Yahoo! UI Library

animation  2.5.0

Yahoo! UI Library > animation > YAHOO.util.AnimMgr

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Class YAHOO.util.AnimMgr

Handles animation queueing and threading. Used by Anim and subclasses.


delay - Int

Interval delay in milliseconds, defaults to fastest possible.

fps - Int

Base frame rate (frames per second). Arbitrarily high for better x-browser calibration (slower browsers drop more frames).

queue - private Array

The current queue of registered animation objects.

thread - private Int

Reference to the animation Interval.

tweenCount - private Int

The number of active animations.



private void correctFrame ( tween )
On the fly frame correction to keep animation on time.
tween <Object> The Anim instance being corrected.
Returns: void


void registerElement ( tween )
Adds an animation instance to the animation queue. All animation instances must be registered in order to animate.
tween <object> The Anim instance to be be registered
Returns: void


void run ( )
Called per Interval to handle each animation frame.
Returns: void


void start ( )
Starts the animation thread. Only one thread can run at a time.
Returns: void


void stop ( tween )
Stops the animation thread or a specific animation instance.
tween <object> A specific Anim instance to stop (optional) If no instance given, Manager stops thread and all animations.
Returns: void


private void unRegister ( tween , index )
removes an animation instance from the animation queue. All animation instances must be registered in order to animate.
tween <object> The Anim instance to be be registered
index <Int> The index of the Anim instance
Returns: void

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