Chapter 6. Users Administration

6.1. How do I use Sudo?
6.2. How do I set/change/enable root user password?
6.3. How do I disable root user account?
6.4. How do I allow root user to login into GNOME?
6.5. How do I switch to root user in Terminal mode?
6.6. How do I add/edit/delete users?
6.7. How do I add/edit/delete system groups?
6.8. How do I automatic login into GNOME (not secure)?
6.9. How do I allow more people to administer the computer?
6.10. How do I use sudo without prompt for password (not secure)?
6.11. How do I explicitly destroy the sudo session?
6.12. How do I change files/folders permissions?
6.13. How do I change files/folders ownership?
6.14. How do I change files/folders group ownership?

How do I use Sudo?


The root account is disabled in Ubuntu for security reasons.

  1. All the default configuration tools in Ubuntu already use sudo, so they will prompt you for your password if needed.

  2. To run other applications with sudo:

    Applications->System Tools->Run as different user

  3. In the Run program dialog box, type the command you wish to run in the Run: editbox. In the As user: list choose “root”, then click OK.

  4. You will be asked to enter your password (for your user account, not root). enter your password, then click OK.


How do I set/change/enable root user password?

  1. sudo passwd root


How do I disable root user account?

  1. sudo passwd -l root


How do I allow root user to login into GNOME?

  1. Read How do I set/change/enable the root user password?

  2. System->Administration->Login Screen Setup

  3. Select the Security tab. Check the Allow root to login with GDM checkbox option.


How do I switch to root user in Terminal mode?

  1. sudo -s -H Password: <specify user password>


How do I add/edit/delete users?

  1. System->Administration->Users and Groups

  2. Select the Users tab. Use the Add User ..., Properties or Delete buttons to add, edit, remove user accounts.


How do I add/edit/delete system groups?

  1. System->Administration->Users and Groups

  2. Select the Groups tab. Use the Add Group ..., Properties, Delete buttons to add, edit or delete system groups.


How do I automatic login into GNOME (not secure)?

  1. System->Administration->Login Screen Setup

  2. Select the General tab. Check the Login a user automatically on first bootup checkbox option.


How do I allow more people to administer the computer?

  1. Launch System->Administration->Users and Groups

  2. Select the user

  3. Click on Properties

  4. Click on the User Privileges tab

  5. Check the Executing System Administration Tasks checkbox


How do I use “sudo” without prompt for password (not secure)?

  1. export EDITOR=vim && 
    sudo visudo

  2. Find this line

        system_username ALL=(ALL) ALL 

  3. Replace with the following line

    system_username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

  4. Save the edited file (sample/sudoers_usesudowithoutpasswordprompt)


How do I explicitly destroy the “sudo” session?

  1. sudo -K


How do I change files/folders permissions?

  1. Right click the file or folder. Select the Properties option. Select the Permissions tab. For the Owner, Group and Others check/uncheck the Read, Write, Execute options to set or unset permissions.


How do I change files/folders ownership?

  1. sudo chown system_username /location_of_files_or_folders


How do I change files/folders group ownership?

  1. sudo chgrp system_groupname /location_of_files_or_folders