2. Left Navigation Menu

The Left Navigation menu consists of the three main sections: the Main Views, Classes, Browse By, and a Management Section.

Hiding the Left Navigation Menu

You can use the triangle above the left navigation menu to hide the menu, and then you can use the pin icon to “pin” the menu into place and the left navigation menu will remain visible.

2.1. Main Views

The Main Views section of the Navigational Bar consists of the following views: The Dashboard, which returns you to the main view; The Event Console, which will show a list of all of the current events in the Event Database; The Device List, which shows you a list of all of the devices in the Zenoss system; and the Network Map link which shows you a graphical representation of the devices in your network.

2.2. Classes

The Classes area contains the following links: The Events link will take you to the event management tabs where you can monitor event status, events, history, zProperties, event transforms and also track any changes made to events. The Devices link allows you to manage sub-devices and a summary of events by severity. You can also look at events sorted by severity followed by device name, history of device events, PerfConfig, zProperties for Devices, and recent changes made to the Devices. The Services link allows you show service Classes, administer commands on a Service basis and also access zProperties and track any changes made to Services monitoring. Processes Classes allows you to create new process groupings )here called Sub-folders) and also add processes to monitor. You can also set a Sequence or order in which to gather process monitoring information. You can also use the Process Class to run commands against processes, or access process zProperties. The Products link will show you a list of all the manufacturers of devices in the Zenoss database.

2.3. Browse By

Use the "Browse by" areas to see data based on any of the logical groupings Zenoss allows you to create. Either "Systems", a more generic "Groups", the physical location-related "Locations", a networking based "Networks", or you can see and define "Reports". Browsing by Systems allows you to see network statuses broken down into the system groupings you have created. Show performance data based on these systems and also see Events and the Event history for these systems. You can also Use the Administration tab to define commands, create maintenance windows or define administered objects on a Systems basis. Browsing by Groups allows you access to the same kind of data accessed when Browsing by System (only here on a "Group" basis) with the notable exception of tracking Performance data on a Group basis. Browsing by Locations refer to seeing data related to devices grouped by physical locations. Here devices can only be in one location but multiple nested sub-locations. A device can reside in several Groups in the groupings area, but should only reside in one physical location at a given level of a hierarchy. Nesting in sub-locations is perfectly acceptable, though. For example, a device can reside in the Location "Maryland", and also in sub-location Annapolis, but not simultaneously in the sub-location "Bethesda". Even though both are sub-locations you can define under "Maryland". You can also see a cool Google-based map of the physical locations of your devices and see status that way. Browsing by Networks, will show you the devices and sub-networks, based on IP address groupings. You can also see and access zProperties based on IP address groupings and see any changes made to any Networks. The Reports option allows you to see and define the Reports available within the Zenoss system.

2.3.1. Management

Add Device

Mibs - Add New organizer, Add new MIBS

Monitors - Status Monitors and Performance Monitors

Settings - Settings, commands users ZenPacks Menus Daemons Versions

Event Manager - EDIT connection information, cache, maintenance, FIELDS - connection information, history fields, COMMANDS - commands triggered by events

2.4. Hiding the Left Navigation Menu

You can use the triangle above the left navigation menu to hide the menu, and then you can use the pin icon to “pin” the menu into place and the left navigation menu will remain visible.