Version: 3.0.2
wxHTTP Class Reference

#include <wx/protocol/http.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxHTTP:

Detailed Description

wxHTTP can be used to establish a connection to an HTTP server.

wxHTTP can thus be used to create a (basic) HTTP client.

Library:  wxNet
Category:  Networking
See Also
wxSocketBase, wxURL

Public Member Functions

 wxHTTP ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~wxHTTP ()
 Destructor will close the connection if connected.
wxString GetHeader (const wxString &header) const
 Returns the data attached with a field whose name is specified by header.
virtual wxInputStreamGetInputStream (const wxString &path)
 Creates a new input stream on the specified path.
int GetResponse () const
 Returns the HTTP response code returned by the server.
void SetMethod (const wxString &method)
 Set HTTP method.
void SetHeader (const wxString &header, const wxString &h_data)
 It sets data of a field to be sent during the next request to the HTTP server.
wxString GetCookie (const wxString &cookie) const
 Returns the value of a cookie.
bool HasCookies () const
 Returns true if there were cookies.
bool SetPostBuffer (const wxString &contentType, const wxMemoryBuffer &data)
 Set the binary data to be posted to the server.
bool SetPostText (const wxString &contentType, const wxString &data, const wxMBConv &conv=wxConvUTF8)
 Set the text to be posted to the server.
virtual bool Connect (const wxString &host)
 Connect to the HTTP server.
virtual bool Connect (const wxString &host, unsigned short port)
 Connect to the HTTP server.
virtual bool Connect (const wxSockAddress &addr, bool wait)
 Connect to the HTTP server.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxProtocol
virtual bool Abort ()=0
 Abort the current stream.
virtual wxString GetContentType () const
 Returns the type of the content of the last opened stream.
virtual wxProtocolError GetError () const
 Returns the last occurred error.
bool Reconnect ()
 Tries to reestablish a previous opened connection (close and renegotiate connection).
virtual void SetPassword (const wxString &user)
 Sets the authentication password.
virtual void SetUser (const wxString &user)
 Sets the authentication user.
void SetDefaultTimeout (wxUint32 Value)
 Sets a new default timeout for the network operations.
void SetLog (wxProtocolLog *log)
 Set the logger, deleting the old one and taking ownership of this one.
wxProtocolLogGetLog () const
 Return the current logger, may be NULL.
wxProtocolLogDetachLog ()
 Detach the existing logger without deleting it.
void LogRequest (const wxString &str)
 Call wxProtocolLog::LogRequest() if we have a valid logger or do nothing otherwise.
void LogResponse (const wxString &str)
 Call wxProtocolLog::LogResponse() if we have a valid logger or do nothing otherwise.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxSocketClient
 wxSocketClient (wxSocketFlags flags=wxSOCKET_NONE)
virtual ~wxSocketClient ()
bool Connect (const wxSockAddress &address, const wxSockAddress &local, bool wait=true)
 Connects to a server using the specified address.
bool WaitOnConnect (long seconds=-1, long milliseconds=0)
 Wait until a connection request completes, or until the specified timeout elapses.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxSocketBase
bool Error () const
 Returns true if an error occurred in the last IO operation.
virtual bool GetLocal (wxSockAddress &addr) const
 Return the local address of the socket.
virtual bool GetPeer (wxSockAddress &addr) const
 Return the peer address field of the socket.
long GetTimeout () const
 Return the socket timeout in seconds.
bool IsConnected () const
 Returns true if the socket is connected.
bool IsData ()
 Check if the socket can be currently read or written.
bool IsDisconnected () const
 Returns true if the socket is not connected.
bool IsOk () const
 Returns true if the socket is initialized and ready and false in other cases.
wxUint32 LastCount () const
 Returns the number of bytes read or written by the last IO call.
wxUint32 LastReadCount () const
 Returns the number of bytes read by the last Read() or ReadMsg() call (receive direction only).
wxUint32 LastWriteCount () const
 Returns the number of bytes written by the last Write() or WriteMsg() call (transmit direction only).
wxSocketError LastError () const
 Returns the last wxSocket error.
void RestoreState ()
 Restore the previous state of the socket, as saved with SaveState().
void SaveState ()
 Save the current state of the socket in a stack.
virtual bool Close ()
 Shut down the socket, disabling further transmission and reception of data and disable events for the socket and frees the associated system resources.
void ShutdownOutput ()
 Shuts down the writing end of the socket.
wxSocketBaseDiscard ()
 Delete all bytes in the incoming queue.
wxSocketFlags GetFlags () const
 Returns current IO flags, as set with SetFlags()
void InterruptWait ()
 Use this function to interrupt any wait operation currently in progress.
wxSocketBasePeek (void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
 Peek into the socket by copying the next bytes which would be read by Read() into the provided buffer.
wxSocketBaseRead (void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
 Read up to the given number of bytes from the socket.
wxSocketBaseReadMsg (void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
 Receive a message sent by WriteMsg().
void SetFlags (wxSocketFlags flags)
 Use SetFlags to customize IO operation for this socket.
virtual bool SetLocal (const wxIPV4address &local)
 Set the local address and port to use.
void SetTimeout (long seconds)
 Set the default socket timeout in seconds.
wxSocketBaseUnread (const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
 Put the specified data into the input queue.
bool Wait (long seconds=-1, long millisecond=0)
 Wait for any socket event.
bool WaitForLost (long seconds=-1, long millisecond=0)
 Wait until the connection is lost.
bool WaitForRead (long seconds=-1, long millisecond=0)
 Wait until the socket is readable.
bool WaitForWrite (long seconds=-1, long millisecond=0)
 Wait until the socket becomes writable.
wxSocketBaseWrite (const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
 Write up to the given number of bytes to the socket.
wxSocketBaseWriteMsg (const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
 Sends a buffer which can be read using ReadMsg().
void * GetClientData () const
 Returns a pointer of the client data for this socket, as set with SetClientData()
void Notify (bool notify)
 According to the notify value, this function enables or disables socket events.
void SetClientData (void *data)
 Sets user-supplied client data for this socket.
void SetEventHandler (wxEvtHandler &handler, int id=-1)
 Sets an event handler to be called when a socket event occurs.
void SetNotify (wxSocketEventFlags flags)
 Specifies which socket events are to be sent to the event handler.
wxSOCKET_T GetSocket () const
 Returns the native socket descriptor.
 wxSocketBase ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~wxSocketBase ()
bool Destroy ()
 Destroys the socket safely.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 Default ctor; initializes to NULL the internal reference data.
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
 Copy ctor.
virtual ~wxObject ()
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
 This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar).
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
 Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object.
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
 Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class.
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
 Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj.
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
 Makes this object refer to the data in clone.
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
 Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer.
void UnRef ()
 Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data.
void UnShare ()
 This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public.
void operator delete (void *buf)
 The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier WXDEBUG is defined.
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0)
 The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier WXDEBUG is defined.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxSocketBase
static bool Initialize ()
 Perform the initialization needed in order to use the sockets.
static void Shutdown ()
 Shut down the sockets.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
void AllocExclusive ()
 Ensure that this object's data is not shared with any other object.
virtual wxObjectRefDataCreateRefData () const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and returns it.
virtual wxObjectRefDataCloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and initializes it copying data.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxHTTP::wxHTTP ( )

