4.3. A more complex table with some math

The following table has a title and references some mathematical symbols, such as the ∑ and × entities. In fact quite a few entities are available, but, as seen in the definition of Euler's constant, the quality is note very high. For more complex mathematical construct MathML markup is to be preferred. For the definition of column alignment, the align attribute specifies that the entries in the columns should be eligned on the decimal point of floating point numbers.

Example 4.3. A more complex table

  1 <table frame="all">
    <title>Physical and mathematical constants</title>
    <tgroup cols="3" align="char" charoff="50" char=".">
  5     <row>
 10     </thead>
          <entry>Planck constant</entry>
 15       <entry>6.62606876(82)&times;10<superscript>-34</superscript> J s</entry>
          <entry>Boltzmann constant</entry>
 20       <entry>1.3806503(24)&times;10<superscript>-23</superscript>
                 J K<superscript>-1</superscript></entry>
 25       <entry/>
                 eV K<superscript>-1</superscript></entry>
 30       <entry>Euler constant</entry>
 35   </tbody>

This is how that table would be rendered in the output mode you are viewing now:

Table 4.2. Physical and mathematical constants

Planck constanth6.62606876(82)×10-34 J s
Boltzmann constantk1.3806503(24)×10-23 J K-1
  8.617342(15)×10-5 eV K-1
Euler constante=∑k xk/k!2.718281828459(1)