Package wx
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Package wx

  • animate: Simple animation player classes, including GIFAnimationCtrl for displaying animated GIF files
  • aui: The wx.aui moduleis an Advanced User Interface library that aims to implement "cutting-edge" interface usability and design features so developers can quickly and easily create beautiful and usable application interfaces.
  • build: This package provides the config module, which is used by wxPython's distutils script.
  • calendar: Classes for an interactive Calendar control.
  • combo: ComboCtrl class that can have any type of popup widget, and also an owner-drawn combobox control.
  • gizmos: Various gizmo classes: DynamicSashWindow, EditableListBox, LEDNumberCtrl, TreeListCtrl, etc.
  • glcanvas: GLCanvas provides an OpenGL Context on a wx.Window.
  • grid: Classes for implementing a spreadsheet-like control.
  • html: Classes for a simple HTML rendering window, HTML Help Window, etc.
  • lib
  • media: Classes for a media player control
  • py: The py package, formerly the PyCrust package.
  • richtext
  • stc: The StyledTextCtrl provides a text editor that can used as a syntax highlighting source code editor, or similar.
  • tools: Some useful tools and utilities for wxPython.
  • webkit: wx.webkit.WebKitCtrl for Mac OSX.
  • wizard: Wizard is a dialog class that guides the user through a sequence of steps, or pages.
  • xrc: The XmlResource class allows program resources defining menus, layout of controls on a panel, etc.

