Package wx :: Class FontMapper
[frames | no frames]

Type FontMapper

object --+

Proxy of C++ FontMapper class

Method Summary
FontMapper __init__(self)
int CharsetToEncoding(self, charset, interactive)
FontMapper Get()
(Static method)
PyObject GetAltForEncoding(self, encoding, facename, interactive)
String GetDefaultConfigPath()
(Static method)
int GetEncoding(n)
(Static method)
String GetEncodingDescription(encoding)
(Static method)
int GetEncodingFromName(name)
(Static method)
String GetEncodingName(encoding)
(Static method)
size_t GetSupportedEncodingsCount()
(Static method)
bool IsEncodingAvailable(self, encoding, facename)
FontMapper Set(mapper)
(Static method)
  SetConfigPath(self, prefix)
  SetDialogParent(self, parent)
  SetDialogTitle(self, title)

Property Summary
  AltForEncoding: See GetAltForEncoding
  thisown: The membership flag

Property Details


See GetAltForEncoding

Get Method:
GetAltForEncoding(self, encoding, facename, interactive)


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:13:52 2007