Package wx :: Class GraphicsPen
[frames | no frames]

Type GraphicsPen

object --+        
    Object --+    
GraphicsObject --+

A wx.GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. It is used for stroking a path on a wx.GraphicsContext. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreatePen call on the graphics context or the renderer instance.

Method Summary
GraphicsPen __init__(self)
A wx.GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen.

Property Summary
  thisown: The membership flag

Method Details


A wx.GraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. It is used for stroking a path on a wx.GraphicsContext. The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. The only way to get a valid instance is via a CreatePen call on the graphics context or the renderer instance.


Property Details


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:08:48 2007