AboutDialogInfo wx.AboutDialogInfo contains information to be shown in the standard About dialog displayed by the wx.AboutBox function.
AcceleratorEntry A class used to define items in an wx.AcceleratorTable.
AcceleratorTable An accelerator table allows the application to specify a table of keyboard shortcuts for menus or other commands.
ActivateEvent An activate event is sent when a top-level window or the entire application is being activated or deactivated.
AlphaPixelData Proxy of C++ AlphaPixelData class
AlphaPixelData_Accessor Proxy of C++ AlphaPixelData_Accessor class
ANIHandler A wx.ImageHandler for *.ani animated cursor files.
App The wx.App class represents the application and is used to:
ArtProvider The wx.ArtProvider class is used to customize the look of wxWidgets application.
AutoBufferedPaintDC If the current platform double buffers by default then this DC is the same as a plain wx.PaintDC, otherwise it is a wx.BufferedPaintDC.
Bitmap The wx.Bitmap class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent bitmap.
BitmapButton A Button that contains a bitmap.
BitmapDataObject wx.BitmapDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for bitmap data.
BMPHandler A wx.ImageHandler for *.bmp bitmap files.
BookCtrlBase Proxy of C++ BookCtrlBase class
BookCtrlBaseEvent Proxy of C++ BookCtrlBaseEvent class
BoxSizer The basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out in rather simple basic geometry, typically in a row or a column or nested hierarchies of either.
Brush A brush is a drawing tool for filling in areas.
BrushList Proxy of C++ BrushList class
BufferedDC This simple class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing on it, everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a wx.Bitmap) and then copied to the screen only once, when this object is destroyed.
BufferedPaintDC This is a subclass of wx.BufferedDC which can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT event handler.
BusyCursor Proxy of C++ BusyCursor class
BusyInfo Proxy of C++ BusyInfo class
Button A button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most common elements of a GUI.
CalculateLayoutEvent Proxy of C++ CalculateLayoutEvent class
CallLater A convenience class for wx.Timer, that calls the given callable object once after the given amount of milliseconds, passing any positional or keyword args.
Caret Proxy of C++ Caret class
CheckBox A checkbox is a labelled box which by default is either on (the checkmark is visible) or off (no checkmark).
CheckListBox Proxy of C++ CheckListBox class
ChildFocusEvent A child focus event is sent to a (parent-)window when one of its child windows gains focus, so that the window could restore the focus back to its corresponding child if it loses it now and regains later.
Choice A Choice control is used to select one of a list of strings.
Choicebook Proxy of C++ Choicebook class
ChoicebookEvent Proxy of C++ ChoicebookEvent class
ClientDC A wx.ClientDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from outside an EVT_PAINT event.
Clipboard wx.Clipboard represents the system clipboard and provides methods to copy data to it or paste data from it.
ClipboardLocker A helpful class for opening the clipboard and automatically closing it when the locker is destroyed.
ClipboardTextEvent A Clipboard Text event is sent when a window intercepts a text copy/cut/paste message, i.e.
CloseEvent This event class contains information about window and session close events.
CollapsiblePane A collapsable pane is a container with an embedded button-like control which can be used by the user to collapse or expand the pane's contents.
CollapsiblePaneEvent Proxy of C++ CollapsiblePaneEvent class
Color A colour is an object representing a combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values, and is used to determine drawing colours, window colours, etc.
Colour A colour is an object representing a combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values, and is used to determine drawing colours, window colours, etc.
ColourData This class holds a variety of information related to the colour chooser dialog, used to transfer settings and results to and from the wx.ColourDialog.
ColourDatabase Proxy of C++ ColourDatabase class
ColourDialog This class represents the colour chooser dialog.
ColourPickerCtrl This control allows the user to select a colour.
ColourPickerEvent Proxy of C++ ColourPickerEvent class
ComboBox A combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox.
CommandEvent This event class contains information about command events, which originate from a variety of simple controls, as well as menus and toolbars.
Config This ConfigBase-derived class will use the registry on Windows, and will be a wx.FileConfig on other platforms.
ConfigBase wx.ConfigBase class defines the basic interface of all config classes.
ConfigPathChanger A handy little class which changes current path to the path of given entry and restores it in the destructoir: so if you declare a local variable of this type, you work in the entry directory and the path is automatically restored when the function returns.
ContextHelp This class changes the cursor to a query and puts the application into a 'context-sensitive help mode'.
ContextHelpButton Instances of this class may be used to add a question mark button that when pressed, puts the application into context-help mode.
ContextMenuEvent This class is used for context menu events (EVT_CONTECT_MENU,) sent to give the application a chance to show a context (popup) menu.
Control This is the base class for a control or 'widget'.
ControlWithItems wx.ControlWithItems combines the wx.ItemContainer class with the wx.Control class, and is used for the base class of various controls that have items.
CPPFileSystemHandler Proxy of C++ CPPFileSystemHandler class
CURHandler A wx.ImageHandler for *.cur cursor files.
Cursor A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click.
CustomDataObject wx.CustomDataObject is a specialization of wx.DataObjectSimple for some application-specific data in arbitrary format.
DataFormat A wx.DataFormat is an encapsulation of a platform-specific format handle which is used by the system for the clipboard and drag and drop operations.
DataObject A wx.DataObject represents data that can be copied to or from the clipboard, or dragged and dropped.
DataObjectComposite wx.DataObjectComposite is the simplest wx.DataObject derivation which may be sued to support multiple formats.
DataObjectSimple wx.DataObjectSimple is a wx.DataObject which only supports one format.
DateEvent This event class holds information about a date change event and is used together with wx.DatePickerCtrl.
DatePickerCtrl This control allows the user to select a date.
DateSpan Proxy of C++ DateSpan class
DateTime Proxy of C++ DateTime class
DC A wx.DC is a device context onto which graphics and text can be drawn.
DCBrushChanger wx.DCBrushChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC brush and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
DCClipper wx.wxDCClipper sets the DC's clipping region when it is constructed, and then automatically destroys the clipping region when the clipper goes out of scope.
DCOverlay Proxy of C++ DCOverlay class
DCPenChanger wx.DCPenChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC pen and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
DCTextColourChanger wx.DCTextColourChanger can be used to temporarily change the DC text colour and restore it automatically when the object goes out of scope
Dialog Proxy of C++ Dialog class
DirDialog wx.DirDialog allows the user to select a directory by browising the file system.
DirFilterListCtrl Proxy of C++ DirFilterListCtrl class
DirPickerCtrl Proxy of C++ DirPickerCtrl class
Display Represents a display/monitor attached to the system
DisplayChangedEvent An EVT_DISPLAY_CHANGED event is sent to all windows when the display resolution has changed.
DragImage Proxy of C++ DragImage class
DropFilesEvent This class is used for drop files events, that is, when files have been dropped onto the window.
DropSource Proxy of C++ DropSource class
DropTarget Proxy of C++ DropTarget class
Effects Proxy of C++ Effects class
EncodingConverter Proxy of C++ EncodingConverter class
EraseEvent An erase event is sent whenever the background of a window needs to be repainted.
Event An event is a structure holding information about an event passed to a callback or member function.
EventLoop Proxy of C++ EventLoop class
EventLoopActivator Proxy of C++ EventLoopActivator class
EvtHandler Proxy of C++ EvtHandler class
FileConfig This config class will use a file for storage on all platforms.
FileDataObject wx.FileDataObject is a specialization of wx.DataObjectSimple for file names.
FileDialog wx.FileDialog allows the user to select one or more files from the filesystem.
FileDirPickerEvent Proxy of C++ FileDirPickerEvent class
FileDropTarget Proxy of C++ FileDropTarget class
FileHistory Proxy of C++ FileHistory class
FilePickerCtrl Proxy of C++ FilePickerCtrl class
FileSystem Proxy of C++ FileSystem class
FileSystemHandler Proxy of C++ FileSystemHandler class
FileType Proxy of C++ FileType class
FileTypeInfo Proxy of C++ FileTypeInfo class
FindDialogEvent Events for the FindReplaceDialog
FindReplaceData wx.FindReplaceData holds the data for wx.FindReplaceDialog.
FindReplaceDialog wx.FindReplaceDialog is a standard modeless dialog which is used to allow the user to search for some text (and possibly replace it with something else).
FlexGridSizer A flex grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all table cells in one row having the same height and all cells in one column having the same width, but all rows or all columns are not necessarily the same height or width as in the wx.GridSizer.
FocusEvent A focus event is sent when a window's focus changes.
Font A font is an object which determines the appearance of text.
