YUI Library Examples: ProfilerViewer Control (beta): ProfilerViewer Internationalization: Spanish

ProfilerViewer Control (beta): ProfilerViewer Internationalization: Spanish

The ProfilerViewer Control can be easily internationalized by modifying the STRINGS member of YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer In this example, a Spanish translation provided by Caridy Patiño Mayea is applied to the UI.

Adding a Spanish Translation for the ProfilerViewer UI:

Customizing the ProfilerViewer UI for non-English languages is easy. In the example below, we've applied a translation provided by Caridy Patiño Mayea to the ProfilerViewer.

All of the interface's language strings live in the static member YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer.STRINGS. Customizing the interface simply involves modifying or replacing that object prior to instantiating your ProfilerViewer instance.

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