Package wx :: Class PyTextDataObject
[frames | no frames]

Type PyTextDataObject

  object --+            
  DataObject --+        
DataObjectSimple --+    
      TextDataObject --+

wx.PyTextDataObject is a version of wx.TextDataObject that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class. You should derive from this class and overload GetTextLength, GetText, and SetText when you want to be able to provide text on demand instead of preloading it into the data object.

Method Summary
PyTextDataObject __init__(self, text)
wx.PyTextDataObject is a version of wx.TextDataObject that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class.

Property Summary
  thisown: The membership flag

Class Variable Summary

Method Details

__init__(self, text=EmptyString)

wx.PyTextDataObject is a version of wx.TextDataObject that is Python-aware and knows how to reflect calls to its C++ virtual methods to methods in the Python derived class. You should derive from this class and overload GetTextLength, GetText, and SetText when you want to be able to provide text on demand instead of preloading it into the data object.



Property Details


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:10:40 2007