FontData This class holds a variety of information related to font dialogs and is used to transfer settings to and results from a wx.FontDialog.
FontDialog wx.FontDialog allows the user to select a system font and its attributes.
FontEnumerator Proxy of C++ FontEnumerator class
FontList Proxy of C++ FontList class
FontMapper Proxy of C++ FontMapper class
FontPickerCtrl Proxy of C++ FontPickerCtrl class
FontPickerEvent Proxy of C++ FontPickerEvent class
Frame Proxy of C++ Frame class
FSFile Proxy of C++ FSFile class
FutureCall A compatibility alias for CallLater.
Gauge Proxy of C++ Gauge class
GBPosition This class represents the position of an item in a virtual grid of rows and columns managed by a wx.GridBagSizer.
GBSizerItem The wx.GBSizerItem class is used to track the additional data about items in a wx.GridBagSizer such as the item's position in the grid and how many rows or columns it spans.
GBSpan This class is used to hold the row and column spanning attributes of items in a wx.GridBagSizer.
GCDC Proxy of C++ GCDC class
GDIObject Proxy of C++ GDIObject class
GDIObjListBase Proxy of C++ GDIObjListBase class
GenericDirCtrl Proxy of C++ GenericDirCtrl class
GIFHandler A wx.ImageHandler for GIF image files.
GraphicsBrush A wx.GraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush.
GraphicsContext A wx.GraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon.
GraphicsFont A wx.GraphicsFont is a native representation of a font (including text colour).
GraphicsMatrix A wx.GraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix.
GraphicsObject This class is the superclass of native graphics objects like pens etc.
GraphicsPath Proxy of C++ GraphicsPath class
GraphicsPen A wx.GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen.
GraphicsRenderer Proxy of C++ GraphicsRenderer class
GridBagSizer A wx.Sizer that can lay out items in a virtual grid like a wx.FlexGridSizer but in this case explicit positioning of the items is allowed using wx.GBPosition, and items can optionally span more than one row and/or column using wx.GBSpan.
GridSizer A grid sizer is a sizer which lays out its children in a two-dimensional table with all cells having the same size.
HeaderButtonParams Extra (optional) parameters for wx.RendererNative.DrawHeaderButton
HelpEvent A help event is sent when the user has requested context-sensitive help.
HelpProvider wx.HelpProvider is an abstract class used by a program implementing context-sensitive help to show the help text for the given window.
HtmlListBox Proxy of C++ HtmlListBox class
HyperlinkCtrl A static text control that emulates a hyperlink.
HyperlinkEvent Proxy of C++ HyperlinkEvent class
ICOHandler A wx.ImageHandler for *.ico icon files.
Icon Proxy of C++ Icon class
IconBundle Proxy of C++ IconBundle class
IconizeEvent An EVT_ICONIZE event is sent when a frame is iconized (minimized) or restored.
IconLocation Proxy of C++ IconLocation class
IdleEvent This class is used for EVT_IDLE events, which are generated and sent when the application becomes idle.
Image A platform-independent image class.
Image_HSVValue An object that contains values for hue, saturation and value which represent the value of a color.
Image_RGBValue An object that contains values for red, green and blue which represent the value of a color.
ImageHandler This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data.
ImageHistogram Proxy of C++ ImageHistogram class
ImageList Proxy of C++ ImageList class
IndividualLayoutConstraint Objects of this class are stored in the wx.LayoutConstraints class as one of eight possible constraints that a window can be involved in.
InitDialogEvent A wx.InitDialogEvent is sent as a dialog is being initialised, or for any window when wx.Window.InitDialog is called.
InputStream Proxy of C++ InputStream class
InternetFSHandler Proxy of C++ InternetFSHandler class
ItemContainer The wx.ItemContainer class defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems, each of which may be selected, such as wx.ListBox, wx.CheckListBox, wx.Choice as well as wx.ComboBox which implements an extended interface deriving from this one.
Joystick Proxy of C++ Joystick class
JoystickEvent Proxy of C++ JoystickEvent class
JPEGHandler A wx.ImageHandler for JPEG/JPG image files.
KeyEvent This event class contains information about keypress and character events.
LanguageInfo Proxy of C++ LanguageInfo class
LayoutAlgorithm Proxy of C++ LayoutAlgorithm class
LayoutConstraints Note: constraints are now deprecated and you should use sizers instead.
Listbook Proxy of C++ Listbook class
ListbookEvent Proxy of C++ ListbookEvent class
ListBox Proxy of C++ ListBox class
ListCtrl Proxy of C++ ListCtrl class
ListEvent Proxy of C++ ListEvent class
ListItem Proxy of C++ ListItem class
ListItemAttr Proxy of C++ ListItemAttr class
ListView Proxy of C++ ListView class
Locale Proxy of C++ Locale class
Log Proxy of C++ Log class
LogBuffer Proxy of C++ LogBuffer class
LogChain Proxy of C++ LogChain class
LogGui Proxy of C++ LogGui class
LogNull Proxy of C++ LogNull class
LogStderr Proxy of C++ LogStderr class
LogTextCtrl Proxy of C++ LogTextCtrl class
LogWindow Proxy of C++ LogWindow class
Mask This class encapsulates a monochrome mask bitmap, where the masked area is black and the unmasked area is white.
MaximizeEvent An EVT_MAXIMIZE event is sent when a frame is maximized or restored.
MDIChildFrame Proxy of C++ MDIChildFrame class
MDIClientWindow Proxy of C++ MDIClientWindow class
MDIParentFrame Proxy of C++ MDIParentFrame class
MemoryDC A memory device context provides a means to draw graphics onto a bitmap.
MemoryFSHandler Proxy of C++ MemoryFSHandler class
Menu Proxy of C++ Menu class
MenuBar Proxy of C++ MenuBar class
MenuEvent This class is used for a variety of menu-related events.
MenuItem Proxy of C++ MenuItem class
MessageDialog This class provides a simple dialog that shows a single or multi-line message, with a choice of OK, Yes, No and/or Cancel buttons.
MetaFile Proxy of C++ MetaFile class
MetafileDataObject Proxy of C++ MetafileDataObject class
MetaFileDC Proxy of C++ MetaFileDC class
MimeTypesManager Proxy of C++ MimeTypesManager class
MiniFrame Proxy of C++ MiniFrame class
MirrorDC wx.MirrorDC is a simple wrapper class which is always associated with a real wx.DC object and either forwards all of its operations to it without changes (no mirroring takes place) or exchanges x and y coordinates which makes it possible to reuse the same code to draw a figure and its mirror -- i.e.
MouseCaptureChangedEvent An mouse capture changed event (EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED) is sent to a window that loses its mouse capture.
MouseCaptureLostEvent A mouse capture lost event is sent to a window that obtained mouse capture, which was subsequently loss due to "external" event, for example when a dialog box is shown or if another application captures the mouse.
MouseEvent This event class contains information about the events generated by the mouse: they include mouse buttons press and release events and mouse move events.
MouseState wx.MouseState is used to hold information about mouse button and modifier key states and is what is returned from wx.GetMouseState.
MoveEvent This event object is sent for EVT_MOVE event bindings when a window is moved to a new position.
MultiChoiceDialog A simple dialog with a multi selection listbox.
MutexGuiLocker Proxy of C++ MutexGuiLocker class
NativeEncodingInfo Proxy of C++ NativeEncodingInfo class
NativeFontInfo Proxy of C++ NativeFontInfo class
NativePixelData Proxy of C++ NativePixelData class
NativePixelData_Accessor Proxy of C++ NativePixelData_Accessor class
NavigationKeyEvent EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY events are used to control moving the focus between widgets, otherwise known as tab-traversal.
NcPaintEvent Proxy of C++ NcPaintEvent class
new_instancemethod instancemethod(function, instance, class)
Notebook Proxy of C++ Notebook class
NotebookEvent Proxy of C++ NotebookEvent class
NotebookPage There is an old (and apparently unsolvable) bug when placing a window with a nonstandard background colour in a wx.Notebook on wxGTK1, as the notbooks's background colour would always be used when the window is refreshed.
NotifyEvent An instance of this class (or one of its derived classes) is sent from a control when the control's state is being changed and the control allows that change to be prevented from happening.
NumberEntryDialog A dialog with spin control, ok and cancel buttons.
Object The base class for most wx objects, although in wxPython not much functionality is needed nor exposed.
OutputStream Proxy of C++ OutputStream class
Overlay Proxy of C++ Overlay class
PageSetupDialog Proxy of C++ PageSetupDialog class
PageSetupDialogData Proxy of C++ PageSetupDialogData class
PaintDC A wx.PaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from within an EVT_PAINT event handler.
PaintEvent A paint event is sent when a window's contents needs to be repainted.
Palette Proxy of C++ Palette class
PaletteChangedEvent An EVT_PALETTE_CHANGED event is sent when the system palette has changed, thereby giving each window a chance to redo their own to match.
Panel Proxy of C++ Panel class
PasswordEntryDialog Proxy of C++ PasswordEntryDialog class
PCXHandler A wx.ImageHandler for PCX imager files.
Pen Proxy of C++ Pen class
PenList Proxy of C++ PenList class
PickerBase Base abstract class for all pickers which support an auxiliary text control.
PixelDataBase Proxy of C++ PixelDataBase class
PlatformInformation Proxy of C++ PlatformInformation class
PNGHandler A wx.ImageHandler for PNG image files.
PNMHandler A wx.ImageHandler for PNM image files.
Point A data structure for representing a point or position with integer x and y properties.
Point2D wx.Point2Ds represent a point or a vector in a 2d coordinate system with floating point values.
PopupTransientWindow Proxy of C++ PopupTransientWindow class
