Package wx :: Class MemoryFSHandler
[frames | no frames]

Type MemoryFSHandler

          object --+    
CPPFileSystemHandler --+

Proxy of C++ MemoryFSHandler class

Method Summary
MemoryFSHandler __init__(self)
  AddFile(filename, dataItem, imgType)
Add 'file' to the memory filesystem. (Static method)
bool CanOpen(self, location)
String FindFirst(self, spec, flags)
String FindNext(self)
FSFile OpenFile(self, fs, location)
(Static method)

Property Summary
  thisown: The membership flag

Static Method Details

AddFile(filename, dataItem, imgType=-1)

Add 'file' to the memory filesystem. The dataItem parameter can either be a wx.Bitmap, wx.Image or a string that can contain arbitrary data. If a bitmap or image is used then the imgType parameter should specify what kind of image file it should be written as, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, etc.

Property Details


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:14:02 2007