Default constructor.

virtual wxHTTP::~wxHTTP ( )

Destructor will close the connection if connected.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool wxHTTP::Connect ( const wxString host)

Connect to the HTTP server.

By default, connection is made to the port 80 of the specified host. You may connect to a non-default port by specifying it explicitly using the second overload.

Currently wxHTTP only supports IPv4.

For the overload taking wxSockAddress, the wait argument is ignored.

virtual bool wxHTTP::Connect ( const wxString host,
unsigned short  port 

Connect to the HTTP server.

By default, connection is made to the port 80 of the specified host. You may connect to a non-default port by specifying it explicitly using the second overload.

Currently wxHTTP only supports IPv4.

For the overload taking wxSockAddress, the wait argument is ignored.

virtual bool wxHTTP::Connect ( const wxSockAddress addr,
bool  wait 

Connect to the HTTP server.

By default, connection is made to the port 80 of the specified host. You may connect to a non-default port by specifying it explicitly using the second overload.

Currently wxHTTP only supports IPv4.

For the overload taking wxSockAddress, the wait argument is ignored.

Reimplemented from wxSocketClient.

wxString wxHTTP::GetCookie ( const wxString cookie) const

Returns the value of a cookie.

wxString wxHTTP::GetHeader ( const wxString header) const

Returns the data attached with a field whose name is specified by header.

If the field doesn't exist, it will return an empty string and not a NULL string.

The header is not case-sensitive, i.e. "CONTENT-TYPE" and "content-type" represent the same header.
virtual wxInputStream* wxHTTP::GetInputStream ( const wxString path)

Creates a new input stream on the specified path.

Notice that this stream is unseekable, i.e. SeekI() and TellI() methods shouldn't be used.

Note that you can still know the size of the file you are getting using wxStreamBase::GetSize(). However there is a limitation: in HTTP protocol, the size is not always specified so sometimes (size_t)-1 can returned to indicate that the size is unknown. In such case, you may want to use wxInputStream::LastRead() method in a loop to get the total size.

Returns the initialized stream. You must delete it yourself once you don't use it anymore and this must be done before the wxHTTP object itself is destroyed. The destructor closes the network connection. The next time you will try to get a file the network connection will have to be reestablished, but you don't have to take care of this since wxHTTP reestablishes it automatically.
See Also

Implements wxProtocol.

int wxHTTP::GetResponse ( ) const

Returns the HTTP response code returned by the server.

Please refer to RFC 2616 for the list of responses.

bool wxHTTP::HasCookies ( ) const

Returns true if there were cookies.

void wxHTTP::SetHeader ( const wxString header,
const wxString h_data 

It sets data of a field to be sent during the next request to the HTTP server.

The field name is specified by header and the content by h_data. This is a low level function and it assumes that you know what you are doing.

void wxHTTP::SetMethod ( const wxString method)

Set HTTP method.

Set common or expanded HTTP method.

Overrides GET or POST methods that is used by default.

methodHTTP method name, e.g. "GET".
See Also
SetPostBuffer(), SetPostText()
bool wxHTTP::SetPostBuffer ( const wxString contentType,
const wxMemoryBuffer data 

Set the binary data to be posted to the server.

If a non-empty buffer is passed to this method, the next request will be an HTTP POST instead of the default HTTP GET and the given data will be posted as the body of this request.

For textual data a more convenient SetPostText() can be used instead.

contentTypeThe value of HTTP "Content-Type" header, e.g. "image/png".
dataThe data to post.
true if any data was passed in or false if the buffer was empty.
bool wxHTTP::SetPostText ( const wxString contentType,
const wxString data,
const wxMBConv conv = wxConvUTF8 

Set the text to be posted to the server.

After a successful call to this method, the request will use HTTP POST instead of the default GET when it's executed.

Use SetPostBuffer() if you need to post non-textual data.

contentTypeThe value of HTTP "Content-Type" header, e.g. "text/html; charset=UTF-8".
dataThe data to post.
convThe conversion to use to convert data contents to a byte stream. Its value should be consistent with the charset parameter specified in contentType.
true if string was non-empty and was successfully converted using the given conv or false otherwise (in this case this request won't be POST'ed correctly).