Package wx :: Class ToolBarBase
[frames | no frames]

Type ToolBarBase

object --+                
    Object --+            
    EvtHandler --+        
            Window --+    
               Control --+

Known Subclasses:

Proxy of C++ ToolBarBase class

Method Summary
  AddCheckLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
Add a check tool, i.e.
  AddCheckTool(self, id, bitmap, bmpDisabled, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
Add a check tool, i.e.
ToolBarToolBase AddControl(self, control)
  AddLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
The full AddTool() function.
  AddRadioLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
Add a radio tool, i.e.
  AddRadioTool(self, id, bitmap, bmpDisabled, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
Add a radio tool, i.e.
ToolBarToolBase AddSeparator(self)
  AddSimpleTool(self, id, bitmap, shortHelpString, longHelpString, isToggle)
Old style method to add a tool to the toolbar.
  AddTool(self, id, bitmap, pushedBitmap, isToggle, clientData, shortHelpString, longHelpString)
Old style method to add a tool to the toolbar.
ToolBarToolBase AddToolItem(self, tool)
bool DeleteTool(self, id)
bool DeleteToolByPos(self, pos)
ToolBarToolBase DoAddTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
ToolBarToolBase DoInsertTool(self, pos, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
  EnableTool(self, id, enable)
ToolBarToolBase FindById(self, toolid)
Control FindControl(self, id)
ToolBarToolBase FindToolForPosition(self, x, y)
Size GetMargins(self)
int GetMaxCols(self)
int GetMaxRows(self)
Size GetToolBitmapSize(self)
PyObject GetToolClientData(self, id)
bool GetToolEnabled(self, id)
String GetToolLongHelp(self, id)
Size GetToolMargins(self)
int GetToolPacking(self)
int GetToolPos(self, id)
size_t GetToolsCount(self)
int GetToolSeparation(self)
String GetToolShortHelp(self, id)
Size GetToolSize(self)
bool GetToolState(self, id)
ToolBarToolBase InsertControl(self, pos, control)
  InsertLabelTool(self, pos, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind, shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)
Insert the new tool at the given position, if pos == GetToolsCount(), it is equivalent to AddTool()
ToolBarToolBase InsertSeparator(self, pos)
  InsertSimpleTool(self, pos, id, bitmap, shortHelpString, longHelpString, isToggle)
Old style method to insert a tool in the toolbar.
  InsertTool(self, pos, id, bitmap, pushedBitmap, isToggle, clientData, shortHelpString, longHelpString)
Old style method to insert a tool in the toolbar.
ToolBarToolBase InsertToolItem(self, pos, tool)
bool IsVertical(self)
bool Realize(self)
ToolBarToolBase RemoveTool(self, id)
  SetMargins(self, size)
  SetMarginsXY(self, x, y)
  SetMaxRowsCols(self, rows, cols)
  SetRows(self, nRows)
  SetToggle(self, id, toggle)
  SetToolBitmapSize(self, size)
  SetToolClientData(self, id, clientData)
  SetToolLongHelp(self, id, helpString)
  SetToolPacking(self, packing)
  SetToolSeparation(self, separation)
  SetToolShortHelp(self, id, helpString)
  ToggleTool(self, id, toggle)

Property Summary
  Margins: See GetMargins and SetMargins
  MaxCols: See GetMaxCols
  MaxRows: See GetMaxRows
  thisown: The membership flag
  ToolBitmapSize: See GetToolBitmapSize and SetToolBitmapSize
  ToolMargins: See GetToolMargins
  ToolPacking: See GetToolPacking and SetToolPacking
  ToolsCount: See GetToolsCount
  ToolSeparation: See GetToolSeparation and SetToolSeparation
  ToolSize: See GetToolSize

Instance Method Details

AddCheckLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., shortHelp='', longHelp='', clientData=None)

Add a check tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled

AddCheckTool(self, id, bitmap, bmpDisabled=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., shortHelp='', longHelp='', clientData=None)

Add a check tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled

AddLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., kind=0, shortHelp='', longHelp='', clientData=None)

The full AddTool() function.

If bmpDisabled is wx.NullBitmap, a shadowed version of the normal bitmap is created and used as the disabled image.

AddRadioLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., shortHelp='', longHelp='', clientData=None)

Add a radio tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled and releases any other toggled radio tools in the same group when it happens

AddRadioTool(self, id, bitmap, bmpDisabled=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., shortHelp='', longHelp='', clientData=None)

Add a radio tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled and releases any other toggled radio tools in the same group when it happens

AddSimpleTool(self, id, bitmap, shortHelpString='', longHelpString='', isToggle=0)

Old style method to add a tool to the toolbar.

AddTool(self, id, bitmap, pushedBitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., isToggle=0, clientData=None, shortHelpString='', longHelpString='')

Old style method to add a tool to the toolbar.

InsertLabelTool(self, pos, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., kind=0, shortHelp='', longHelp='', clientData=None)

Insert the new tool at the given position, if pos == GetToolsCount(), it is equivalent to AddTool()

InsertSimpleTool(self, pos, id, bitmap, shortHelpString='', longHelpString='', isToggle=0)

Old style method to insert a tool in the toolbar.

InsertTool(self, pos, id, bitmap, pushedBitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap ..., isToggle=0, clientData=None, shortHelpString='', longHelpString='')

Old style method to insert a tool in the toolbar.

Property Details


See GetMargins and SetMargins

Get Method:
Set Method:
SetMargins(self, size)


See GetMaxCols

Get Method:


See GetMaxRows

Get Method:


The membership flag


See GetToolBitmapSize and SetToolBitmapSize

Get Method:
Set Method:
SetToolBitmapSize(self, size)


See GetToolMargins

Get Method:


See GetToolPacking and SetToolPacking

Get Method:
Set Method:
SetToolPacking(self, packing)


See GetToolsCount

Get Method:


See GetToolSeparation and SetToolSeparation

Get Method:
Set Method:
SetToolSeparation(self, separation)


See GetToolSize

Get Method:

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