Music and Movies

1. How do I install multimedia codecs?
2. How do I install DVD playback?
3. How do I install RealPlayer 10?
4. How do I install the stream directory browser streamtuner?
5. How do I install a ID3 tag editor (Cowbell)?
6. How do I install a video editor (Kino)?
7. How do I install an audio editor (Audacity)?
8. How do I install a DVD ripper (dvd::rip)?

How do I install multimedia codecs?

  1. Make sure the universe and multiverse repositories are enabled. (See How do I add Universe and Multiverse?)

  2. Install the following packages with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Libraries (multiverse) > gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse
    Libraries (universe) > gstreamer0.8-plugins
    Libraries (universe) > gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg
    Libraries (universe) > gstreamer0.8-mad
    Multimedia > vorbis-tools
    Multimedia (multiverse) > lame
    Multimedia (multiverse) > faad
    Multimedia (multiverse) > gstreamer0.8-lame
    Multimedia (universe) > sox
    Graphics (multiverse) > mjpegtools
    Graphics (universe) > ffmpeg 
    GNOME Desktop Enviroment (universe) > totem-xine

  3. Register the GStreamer plugins on your system. At the command line, type


Due to patent and copyright restrictions, the w32codecs and libdivx4linux packages are not included with Ubuntu. For more information on these read


How do I install DVD playback?

Currently there is no legal way to play DVDs on Linux using free packages. To enable DVD playback, read DVD-video at


How do I install RealPlayer 10?

  1. Visit and download Realplayer 10 for Linux into a convenient directory.

  2. Make the downloaded file executable. At the command line, change to the directory where you downloaded the file, and type

    chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

  3. To install Real Player 10, run the downloaded file. Type

    sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

    When prompted for a location to install RealPlayer 10, type /usr/bin/RealPlayer

    When prompted to configure system-wide symbolic links, type "y". After that, accept the default prefix for symbolic links.

  4. You can now safely remove the downloaded file from your system. Type

    rm RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

  5. To run Real Player 10, choose Applications->Sound & Applications->RealPlayer 10.


How do I install the stream directory browser streamtuner?

  1. Make sure the universe repository is enabled. (See How do I add Universe and Multiverse?)

  2. Install the streamtuner package with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Networking (universe) > streamtuner

  3. To run streamtuner, choose Applications->Sound & Video->streamtuner.


How do I install a ID3 tag editor (Cowbell)?

  1. Make sure the universe repository is enabled. (See How do I add Universe and Multiverse?)

  2. Install the cowbell package with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Multimedia (universe) > cowbell

  3. To run Cowbell, choose Applications->Sound & Video->Cowbell Music Organizer.


How do I install a video editor (Kino)?

  1. Install the kino package with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Graphics > kino

  2. To run Kino, choose Applications->Sound & Video->Kino Video Editor.


How do I install an audio editor (Audacity)?

  1. Make sure the universe repository is enabled. (See How do I add Universe and Multiverse?)

  2. Install the audacity package with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Multimedia (universe) > audacity

  3. To run Audacity, choose Applications->Sound & Video->Audacity.


How do I install a DVD ripper (dvd::rip)?

  1. Make sure the multiverse repository is enabled. (See How do I add Universe and Multiverse?)

  2. Install the multimedia codecs. See How do I install multimedia codecs?.

  3. Install DVD video playback. See How do I install DVD playback?.

  4. Install the following packages with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Graphics (multiverse) > dvdrip
    Miscellaneous - Graphical (multiverse) > transcode

  5. Start a new desktop configuration file in the /usr/share/applications directory.

    sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/dvdrip.desktop

    A blank file called dvdrip.desktop opens in gedit.

  6. Add the following lines to the new file:

    [Desktop Entry]

  7. Save the file and close gedit. (See sample/dvdrip.desktop_dvdrip for an example.)

  8. To start dvd::rip, choose Applications->Sound & Video->dvd::rip.