PopupWindow Proxy of C++ PopupWindow class
PostScriptDC This is a wx.DC that can write to PostScript files on any platform.
PowerEvent wx.PowerEvent is generated when the system online status changes.
PreviewCanvas Proxy of C++ PreviewCanvas class
PreviewControlBar Proxy of C++ PreviewControlBar class
PreviewFrame Proxy of C++ PreviewFrame class
PrintData Proxy of C++ PrintData class
PrintDialog Proxy of C++ PrintDialog class
PrintDialogData Proxy of C++ PrintDialogData class
Printer Proxy of C++ Printer class
PrinterDC Proxy of C++ PrinterDC class
Printout Proxy of C++ Printout class
PrintPreview Proxy of C++ PrintPreview class
Process Proxy of C++ Process class
ProcessEvent Proxy of C++ ProcessEvent class
ProgressDialog A dialog that shows a short message and a progress bar.
PropagateOnce A helper class that will temporarily lower propagation level of an event.
PropagationDisabler Helper class to temporarily change an event not to propagate.
PseudoDC A PseudoDC is an object that can be used as if it were a wx.DC.
PyApp The wx.PyApp class is an implementation detail, please use the wx.App class (or some other derived class) instead.
PyBitmapDataObject wx.PyBitmapDataObject is a version of wx.BitmapDataObject that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class.
PyCommandEvent wx.PyCommandEvent can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python, where the event shoudl travel up to parent windows looking for a handler.
PyControl Proxy of C++ PyControl class
PyDataObjectSimple wx.PyDataObjectSimple is a version of wx.DataObjectSimple that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class.
PyDropTarget Proxy of C++ DropTarget class
PyEvent wx.PyEvent can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python.
PyEventBinder Instances of this class are used to bind specific events to event handlers.
PyImageHandler This is the base class for implementing image file loading/saving, and image creation from data, all written in Python.
PyLocale Proxy of C++ PyLocale class
PyLog Proxy of C++ PyLog class
PyOnDemandOutputWindow A class that can be used for redirecting Python's stdout and stderr streams.
PyPanel Proxy of C++ PyPanel class
PyPreviewControlBar Proxy of C++ PyPreviewControlBar class
PyPreviewFrame Proxy of C++ PyPreviewFrame class
PyPrintPreview Proxy of C++ PyPrintPreview class
PyScrolledWindow Proxy of C++ PyScrolledWindow class
PySimpleApp A simple application class.
PySizer wx.PySizer is a special version of wx.Sizer that has been instrumented to allow the C++ virtual methods to be overloaded in Python derived classes.
PyTextDataObject wx.PyTextDataObject is a version of wx.TextDataObject that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class.
PyTipProvider Proxy of C++ PyTipProvider class
PyValidator Proxy of C++ PyValidator class
PyWindow Proxy of C++ PyWindow class
Quantize Performs quantization, or colour reduction, on a wxImage.
QueryLayoutInfoEvent Proxy of C++ QueryLayoutInfoEvent class
QueryNewPaletteEvent An EVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETE event indicates the window is getting keyboard focus and should re-do its palette.
RadioBox Proxy of C++ RadioBox class
RadioButton Proxy of C++ RadioButton class
RealPoint A data structure for representing a point or position with floating point x and y properties.
Rect A class for representing and manipulating rectangles.
Rect2D wx.Rect2D is a rectangle, with position and size, in a 2D coordinate system with floating point component values.
Region Proxy of C++ Region class
RegionIterator Proxy of C++ RegionIterator class
RendererNative One of the design principles of wxWidgets is to use the native widgets on every platform in order to be as close as possible to the native look and feel on every platform.
RendererVersion This simple struct represents the wx.RendererNative interface version and is only used as the return value of wx.RendererNative.GetVersion.
SashEvent Proxy of C++ SashEvent class
SashLayoutWindow Proxy of C++ SashLayoutWindow class
SashWindow Proxy of C++ SashWindow class
ScreenDC A wxScreenDC can be used to paint anywhere on the screen.
ScrollBar Proxy of C++ ScrollBar class
ScrolledWindow Proxy of C++ ScrolledWindow class
ScrollEvent A scroll event holds information about events sent from stand-alone scrollbars and sliders.
ScrollWinEvent A wx.ScrollWinEvent holds information about scrolling and is sent from scrolling windows.
SearchCtrl A search control is a composite of a wx.TextCtrl with optional bitmap buttons and a drop-down menu.
SetCursorEvent A SetCursorEvent is generated when the mouse cursor is about to be set as a result of mouse motion.
ShowEvent An EVT_SHOW event is sent when a window is shown or hidden.
SimpleHelpProvider wx.SimpleHelpProvider is an implementation of wx.HelpProvider which supports only plain text help strings, and shows the string associated with the control (if any) in a tooltip.
SimpleHtmlListBox Proxy of C++ SimpleHtmlListBox class
SingleChoiceDialog A simple dialog with a single selection listbox.
SingleInstanceChecker Proxy of C++ SingleInstanceChecker class
Size wx.Size is a useful data structure used to represent the size of something.
SizeEvent A size event holds information about size change events.
Sizer wx.Sizer is the abstract base class used for laying out subwindows in a window.
SizerFlags Normally, when you add an item to a sizer via wx.Sizer.Add, you have to specify a lot of flags and parameters which can be unwieldy.
SizerItem The wx.SizerItem class is used to track the position, size and other attributes of each item managed by a wx.Sizer.
Slider Proxy of C++ Slider class
Sound Proxy of C++ Sound class
SpinButton Proxy of C++ SpinButton class
SpinCtrl Proxy of C++ SpinCtrl class
SpinEvent Proxy of C++ SpinEvent class
SplashScreen Proxy of C++ SplashScreen class
SplashScreenWindow Proxy of C++ SplashScreenWindow class
SplitterEvent This class represents the events generated by a splitter control.
SplitterRenderParams This is just a simple struct used as a return value of wx.RendererNative.GetSplitterParams and contains some platform specific metrics about splitters.
SplitterWindow wx.SplitterWindow manages up to two subwindows or panes, with an optional vertical or horizontal split which can be used with the mouse or programmatically.
StandardPaths wx.StandardPaths returns standard locations in the file system and should be used by programs to find their data files in a portable way.
StaticBitmap Proxy of C++ StaticBitmap class
StaticBox Proxy of C++ StaticBox class
StaticBoxSizer wx.StaticBoxSizer derives from and functions identically to the wx.BoxSizer and adds a wx.StaticBox around the items that the sizer manages.
StaticLine Proxy of C++ StaticLine class
StaticText Proxy of C++ StaticText class
StatusBar Proxy of C++ StatusBar class
StdDialogButtonSizer A special sizer that knows how to order and position standard buttons in order to conform to the current platform's standards.
StockGDI Proxy of C++ StockGDI class
StopWatch Proxy of C++ StopWatch class
SysColourChangedEvent This class is used for EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED, which are generated when the user changes the colour settings using the control panel.
SystemOptions Proxy of C++ SystemOptions class
SystemSettings Proxy of C++ SystemSettings class
TaskBarIcon Proxy of C++ TaskBarIcon class
TaskBarIconEvent Proxy of C++ TaskBarIconEvent class
TextAttr Proxy of C++ TextAttr class
TextCtrl Proxy of C++ TextCtrl class
TextDataObject wx.TextDataObject is a specialization of wx.DataObject for text data.
TextDropTarget Proxy of C++ TextDropTarget class
TextEntryDialog A dialog with text control, [ok] and [cancel] buttons
TextUrlEvent Proxy of C++ TextUrlEvent class
TGAHandler A wx.ImageHandler for TGA image files.
TIFFHandler A wx.ImageHandler for TIFF image files.
Timer Proxy of C++ Timer class
TimerEvent Proxy of C++ TimerEvent class
TimerRunner Proxy of C++ TimerRunner class
TimeSpan Proxy of C++ TimeSpan class
TipProvider Proxy of C++ TipProvider class
TipWindow Proxy of C++ TipWindow class
ToggleButton Proxy of C++ ToggleButton class
ToolBar Proxy of C++ ToolBar class
ToolBarBase Proxy of C++ ToolBarBase class
ToolBarToolBase Proxy of C++ ToolBarToolBase class
Toolbook Proxy of C++ Toolbook class
ToolbookEvent Proxy of C++ ToolbookEvent class
ToolTip Proxy of C++ ToolTip class
TopLevelWindow Proxy of C++ TopLevelWindow class
Treebook Proxy of C++ Treebook class
TreebookEvent Proxy of C++ TreebookEvent class
TreeCtrl Proxy of C++ TreeCtrl class
TreeEvent Proxy of C++ TreeEvent class
TreeItemData Proxy of C++ TreeItemData class
TreeItemId Proxy of C++ TreeItemId class
UpdateUIEvent This class is used for EVT_UPDATE_UI pseudo-events which are sent by wxWidgets to give an application the chance to update various user interface elements.
URLDataObject This data object holds a URL in a format that is compatible with some browsers such that it is able to be dragged to or from them.
Validator Proxy of C++ Validator class
VideoMode A simple struct containing video mode parameters for a display
VisualAttributes struct containing all the visual attributes of a control
VListBox Proxy of C++ VListBox class
VScrolledWindow Proxy of C++ VScrolledWindow class
Window wx.Window is the base class for all windows and represents any visible object on the screen.
WindowCreateEvent The EVT_WINDOW_CREATE event is sent as soon as the window object (the underlying GUI object) exists.
WindowDC A wx.WindowDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the whole area of a window (client and decorations).
WindowDestroyEvent The EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY event is sent from the wx.Window destructor when the GUI window is destroyed.
WindowDisabler Proxy of C++ WindowDisabler class
XPMHandler A wx.ImageHandler for XPM image.
ZipFSHandler Proxy of C++ ZipFSHandler class


