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23.6. json2json

23.6.1. Usage


json2json [options] source.json [ ... ] target.json

Merge JSON asset files.

23.6.2. Options


Show program’s version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running.

--metrics, -m

Generate asset metrics.

23.6.3. Example

json2json -v -m source1.json source2.json target.json

23.7. json2tar

23.7.1. Usage


json2tar [options] -i input.json -o output.tar

Generate a TAR file for binary assets referenced from a JSON asset.

23.7.2. Options


Show program’s version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running.

--input=INPUT, -i INPUT

Input JSON file to process.

--output=OUTPUT, -o OUPUT

Output TAR file to generate.

--assets=PATH, -a PATH

Path of the asset root containing all assets referenced by the JSON file.


Output dependencies.


Dependencies output to file.

23.7.3. Example

json2tar -v -i samples/models/duck.dae.json -o samples/models/duck.tar -a assets

23.8. json2stats

23.8.1. Usage


json2stats [options] asset.json [ ... ]

Report metrics on JSON asset files.

Metrics are:

  • keys: number of bytes used by keys.
  • punctuation (punctn): number of bytes used by JSON punctuation, including ‘[ ] { } ” , :’.
  • values: number of bytes used by values. For uncompact JSON files this will also include the white space.
  • k%: percentage of total size used by the keys.
  • p%: percentage of total size used by the punctuation.
  • v%: percentage of total size used by the values (and white space).
  • # keys: the total number of keys.
  • unique: the number of unique keys.
  • total: the total asset size in byte.
  • gzip: the asset size after gzip compression.
  • ratio: the gzip size as a percentage of the uncompressed total size.

23.8.2. Options


Show program’s version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running.

--metrics, -m

Output asset metrics

--header, -H

Generate column header

This tool current assumes the JSON asset is compact with no additional white space.

23.8.3. Example

json2stats -v -H samples/models/*.json


|    keys: punctn: values |     k%:    p%:    v% | # keys:unique |   total:   gzip: ratio |
|    6132:  94002: 441845 |   1.1%: 17.3%: 81.5% |    658:   177 |  541979: 123824: 22.8% | samples/models/Seymour.dae.json
|    6670:  94504: 442359 |   1.2%: 17.4%: 81.4% |    730:   183 |  543533: 123805: 22.8% | samples/models/Seymour_anim2.dae.json
|    5266: 113976: 611462 |   0.7%: 15.6%: 83.7% |    563:   177 |  730704: 160746: 22.0% | samples/models/Seymour_anim2_rot90_anim_only.dae.json
|     436:    737:    662 |  23.8%: 40.2%: 36.1% |     68:    43 |    1835:    604: 32.9% | samples/models/cube.dae.json
|    2374: 498398:3210566 |   0.1%: 13.4%: 86.5% |    316:    75 | 3711338: 761215: 20.5% | samples/models/diningroom.dae.json
|     538:  56067: 277087 |   0.2%: 16.8%: 83.0% |     70:    55 |  333692: 102407: 30.7% | samples/models/duck.dae.json
|     409:   7958:  33016 |   1.0%: 19.2%: 79.8% |     55:    42 |   41383:   8470: 20.5% | samples/models/sphere.dae.json
|   21825: 865642:5016997 |   0.4%: 14.7%: 85.0% |   2460:   752 | 5904464:1281071: 21.7% | cumulative total and global ratio

23.9. xml2json

23.9.1. Usage


xml2json [options] -i input.xml -o output.json

Convert XML assets into a structured JSON asset.

23.9.2. Options


Show program’s version number and exit.

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running.

--metrics, -m

Output asset metrics

--input=INPUT, -i INPUT

Input XML file to process

--output=OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

Output JSON file to process

23.9.3. Asset Generation Options

--json-indent=SIZE, -j SIZE

JSON output pretty printing indent size, defaults to 0

--namespace, -n

Maintain XML xmlns namespace in JSON asset keys.

--convert-types, -c

Attempt to convert values to ints, floats and lists.

23.9.4. Example

xml2json -v -j 2 -c -i asset.xml -o asset.json

23.10. json2txt

23.10.1. Usage


json2txt [options] -i input.json [-o output.html]

Generate plain text or html from a JSON asset.

23.10.2. Options

--help, -h

Show help message and exit.


Show program’s version number and exit.

--verbose, -v

Verbose output.

--silent, -s

Silent running.

--input=INPUT, -i INPUT

Input JSON file to process.

--output=OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

Output file to generate (optional). If not specified, output is displayed on the terminal. If specified, flags –html or –txt can be used (by default will output as plain text).

--path=PATH, -p PATH

Path of the required node to output in the JSON asset tree structure. Support for wildcards enabled.

--listcull=NUMBER, -l NUMBER

Culling parameter to specify the maximum length of the lists to be displayed. NUMBER=0 displays all contents (defaults to 3).

--dictcull=NUMBER, -c NUMBER

Culling parameter to specify the maximum length of the dictionaries to be displayed. NUMBER=0 displays all contents (defaults to 3).

--depth=NUMBER, -d NUMBER

Parameter of the dictionary and list rendering depth (defaults to 2).


Output data in HTML format.


Output in plain text format (default)


Enable colored text output.

23.10.3. Example

json2txt -i samples/models/duck.dae.json -o duck.txt --txt
json2txt -i samples/models/duck.dae.json -p geometries
json2txt -i samples/models/duck.dae.json -p geom*/*
json2txt -i samples/models/duck.dae.json -p geom*/cu*/surf*/lam* -c 0