6. Zenoss Daemon Commands and Options

All Zenoss daemons share some similar commands. These commands can be run from the command line for the device where Zenoss is installed. Each daemon has the following commands:

  • run – start daemon but don’t put it into the background. This is good for debugging.

  • start – start as a daemon running in the background, detached from the shell.

  • stop – stop the daemon.

  • restart – stop/start the daemon. Sometimes the start command will run before the daemon has terminated. If this happens just re-run the command.

  • status – check the status of a daemon will print out the current process number if running.

  • help – display a list of all options for the daemon.

6.1. Configuring Zenoss Daemons

Any daemon can be configured by adding key/value pairs to a file named $ZENHOME/etc/DAEMONNAME.conf. Valid keys are the long option of any command line option. These can be listed by using the daemons “help” command.

6.2. General Options for All Daemons

Command Description
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-vLOGSEVERITY,--logseverity=LOGSEVERITY Logging severity threshold
--logpath=LOGPATH override default logging path
-CCONFIGFILE,-- configfile=CONFIGFILE config file
--uid=UID user to become when running default:zenoss
-c, --cycle Cycle continuously on cycleInterval from zope
-D, --daemon Become a Unix daemon
--host=HOST hostname of zeo server
--port=PORT port of zeo server
-RDATAROOT, --dataroot=DATAROOT root object for data load (i.e. /zport/dmd)
--cachesize=CACHESIZE in memory cachesize default: 1000
--pcachename=PCACHENAME persistent cache file name default:None
--pcachedir=PCACHEDIR persistent cache file directory

6.3. zenhub Options

Command Description
-x XMLRPCPORT, --xport=XMLRPCPORT Port to listen to for XML RPC calls
--pbport=PBPORT pb port
--passwd=PASSWORDFILE where the password file is stored

6.4. zenmodeler Options

Command Description
--debug don't fork threads for processing
--parallel=PARALLEL number of devices to collect from in parallel
--cycletime=CYCLETIME run collection every x minutes
--ignore=IGNOREPLUGINS Comma separated list of collection maps to ignore
--collect=COLLECTPLUGINS Comma separated list of collection maps to use
-pPATH, --path=PATH start path for collection ie /NetworkDevices
-dDEVICE, --device=DEVICE fully qualified device name ie: www.zenoss.com
-aCOLLAGE, --collage=COLLAGE do not collect from devices whose collect date is within this many minutes
--writetries=WRITETRIES number of times to try to write if a read conflict is found
-F, --force force collection of config data (even without change to the device)
--portscantimeout=PORTSCANTIMEOUT time to wait for connection failures when port scanning
-uUSERNAME, --user=USERNAME Login username
-PPASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD Login password
-tLOGINTRIES, --loginTries=LOGINTRIES number of times to try login
-LLOGINTIMEOUT, --loginTimeout=LOGINTIMEOUT timeout login expect statements
-TCOMMANDTIMEOUT, --commandTimeout=COMMANDTIMEOUT timeout when issuing a command
-KKEYPATH, --keyPath=KEYPATH Path to use when looking for keys
-sSEARCHPATH, --searchPath=SEARCHPATH Path to use when looking for commands
-eEXISTENCETEST, --existenceTest=EXISTENCETEST how to check for command
-rPROMPTTIMEOUT, --promptTimeout=PROMPTTIMEOUT timeout when discovering prompt
-xLOGINREGEX, --loginRegex=LOGINREGEX regex that will find the login prompt
-wPASSWORDREGEX, --passwordRegex=PASSWORDREGEX regex that will find the password prompt
--enable enter enable mode on a cisco device
--termlen enter send terminal length 0 on a cisco device
--enablePause=ENABLEPAUSE time to wait before sending enable command
--enableRegex=ENABLEREGEX regex that will find the enable password prompt

NOTE: --ignore and --collect are mutually exclusive

6.5. zenperfsnmp Options

Command Description
-zZOPEURL, --zopeurl=ZOPEURL XMLRPC url path for performance configuration server
-uZOPEUSERNAME, --zopeusername=ZOPEUSERNAME username for zope server
--zopepassword=ZOPEPASSWORD password used to login to the zope server
--zem=ZEM XMLRPC path to an ZenEventManager instance
-dDEVICE, --device=DEVICE Specify a specific device to monitor
--monitor=MONITOR Specify a specific name of the monitor configuration

6.6. zenperfxmlrpc Options

Command Description
-zZOPEURL, --zopeurl=ZOPEURL XMLRPC url path for performance configuration server
-uZOPEUSERNAME, --zopeusername=ZOPEUSERNAME username for zope server
--zopepassword=ZOPEPASSWORD password used to login to the zope server
--zem=ZEM XMLRPC path to an ZenEventManager instance
-dDEVICE, --device=DEVICE Specify a specific device to monitor
--monitor=MONITOR Specify a specific name of the monitor configuration

6.7. zenProcess Options

Command Description
-zZOPEURL, --zopeurl=ZOPEURL XMLRPC url path for performance configuration server
-uZOPEUSERNAME, --zopeusername=ZOPEUSERNAME username for zope server
--zopepassword=ZOPEPASSWORD password used to login to the zope server
--zem=ZEM XMLRPC path to an ZenEventManager instance
-dDEVICE, --device=DEVICE Specify a specific device to monitor
--monitor=MONITOR Specify a specific name of the monitor configuration

6.8. zenping Options

Command Description
--configpath=CONFIGPATH path to our monitor config ie: /Monitors/StatusMonitors/localhost
--name=NAME name to use when looking up our record in the dmd defaults to our fqdn as returned by getfqdn
--test Run in test mode: doesn't really ping, but reads the list of IP Addresses that are up from /tmp/testping

6.9. zensyslog Options

Command Description
--statcycle=STATCYCLE Number of seconds between the writing of stats
--dmdpath=DMDPATH zope path to our dmd /zport/dmd
--parsehost try to parse the hostname part of a syslog HEADER
--stats print stats to log every 2 secs
--logorig log the original message
--debug debug mode no threads
--minpriority=MINPRIORITY Minimum priority that syslog will accept
--heartbeat=HEARTBEAT Number of seconds between heartbeats
--syslogport=SYSLOGPORT Port number to use for syslog events

6.10. zenstatus Options

Command Description
--configpath=CONFIGPATH path to our monitor config ie: /Devices/Server
--parallel=PARALLEL number of devices to collect at one time
--cycletime=CYCLETIME check events every cycletime seconds

6.11. zenactions Options

Command Description
--cycletime=CYCLETIME check events every cycletime seconds
--fromaddr=FROMADDR address from which email is sent
--zopeurl=ZOPEURL http path to the root of the zope server

6.12. zentrap Options

Command Description
--statcycle=STATCYCLE Number of seconds between the writing of stats
-tTRAPPORT, --trapport=TRAPPORT Port number for listening for traps

6.13. zencommand Options

Command Description
-zZOPEURL, --zopeurl=ZOPEURL XMLRPC url path for performance configuration server
-uZOPEUSERNAME, --zopeusername=ZOPEUSERNAME username for zope server
--zopepassword=ZOPEPASSWORD password used to login to the zope server
--zem=ZEM XMLRPC path to an ZenEventManager instance
-dDEVICE, --device=DEVICE Specify a specific device to monitor
--monitor=MONITOR Specify a specific name of the monitor configuration
--parallel=PARALLEL number of devices to collect at one time