Function Summary
This function shows the standard about dialog containing the information specified in info.
For internal use only, it is used to cleanup after wxWidgets when Python shuts down.
DC AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory(window)
Checks if the window is natively double buffered and will return a wx.PaintDC if it is, a wx.BufferedPaintDC otherwise.
Bitmap BitmapFromBits(bits, width, height, depth)
Creates a bitmap from an array of bits.
  BitmapFromBuffer(width, height, dataBuffer, alphaBuffer)
Creates a wx.Bitmap from the data in dataBuffer.
  BitmapFromBufferRGBA(width, height, dataBuffer)
Creates a wx.Bitmap from the data in dataBuffer.
Bitmap BitmapFromIcon(icon)
Create a new bitmap from a wx.Icon object.
Bitmap BitmapFromImage(image, depth)
Creates bitmap object from a wx.Image.
Bitmap BitmapFromXPMData(listOfStrings)
Construct a Bitmap from a list of strings formatted as XPM data.
Brush BrushFromBitmap(stippleBitmap)
Constructs a stippled brush using a bitmap.
  CallAfter(callable, *args, **kw)
Call the specified function after the current and pending event handlers have been completed.
(x, y, width, height) ClientDisplayRect()
  ColorRGB(*args, **kwargs)
ColourRGB(unsigned long colRGB) -> Colour
bool ColourDisplay()
  ColourRGB(*args, **kwargs)
ColourRGB(unsigned long colRGB) -> Colour
TipProvider CreateFileTipProvider(filename, currentTip)
Cursor CursorFromImage(image)
Constructs a cursor from a wx.Image.
DataFormat CustomDataFormat(format)
Constructs a data format object for a custom format identified by its name.
DateSpan DateSpan_Days(days)
DateSpan DateSpan_Months(mon)
DateSpan DateSpan_Weeks(weeks)
DateSpan DateSpan_Years(years)
DateTime DateTimeFromDateTime(date)
DateTime DateTimeFromDMY(day, month, year, hour, minute, second, millisec)
DateTime DateTimeFromHMS(hour, minute, second, millisec)
DateTime DateTimeFromJDN(jdn)
DateTime DateTimeFromTimeT(timet)
String DirSelector(message, defaultPath, style, pos, parent)
int DisplayDepth()
(width, height) DisplaySize()
(width, height) DisplaySizeMM()
  DLG_PNT(win, point_or_x, y)
Convenience function for converting a Point or (x,y) in dialog units to pixel units.
  DLG_SZE(win, size_width, height)
Convenience function for converting a Size or (w,h) in dialog units to pixel units.
DragImage DragIcon(image, cursor)
DragImage DragListItem(listCtrl, id)
DragImage DragString(str, cursor)
DragImage DragTreeItem(treeCtrl, id)
bool DrawWindowOnDC(window, dc)
Returns either a wx.Cursor or wx.Icon created from the image file filename.
Bitmap EmptyBitmap(width, height, depth)
Creates a new bitmap of the given size.
Icon EmptyIcon()
Image EmptyImage(width, height, clear)
Construct an empty image of a given size, optionally setting all pixels to black.
long Execute(command, flags, process)
Force an exit of the application.
String ExpandEnvVars(sz)
Replace environment variables ($SOMETHING) with their values.
Font FFont(pointSize, family, flags, face, encoding)
A bit of a simpler way to create a wx.Font using flags instead of individual attribute settings.
Font FFontFromPixelSize(pixelSize, family, flags, face, encoding)
Creates a font using a size in pixels rather than points.
String FileSelector(message, default_path, default_filename, default_extension, wildcard, flags, parent, x, y)
FileTypeInfo FileTypeInfoSequence(sArray)
Window FindWindowAtPoint(pt)
Window FindWindowAtPointer()
this application.
Window FindWindowById(id, parent)
Find the first window in the application with the given id.
Window FindWindowByLabel(label, parent)
Find a window by its label.
Window FindWindowByName(name, parent)
Find a window by its name (as given in a window constructor or Create function call).
  Font2(*args, **kwargs)
Use wx.FFont instead.
Font FontFromNativeInfo(info)
Construct a wx.Font from a wx.NativeFontInfo object.
Font FontFromNativeInfoString(info)
Construct a wx.Font from the string representation of a wx.NativeFontInfo object.
Font FontFromPixelSize(pixelSize, family, style, weight, underlined, face, encoding)
Creates a font using a size in pixels rather than points.
GBSizerItem GBSizerItemSizer(sizer, pos, span, flag, border, userData)
Construct a wx.GBSizerItem for a sizer
GBSizerItem GBSizerItemSpacer(width, height, pos, span, flag, border, userData)
Construct a wx.GBSizerItem for a spacer.
GBSizerItem GBSizerItemWindow(window, pos, span, flag, border, userData)
Construct a wx.GBSizerItem for a window.
Window GenericFindWindowAtPoint(pt)
AcceleratorEntry GetAccelFromString(label)
Window GetActiveWindow()
Get the currently active window of this application, or None
PyApp GetApp()
Return a reference to the current wx.App object.
int GetBatteryState()
return approximate battery state
Rect GetClientDisplayRect()
Colour GetColourFromUser(parent, colInit, caption)
long GetCurrentId()
long GetCurrentTime()
string GetDefaultPyEncoding()
Gets the current encoding that wxPython will use when it needs to convert a Python string or unicode object to or from a wxString.
int GetDisplayDepth()
Size GetDisplaySize()
Size GetDisplaySizeMM()
  GetElapsedTime(*args, **kwargs)
<function GetElapsedTime at 0xb79ab144> is deprecated
String GetEmailAddress()
Font GetFontFromUser(parent, fontInit, caption)
wxMemorySize GetFreeMemory()
String GetFullHostName()
String GetHomeDir()
String GetHostName()
bool GetKeyState(key)
Get the state of a key (true if pressed or toggled on, false if not.) This is generally most useful getting the state of the modifier or toggle keys.
Locale GetLocale()
long GetLocalTime()
wxLongLong GetLocalTimeMillis()
Point GetMousePosition()
Get the current mouse position on the screen.
MouseState GetMouseState()
Returns the current state of the mouse.
NativeEncodingInfo GetNativeFontEncoding(encoding)
long GetNumberFromUser(message, prompt, caption, value, min, max, parent, pos)
String GetOsDescription()
(platform, major, minor) GetOsVersion()
String GetPasswordFromUser(message, caption, default_value, parent)
int GetPowerType()
return the current system power state: online or offline
unsigned long GetProcessId()
String GetSingleChoice(message, caption, choices, parent, x, y, centre, width, height)
int GetSingleChoiceIndex(message, caption, choices, parent, x, y, centre, width, height)
String GetStockHelpString(id, client)
String GetStockLabel(id, flags)
String GetTextFromUser(message, caption, default_value, parent, x, y, centre)
Window GetTopLevelParent(win)
PyObject GetTopLevelWindows()
Returns a list of the the application's top-level windows, (frames, dialogs, etc.) NOTE: Currently this is a copy of the list maintained by wxWidgets, and so it is only valid as long as no top-level windows are closed or new top-level windows are created.
String GetTranslation(str)
GetTranslation(String str, String domain) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String strPlural, size_t n) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String strPlural, size_t n, String domain) -> String
String GetUserHome(user)
String GetUserId()
String GetUserName()
long GetUTCTime()
void GetXDisplay()
Returns a swigified pointer to the X11 display.
IconBundle IconBundleFromFile(file, type)
