Package wx :: Class MemoryDC
[frames | no frames]

Type MemoryDC

object --+            
    Object --+        
            DC --+    
          WindowDC --+

Known Subclasses:
BitmapBuffer, BufferedDC

A memory device context provides a means to draw graphics onto a bitmap. A bitmap must be selected into the new memory DC before it may be used for anything. Typical usage is as follows:

dc = wx.MemoryDC()
# draw on the dc using any of the Draw methods
# the bitmap now contains wahtever was drawn upon it

Note that the memory DC must be deleted (or the bitmap selected out of it) before a bitmap can be reselected into another memory DC.

Method Summary
MemoryDC __init__(self, bitmap)
Constructs a new memory device context.
  SelectObject(self, bitmap)
Selects the bitmap into the device context, to use as the memory bitmap.
  SelectObjectAsSource(self, bmp)

Property Summary
  thisown: The membership flag

Method Details

__init__(self, bitmap=NullBitmap)

Constructs a new memory device context.

Use the Ok member to test whether the constructor was successful in creating a usable device context. If a bitmap is not given to this constructor then don't forget to select a bitmap into the DC before drawing on it.



See Also:


SelectObject(self, bitmap)

Selects the bitmap into the device context, to use as the memory bitmap. Selecting the bitmap into a memory DC allows you to draw into the DC, and therefore the bitmap, and also to use Blit to copy the bitmap to a window.

If the argument is wx.NullBitmap (or some other uninitialised wx.Bitmap) the current bitmap is selected out of the device context, and the original bitmap restored, allowing the current bitmap to be destroyed safely.


Property Details


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:14:10 2007