Package wx :: Class Sound
[frames | no frames]

Type Sound

object --+

Proxy of C++ Sound class

Method Summary
Sound __init__(self, fileName)
bool Create(self, fileName)
bool CreateFromData(self, data)
bool IsOk(self)
  Play(*args, **kwargs)
Play(self, unsigned int flags=SOUND_ASYNC) -> bool
  PlaySound(*args, **kwargs)
PlaySound(String filename, unsigned int flags=SOUND_ASYNC) -> bool (Static method)
(Static method)

Property Summary
  thisown: The membership flag

Instance Method Details

Play(*args, **kwargs)

Play(self, unsigned int flags=SOUND_ASYNC) -> bool

Static Method Details

PlaySound(*args, **kwargs)

PlaySound(String filename, unsigned int flags=SOUND_ASYNC) -> bool

Property Details


The membership flag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:13:30 2007