IconBundle IconBundleFromIcon(icon)
Icon IconFromBitmap(bmp)
Icon IconFromLocation(loc)
Icon IconFromXPMData(listOfStrings)
Image ImageFromBitmap(bitmap)
Construct an Image from a wx.Bitmap.
  ImageFromBuffer(width, height, dataBuffer, alphaBuffer)
Creates a wx.Image from the data in dataBuffer.
Image ImageFromData(width, height, data)
Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes.
Image ImageFromDataWithAlpha(width, height, data, alpha)
Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes with an Alpha channel.
Image ImageFromMime(name, mimetype, index)
Loads an image from a file, using a MIME type string (such as 'image/jpeg') to specify image type.
Image ImageFromStream(stream, type, index)
Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like object.
Image ImageFromStreamMime(stream, mimetype, index)
Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like object, specifying the image format with a MIME type string.
The former functionality of InitAllImageHanders is now done internal to the _core_ extension module and so this function has become a simple NOP.
Rect IntersectRect(r1, r2)
Calculate and return the intersection of r1 and r2.
bool IsBusy()
bool IsDragResultOk(res)
bool IsPlatform64Bit()
bool IsPlatformLittleEndian()
bool IsStockID(id)
bool IsStockLabel(id, label)
int Kill(pid, sig, rc, flags)
bool LaunchDefaultBrowser(url)
Launches the user's default browser and tells it to open the location at url.
String LoadFileSelector(what, extension, default_name, parent)
  LogGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
LogGeneric(unsigned long level, String msg)
  LogStatusFrame(pFrame, msg)
LogTrace(unsigned long mask, String msg) LogTrace(String mask, String msg)
  MaskColour(*args, **kwargs)
wx.MaskColour is deprecated, use wx.Mask instead.
MemoryDC MemoryDCFromDC(oldDC)
Creates a DC that is compatible with the oldDC.
int MessageBox(message, caption, style, parent, x, y)
  MicroSleep(*args, **kwargs)
MicroSleep(unsigned long microseconds)
  MilliSleep(*args, **kwargs)
MilliSleep(unsigned long milliseconds)
Colour NamedColor(colorName)
Constructs a colour object using a colour name listed in wx.TheColourDatabase.
Colour NamedColour(colorName)
Constructs a colour object using a colour name listed in wx.TheColourDatabase.
EventType NewEventType()
long NewId()
String Now()
FileTypeInfo NullFileTypeInfo()
Point2D Point2DCopy(pt)
Create a w.Point2D object.
Point2D Point2DFromPoint(pt)
Create a w.Point2D object.
  PostEvent(dest, event)
Send an event to a window or other wx.EvtHandler to be processed later.
BitmapButton PreBitmapButton()
Precreate a BitmapButton for 2-phase creation.
Button PreButton()
Precreate a Button for 2-phase creation.
CheckBox PreCheckBox()
Precreate a CheckBox for 2-phase creation.
CheckListBox PreCheckListBox()
Choice PreChoice()
Precreate a Choice control for 2-phase creation.
Choicebook PreChoicebook()
CollapsiblePane PreCollapsiblePane()
Precreate a wx.CollapsiblePane for 2-phase creation.
ColourPickerCtrl PreColourPickerCtrl()
This control allows the user to select a colour.
ComboBox PreComboBox()
Precreate a ComboBox control for 2-phase creation.
Control PreControl()
Precreate a Control control for 2-phase creation
DatePickerCtrl PreDatePickerCtrl()
Precreate a DatePickerCtrl for use in 2-phase creation.
Dialog PreDialog()
DirFilterListCtrl PreDirFilterListCtrl()
DirPickerCtrl PreDirPickerCtrl()
FilePickerCtrl PreFilePickerCtrl()
FindReplaceDialog PreFindReplaceDialog()
Precreate a FindReplaceDialog for 2-phase creation
FontPickerCtrl PreFontPickerCtrl()
Frame PreFrame()
Gauge PreGauge()
GenericDirCtrl PreGenericDirCtrl()
HtmlListBox PreHtmlListBox()
HyperlinkCtrl PreHyperlinkCtrl()
A static text control that emulates a hyperlink.
Listbook PreListbook()
ListBox PreListBox()
ListCtrl PreListCtrl()
ListView PreListView()
MDIChildFrame PreMDIChildFrame()
MDIClientWindow PreMDIClientWindow()
MDIParentFrame PreMDIParentFrame()
MiniFrame PreMiniFrame()
Notebook PreNotebook()
Panel PrePanel()
PopupTransientWindow PrePopupTransientWindow()
PopupWindow PrePopupWindow()
PyControl PrePyControl()
PyPanel PrePyPanel()
PyScrolledWindow PrePyScrolledWindow()
PyWindow PrePyWindow()
RadioBox PreRadioBox()
RadioButton PreRadioButton()
SashLayoutWindow PreSashLayoutWindow()
SashWindow PreSashWindow()
ScrollBar PreScrollBar()
ScrolledWindow PreScrolledWindow()
SearchCtrl PreSearchCtrl()
Precreate a wx.SearchCtrl for 2-phase creation.
SimpleHtmlListBox PreSimpleHtmlListBox()
SingleInstanceChecker PreSingleInstanceChecker()
Slider PreSlider()
SpinButton PreSpinButton()
SpinCtrl PreSpinCtrl()
SplitterWindow PreSplitterWindow()
Precreate a SplitterWindow for 2-phase creation.
StaticBitmap PreStaticBitmap()
StaticBox PreStaticBox()
StaticLine PreStaticLine()
StaticText PreStaticText()
StatusBar PreStatusBar()
TextCtrl PreTextCtrl()
ToggleButton PreToggleButton()
ToolBar PreToolBar()
Toolbook PreToolbook()
Treebook PreTreebook()
TreeCtrl PreTreeCtrl()
VListBox PreVListBox()
VScrolledWindow PreVScrolledWindow()
Window PreWindow()
Precreate a Window for 2-phase creation.
Rect RectPP(topLeft, bottomRight)
Create a new Rect object from Points representing two corners.
Rect RectPS(pos, size)
Create a new Rect from a position and size.
Rect RectS(size)
Create a new Rect from a size only.
Region RegionFromBitmap(bmp)
Region RegionFromBitmapColour(bmp, transColour, tolerance)
Region RegionFromPoints(points, fillStyle)
  SafeShowMessage(title, text)
bool SafeYield(win, onlyIfNeeded)
This function is similar to wx.Yield, except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling wx.Yield and re-enables it again afterwards.
String SaveFileSelector(what, extension, default_name, parent)
Sets the encoding that wxPython will use when it needs to convert a Python string or unicode object to or from a wxString.
bool Shell(command)
bool ShowTip(parent, tipProvider, showAtStartup)
bool Shutdown(wFlags)
SizerItem SizerItemSizer(sizer, proportion, flag, border, userData)
Constructs a wx.SizerItem for tracking a subsizer
SizerItem SizerItemSpacer(width, height, proportion, flag, border, userData)
Constructs a wx.SizerItem for tracking a spacer.
SizerItem SizerItemWindow(window, proportion, flag, border, userData)
Constructs a wx.SizerItem for tracking a window.
Sound SoundFromData(data)
Cursor StockCursor(id)
Create a cursor using one of the stock cursors.
String StripMenuCodes(in)
unsigned long SysErrorCode()
  SysErrorMsg(*args, **kwargs)
SysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode=0) -> String
bool TestFontEncoding(info)
bool Thread_IsMain()
TimeSpan TimeSpan_Days(days)
TimeSpan TimeSpan_Hours(hours)
TimeSpan TimeSpan_Milliseconds(ms)
TimeSpan TimeSpan_Minutes(min)
TimeSpan TimeSpan_Seconds(sec)
TimeSpan TimeSpan_Weeks(days)
  Usleep(*args, **kwargs)
MilliSleep(unsigned long milliseconds)
Returns a string containing version and port info
Cause the message queue to become empty again, so idle events will be sent.
  Window_FromHWND(*args, **kwargs)
Window_FromHWND(Window parent, unsigned long _hWnd) -> Window
bool Yield()
Yield to other apps/messages.
bool YieldIfNeeded()
Yield to other apps/messages.

