Package wx :: Class PenList
[frames | no frames]

Type PenList

    object --+    
GDIObjListBase --+

Proxy of C++ PenList class

Method Summary
  AddPen(*args, **kwargs)
<function AddPen at 0xb7a88aac> is deprecated
Pen FindOrCreatePen(self, colour, width, style)
  RemovePen(*args, **kwargs)
<function RemovePen at 0xb7a88ae4> is deprecated

Property Summary
  thisown: The membership flag

Method Details

AddPen(*args, **kwargs)

<function AddPen at 0xb7a88aac> is deprecated

RemovePen(*args, **kwargs)

<function RemovePen at 0xb7a88ae4> is deprecated

Property Details


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:08:15 2007