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23.11. dae2json

23.11.1. Usage


dae2json [options] -i source.dae -o target.json

Convert Collada (.dae) files into a Turbulenz JSON asset. dae2json is based on the Collada specification

The engine uses Y up convention. There is some support for conversion from X and Z up but modeling with Y up is recommended.

23.11.2. Options

This tool uses the Standard Asset Tool Options.

Added SDK 0.25.0


Path to NvTriStripper, setting this enables vertex cache optimizations.

23.11.3. Example

dae2json -v -m -i assets/models/duck.dae -o apps/sampleapp/models/duck.dae.json

23.12. obj2json

23.12.1. Usage


obj2json [options] -i source.obj -o target.json

Convert Wavefront (.obj) files into a Turbulenz JSON asset.

23.12.2. Options

This tool uses the Standard Asset Tool Options.

23.12.3. Example

obj2json -v -m -i assets/models/watercan.obj -o samples/models/watercan.obj.json


The tool does not have support for .mtl files yet, but expects any relevant materials to be declared in a .material file and included as a dependancy in deps.yaml

The tool sets the default node name of the asset parsed to be the file name (without the path), unless anything else is supplied. This could lead to clashes with other nodes with the same name.

Each surface is assumed to only have a single material. A new surface will be made upon requiring a new material.

23.13. material2json

23.13.1. Usage


material2json [options] -i source.materials -o target.json

Convert Material Yaml (.material) files into a Turbulenz JSON asset.

23.13.2. Options

This tool uses the Standard Asset Tool Options.

23.13.3. Example

material2json -v -m -i assets/materials/defaults.material -o apps/sampleapp/materials/materials.json

23.14. effect2json

23.14.1. Usage


effect2json [options] -i source.effects -o target.json

Convert Effect Yaml (.effect) files into a Turbulenz JSON asset.

23.14.2. Options

This tool uses the Standard Asset Tool Options.

23.14.3. Example

effect2json -v -m -i assets/effects/defaults.effect -o apps/sampleapp/effects/effects.json

23.15. bmfont2json

23.15.1. Usage


bmfont2json [options] -i source.fnt -o target.json

Convert Bitmap Font Generator data (.fnt) files into a Turbulenz JSON asset. Only text .fnt files are supported.

23.15.2. Options


Show version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running

--metrics, -m

Output asset metrics


Write to log file

23.15.3. Asset Generation Options

--json_indent=SIZE, -j SIZE

JSON output pretty printing indent size, defaults to 0.

23.15.4. Asset Location Options

--prefix=URL, -p URL

Texture URL to prefix to all texture references.

--assets=PATH, -a PATH

PATH of the asset root.

23.15.5. File Options

--input=INPUT, -i INPUT

Input file to process.

--output=OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

Output file to process.

23.15.6. Example

bmfont2json -v -i assets/fonts/opensans.fnt -o apps/sampleapp/fonts/opensans.json

23.16. maptool

23.16.1. Usage


maptool [options] basemap.json

Adds profile entries to the overrides section of mapping table basemap.json and write the output to a file or stdout. See The MappingTable Object for further details.

23.16.2. Options

-o <outfile>

(optional) Write to a file (instead of stdout)

--profile <name>,<maptable.json>[,parent]

Add the table in maptable.json as a profile called name to the overrides section of basefile.json. The profile must not already exist in basefile.json. If parent is specified, the profile is specified as inheriting from the profile of that name. The parent profile must already exist in basefile.json or be added in the same invocation. This option can be used multiple times in the same invocation.

23.17. Standard Asset Tool Options

23.17.1. Options


Show version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running

--metrics, -m

Output asset metrics


Write to log file

23.17.2. Asset Generation Options

--json_indent=SIZE, -j SIZE

JSON output pretty printing indent size, defaults to 0.


Keep images with no references to them.

--include-type=TYPE, -I TYPE

Only include objects of class TYPE in export.

--exclude-type=TYPE, -E TYPE

Exclude objects of class TYPE from export.


Classes currently supported for include and exclude: geometries, nodes, animations, images, effects, materials, lights, physicsmaterials, physicsmodels and physicsnodes.


Using these options can create incomplete assets which require fixup at runtime.

23.17.3. Asset Location Options

--url=URL, -u URL

Asset URL to prefix to all asset references

--assets=PATH, -a PATH

PATH of the asset root.

--definitions=JSON_FILE, -d JSON_FILE

definition JSON_FILE to include in build, this option can be used repeatedly for multiple files

23.17.4. File Options

--input=INPUT, -i INPUT

Input file to process.

--output=OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

Output file to process.