while for release builds the JavaScript file will be inlined in the code bundle.

For HTML code not using the default template, we provide

  • tz_engine_div - expands to HTML code the creates appropriate HTML tags to set up the canvas or instantiate the browser plugin (depending on the build mode)
  • tz_include_js - expands to a set of HTML <script> tags that include any JS files required in the page.
  • tz_startup_code - expands to JavaScript code the correctly starts up the engine and executes the TurbulenzEngine.onload function. This variable must be used within <script> tags.


Comment markup is /*{# comment #}*/ which simply allows comments to be placed into the templates that will not appear in the code output from the tools. (The compacting process in release modes removes any JavaScript comments).

7.4. Game Project Recommendations

The Turbulenz build tools do not impose any real structure on how a game project is arranged or built. However we recommend that developers follow the guidelines given here.

7.4.1. Code Layout

Since HTML can refer to .js code files (in development modes), those .js files must reside in directories below the HTML output. The build system should either build the .html, .tzjs and .js files into the root of the project, or into a build directory into which all dependent files are copied.

We recommend that build output go into the project root where it can reference the rest of the game code and assets, with the following directory structure below. See the templateapp for an example.

scripts:Main game code and library files.
templates:Game .js and .html templates. The .js file should contain the TurbulenzEngine.onload entry point and then call into the code in scripts.
jslib:A copy of the jslib directory from the SDK install.
build:Intermediate build files and dependency data

When using plugin-debug and canvas-debug build modes, only the minimal code generated from templates will be embedded into the HTML page. Changes in the scripts directory will not require rebuilds. (plugin and canvas modes will always require rebuilds of the code bundle for any code change).

7.4.2. Asset Layout

As with code, we recommend keeping asset source data in subdirectories of the project root.

assets/models:The raw assets folder for models (before conversion). i.e. .dae, .obj
 The raw assets folder for textures (before conversion). i.e. .tga, .png, .jpg, .bmp
assets/shaders:The raw assets folder for shaders (before conversion). i.e. .cgfx

The staticmax folder should be used for the output from the asset build to maximize the effectiveness of the browser cache, as described in the section Assets.

The build system should maintain a ‘mapping_table.json’ file to help runtime code find the appropriate uniquely named files under staticmax.

7.5. Coding

Below are some recommendations specific to JavaScript programming using the TurbulenzEngine. The JavaScript Development Guide contains more detail and explanation of some of these principles, as well as general JavaScript programming and performance guidelines.

7.5.1. Giving time back to the browser

Many operations performed by the browser happen asynchronously, and it is necessary to make sure that the browser has sufficient time to deal with all of these operations and events.

When JavaScript code for the game is running, no other JavaScript code can run at the same time. This means that long tasks (for example converting an asset format at load time) can introduce significant delays to other areas of the page:

  • Browser UI and controls
  • Other tabs running on the browser
  • JavaScript running on the same page
  • Other JavaScript operations performed by your game

Equivalently, the main game loop must be scheduled to be called once per frame. A construct such as a while loop would not give the browser a chance to carry out any loading or rendering operations, and would likely result in the browser halting execution of the game.

JavaScript code only gives time back to the browser once all functions have returned

The setInterval function available on the TurbulenzEngine object can be used to schedule callbacks in this way:

var intervalID;
function executionLoopFn()
    var currentTime = TurbulenzEngine.time;

    // ... perform some activity ...

// Set the engine to call the executionLoopFn every frame.
intervalID = TurbulenzEngine.setInterval(executionLoopFn, 1000/60);

The executionLoopFn will be called once every 60th of a second.


The window.setInterval functions provided by the browser generally have a resolution too low for games. TurbulenzEngine.setInterval makes use of other APIs or browser extensions to ensure a callbacks happen at much finer and more accurate intervals.

However, due to the fact that the game loop shares execution time with other operations, it is impossible to guarantee accurate timing of callbacks at all times. The TurbulenzEngine.time property gives high-resolution timing information. Games can make use of this to keep updates of game state and animation consistent with player expectations.

The TurbulenzEngine.setTimeout function is similar to setInterval, but schedules a one-shot callback rather than repeated invocations. Passing a timeout of 0 to this function gives the browser a chance to handle other operations while requesting further execution time as soon as possible. The example below is somewhat contrived, but demonstrates how this can be used to perform a long calculation while not causing the browser to freeze or terminate execution of the game:

var fibCallback = function fibCallbackFn(value)
    window.alert("The 1,000th number in the Fibonacci sequence is " + value);

var fibCalc = function fibCalcFn(i)
    TurbulenzEngine.setTimeout(function ()
            b = fib + a;
            fib = a;
            a = b;

            i += 1;
            if (i < 1000)
        }, 0);


This is quite extreme, in reality we would want to compute more than just one Fibonacci term for each loop.

7.5.2. Caching functions

Looking up methods on an object has a cost associated with it, equivalent to looking up any other property. Significant time can often be saved by caching a method instead of forcing a new lookup at each use. For example, to sum of an array 1000 vectors a first implementation may take this form:

for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i += 1)
    VMath.v3Add(sum, array[i], sum);

In order to execute each step of the loop the JavaScript engine must first checks for the existence of a v3Add function on the VMath object, then retrieve and call that function with this set to the VMath object.

We can avoid the unnecessary repeated checks for v3Add in the following way:

var v3Add = VMath.v3Add;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i += 1)
{, sum, array[i], sum);

7.5.3. Typed Arrays

Typed arrays allow JavaScript code to create and access raw memory buffers, and interpret the data as various primitive types, such as Int32, Float32, etc (see for full details). Many JavaScript engines are ‘aware’ of typed arrays and can generate optimized JIT compiled code to operate on them. For this reason, we recommend their use for storing large arrays of values of the same type.

Code of the following form can be used to check for typed array support

var ArrayConstructor = Array;
if (typeof Float32Array !== "undefined")
    ArrayConstructor = Float32Array;

var myNumberArray = new ArrayConstructor(4);

Data in typed arrays can also be passed to several engine APIs for optimal performance. For example, when setting data on a VertexBuffer, a typed array of the correct type (i.e. matching the vertex format) can be sent to the graphics hardware with no type conversions, whereas a JavaScript Array of values require the engine to iterate through the array converting double values to the appropriate format. See The IndexBuffer Object, The VertexBuffer Object and The Texture Object for details of optimal data formats.

The Turbulenz MathDevice makes extensive use of the Float32Array type for vector and matrix objects.