Function Details


This function shows the standard about dialog containing the information specified in info. If the current platform has a native about dialog which is capable of showing all the fields in wx.AboutDialogInfo, the native dialog is used, otherwise the function falls back to the generic wxWidgets version of the dialog.



For internal use only, it is used to cleanup after wxWidgets when Python shuts down.


Checks if the window is natively double buffered and will return a wx.PaintDC if it is, a wx.BufferedPaintDC otherwise. The advantage of this function over wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC is that this function will check if the the specified window has double-buffering enabled rather than just going by platform defaults.



BitmapFromBits(bits, width, height, depth=1)

Creates a bitmap from an array of bits. You should only use this function for monochrome bitmaps (depth 1) in portable programs: in this case the bits parameter should contain an XBM image. For other bit depths, the behaviour is platform dependent.






BitmapFromBuffer(width, height, dataBuffer, alphaBuffer=None)

Creates a wx.Bitmap from the data in dataBuffer. The dataBuffer parameter must be a Python object that implements the buffer interface, such as a string, array, etc. The dataBuffer object is expected to contain a series of RGB bytes and be width*height*3 bytes long. A buffer object can optionally be supplied for the image's alpha channel data, and it is expected to be width*height bytes long. On Windows the RGB values are 'premultiplied' by the alpha values. (The other platforms do the multiplication themselves.)

Unlike wx.ImageFromBuffer the bitmap created with this function does not share the memory buffer with the buffer object. This is because the native pixel buffer format varies on different platforms, and so instead an efficient as possible copy of the data is made from the buffer objects to the bitmap's native pixel buffer. For direct access to a bitmap's pixel buffer see wx.NativePixelData and wx.AlphaPixelData.

See Also:

wx.Bitmap, wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA, wx.NativePixelData, wx.AlphaPixelData, wx.ImageFromBuffer

BitmapFromBufferRGBA(width, height, dataBuffer)

Creates a wx.Bitmap from the data in dataBuffer. The dataBuffer parameter must be a Python object that implements the buffer interface, such as a string, array, etc. The dataBuffer object is expected to contain a series of RGBA bytes (red, green, blue and alpha) and be width*height*4 bytes long. On Windows the RGB values are 'premultiplied' by the alpha values. (The other platforms do the multiplication themselves.)

Unlike wx.ImageFromBuffer the bitmap created with this function does not share the memory buffer with the buffer object. This is because the native pixel buffer format varies on different platforms, and so instead an efficient as possible copy of the data is made from the buffer object to the bitmap's native pixel buffer. For direct access to a bitmap's pixel buffer see wx.NativePixelData and wx.AlphaPixelData.

See Also:

wx.Bitmap, wx.BitmapFromBuffer, wx.NativePixelData, wx.AlphaPixelData, wx.ImageFromBuffer


Create a new bitmap from a wx.Icon object.



BitmapFromImage(image, depth=-1)

Creates bitmap object from a wx.Image. This has to be done to actually display a wx.Image as you cannot draw an image directly on a window. The resulting bitmap will use the provided colour depth (or that of the current screen colour depth if depth is -1) which entails that a colour reduction may have to take place.





Construct a Bitmap from a list of strings formatted as XPM data.




Constructs a stippled brush using a bitmap.



CallAfter(callable, *args, **kw)

Call the specified function after the current and pending event handlers have been completed. This is also good for making GUI method calls from non-GUI threads. Any extra positional or keyword args are passed on to the callable when it is called.

See Also:


ColorRGB(*args, **kwargs)

ColourRGB(unsigned long colRGB) -> Colour

Constructs a colour from a packed RGB value.

ColourRGB(*args, **kwargs)

ColourRGB(unsigned long colRGB) -> Colour

Constructs a colour from a packed RGB value.


Constructs a cursor from a wx.Image. The mask (if any) will be used for setting the transparent portions of the cursor. In MSW the cursor is resized to 32x32 if it was larger.

In GTK the cursor will be displayed at the size of the image.

On MacOS the cursor is resized to 16x16 if it was larger.




Constructs a data format object for a custom format identified by its name.



DLG_PNT(win, point_or_x, y=None)

Convenience function for converting a Point or (x,y) in dialog units to pixel units.

DLG_SZE(win, size_width, height=None)

Convenience function for converting a Size or (w,h) in dialog units to pixel units.


Returns either a wx.Cursor or wx.Icon created from the image file filename. This function is useful with the wx.DropSource class which, depending on platform accepts either a icon or a cursor.

EmptyBitmap(width, height, depth=-1)

Creates a new bitmap of the given size. A depth of -1 indicates the depth of the current screen or visual. Some platforms only support 1 for monochrome and -1 for the current display depth.





EmptyImage(width=0, height=0, clear=True)

Construct an empty image of a given size, optionally setting all pixels to black.





See Also:



Force an exit of the application. Convenience for wx.GetApp().Exit()


Replace environment variables ($SOMETHING) with their values. The format is $VARNAME or ${VARNAME} where VARNAME contains alphanumeric characters and '_' only. '$' must be escaped ('$') in order to be taken literally.



FFont(pointSize, family, flags=FONTFLAG_DEFAULT, face=EmptyString, encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT)

A bit of a simpler way to create a wx.Font using flags instead of individual attribute settings. The value of flags can be a combination of the following:







See Also:


FFontFromPixelSize(pixelSize, family, flags=FONTFLAG_DEFAULT, face=wxEmptyString, encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT)

Creates a font using a size in pixels rather than points. If there is platform API support for this then it is used, otherwise a font with the closest size is found using a binary search.







See Also:

wx.Font.__init__, wx.FFont


Returns the window currently under the mouse pointer, if it belongs to
this application. Otherwise it returns None.

FindWindowById(id, parent=None)

Find the first window in the application with the given id. If parent is None, the search will start from all top-level frames and dialog boxes; if non-None, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy. The search is recursive in both cases.




FindWindowByLabel(label, parent=None)

Find a window by its label. Depending on the type of window, the label may be a window title or panel item label. If parent is None, the search will start from all top-level frames and dialog boxes; if non-None, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy. The search is recursive in both cases.




FindWindowByName(name, parent=None)

Find a window by its name (as given in a window constructor or Create function call). If parent is None, the search will start from all top-level frames and dialog boxes; if non-None, the search will be limited to the given window hierarchy. The search is recursive in both cases.

If no window with such name is found, wx.FindWindowByLabel is called.




Font2(*args, **kwargs)

Use wx.FFont instead.


Construct a wx.Font from a wx.NativeFontInfo object.




Construct a wx.Font from the string representation of a wx.NativeFontInfo object.



FontFromPixelSize(pixelSize, family, style, weight, underlined=False, face=wxEmptyString, encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT)

Creates a font using a size in pixels rather than points. If there is platform API support for this then it is used, otherwise a font with the closest size is found using a binary search.









See Also:


GBSizerItemSizer(sizer, pos, span, flag, border, userData=None)

Construct a wx.GBSizerItem for a sizer








GBSizerItemSpacer(width, height, pos, span, flag, border, userData=None)

Construct a wx.GBSizerItem for a spacer.









GBSizerItemWindow(window, pos, span, flag, border, userData=None)

Construct a wx.GBSizerItem for a window.









