Version: 3.0.2
wxPropertyGridIterator Class Reference

#include <wx/propgrid/propgridpagestate.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxPropertyGridIterator:

Detailed Description


Preferable way to iterate through contents of wxPropertyGrid, wxPropertyGridManager, and wxPropertyGridPage.

See wxPropertyGridInterface::GetIterator() for more information about usage.

Library:  wxPropertyGrid
Category:  wxPropertyGrid

Public Member Functions

void Assign (const wxPropertyGridIteratorBase &it)
bool AtEnd () const
wxPGPropertyGetProperty () const
 Get current property.
void Next (bool iterateChildren=true)
 Iterate to the next property.
void Prev ()
 Iterate to the previous property.

Member Function Documentation

void wxPropertyGridIterator::Assign ( const wxPropertyGridIteratorBase &  it)
bool wxPropertyGridIterator::AtEnd ( ) const
wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGridIterator::GetProperty ( ) const

Get current property.

void wxPropertyGridIterator::Next ( bool  iterateChildren = true)

Iterate to the next property.

void wxPropertyGridIterator::Prev ( )

Iterate to the previous property.