Get the currently active window of this application, or None



Return a reference to the current wx.App object.



return approximate battery state



Gets the current encoding that wxPython will use when it needs to convert a Python string or unicode object to or from a wxString.


GetElapsedTime(*args, **kwargs)

<function GetElapsedTime at 0xb79ab144> is deprecated


Get the state of a key (true if pressed or toggled on, false if not.) This is generally most useful getting the state of the modifier or toggle keys. On some platforms those may be the only keys that this function is able to detect.




Get the current mouse position on the screen.



Returns the current state of the mouse. Returns an instance of a wx.MouseState object that contains the current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinants, as well as boolean values indicating the up/down status of the mouse buttons and the modifier keys.



return the current system power state: online or offline



Returns a list of the the application's top-level windows, (frames, dialogs, etc.) NOTE: Currently this is a copy of the list maintained by wxWidgets, and so it is only valid as long as no top-level windows are closed or new top-level windows are created.



GetTranslation(String str, String domain) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String strPlural, size_t n) -> String GetTranslation(String str, String strPlural, size_t n, String domain) -> String




Returns a swigified pointer to the X11 display. Returns None on other platforms.



Construct an Image from a wx.Bitmap.



See Also:


ImageFromBuffer(width, height, dataBuffer, alphaBuffer=None)

Creates a wx.Image from the data in dataBuffer. The dataBuffer parameter must be a Python object that implements the buffer interface, such as a string, array, etc. The dataBuffer object is expected to contain a series of RGB bytes and be width*height*3 bytes long. A buffer object can optionally be supplied for the image's alpha channel data, and it is expected to be width*height bytes long.

The wx.Image will be created with its data and alpha pointers initialized to the memory address pointed to by the buffer objects, thus saving the time needed to copy the image data from the buffer object to the wx.Image. While this has advantages, it also has the shoot-yourself-in-the-foot risks associated with sharing a C pointer between two objects.

To help alleviate the risk a reference to the data and alpha buffer objects are kept with the wx.Image, so that they won't get deleted until after the wx.Image is deleted. However please be aware that it is not guaranteed that an object won't move its memory buffer to a new location when it needs to resize its contents. If that happens then the wx.Image will end up referring to an invalid memory location and could cause the application to crash. Therefore care should be taken to not manipulate the objects used for the data and alpha buffers in a way that would cause them to change size.

ImageFromData(width, height, data)

Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data must be width*height*3.





See Also:


ImageFromDataWithAlpha(width, height, data, alpha)

Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes with an Alpha channel. Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data must be width*height*3 bytes, and the length of the alpha data must be width*height bytes.






See Also:


ImageFromMime(name, mimetype, index=-1)

Loads an image from a file, using a MIME type string (such as 'image/jpeg') to specify image type.





See Also:


ImageFromStream(stream, type=BITMAP_TYPE_ANY, index=-1)

Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like object.





See Also:


ImageFromStreamMime(stream, mimetype, index=-1)

Loads an image from an input stream, or any readable Python file-like object, specifying the image format with a MIME type string.





See Also:



The former functionality of InitAllImageHanders is now done internal to the _core_ extension module and so this function has become a simple NOP.

IntersectRect(r1, r2)

Calculate and return the intersection of r1 and r2.





Launches the user's default browser and tells it to open the location at url. Returns True if the application was successfully launched.



LogGeneric(*args, **kwargs)

LogGeneric(unsigned long level, String msg)


LogTrace(unsigned long mask, String msg) LogTrace(String mask, String msg)

MaskColour(*args, **kwargs)

wx.MaskColour is deprecated, use wx.Mask instead.


Creates a DC that is compatible with the oldDC.



MicroSleep(*args, **kwargs)

MicroSleep(unsigned long microseconds)

MilliSleep(*args, **kwargs)

MilliSleep(unsigned long milliseconds)


Constructs a colour object using a colour name listed in wx.TheColourDatabase.




Constructs a colour object using a colour name listed in wx.TheColourDatabase.




Create a w.Point2D object.




Create a w.Point2D object.



PostEvent(dest, event)

Send an event to a window or other wx.EvtHandler to be processed later.




Precreate a BitmapButton for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a Button for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a CheckBox for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a Choice control for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a wx.CollapsiblePane for 2-phase creation.



This control allows the user to select a colour. The generic implementation is a button which brings up a wx.ColourDialog when clicked. Native implementations may differ but this is usually a (small) widget which give access to the colour-chooser dialog. Window Styles -------------

wx.CLRP_DEFAULT Default style.
wx.CLRP_USE_TEXTCTRL Creates a text control to the left of the picker button which is completely managed by the wx.ColourPickerCtrl and which can be used by the user to specify a colour. The text control is automatically synchronized with the button's value. Use functions defined in wx.PickerBase to modify the text control.
wx.CLRP_SHOW_LABEL Shows the colour in HTML form (AABBCC) as the colour button label (instead of no label at all).


EVT_COLOURPICKER_CHANGED The user changed the colour selected in the control either using the button or using the text control (see wx.CLRP_USE_TEXTCTRL; note that in this case the event is fired only if the user's input is valid, i.e. recognizable).


Precreate a ComboBox control for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a Control control for 2-phase creation



Precreate a DatePickerCtrl for use in 2-phase creation.



Precreate a FindReplaceDialog for 2-phase creation



A static text control that emulates a hyperlink. The link is displayed in an appropriate text style, derived from the control's normal font. When the mouse rolls over the link, the cursor changes to a hand and the link's color changes to the active color.

Clicking on the link does not launch a web browser; instead, a wx.HyperlinkEvent is fired. Use the wx.EVT_HYPERLINK to catch link events.



Precreate a wx.SearchCtrl for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a SplitterWindow for 2-phase creation.



Precreate a Window for 2-phase creation.


RectPP(topLeft, bottomRight)

Create a new Rect object from Points representing two corners.




RectPS(pos, size)

Create a new Rect from a position and size.





Create a new Rect from a size only.



SafeYield(win=None, onlyIfNeeded=False)

This function is similar to wx.Yield, except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling wx.Yield and re-enables it again afterwards. If win is not None, this window will remain enabled, allowing the implementation of some limited user interaction.




the result of the call to wx.Yield.



Sets the encoding that wxPython will use when it needs to convert a Python string or unicode object to or from a wxString.

The default encoding is the value of locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] but please be aware that the default encoding within the same locale may be slightly different on different platforms. For example, please see for differences between the common latin/roman encodings.


SizerItemSizer(sizer, proportion, flag, border, userData=None)

Constructs a wx.SizerItem for tracking a subsizer







SizerItemSpacer(width, height, proportion, flag, border, userData=None)

Constructs a wx.SizerItem for tracking a spacer.








SizerItemWindow(window, proportion, flag, border, userData=None)

Constructs a wx.SizerItem for tracking a window.








Create a cursor using one of the stock cursors. Note that not all stock cursors are available on all platforms.



SysErrorMsg(*args, **kwargs)

SysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode=0) -> String

Usleep(*args, **kwargs)

MilliSleep(unsigned long milliseconds)


Returns a string containing version and port info


Cause the message queue to become empty again, so idle events will be sent.

Window_FromHWND(*args, **kwargs)

Window_FromHWND(Window parent, unsigned long _hWnd) -> Window


Yield to other apps/messages. Convenience for wx.GetApp().Yield()



Yield to other apps/messages. Convenience for wx.GetApp().Yield(True)


Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:09:16 2007