Zentyal GatewayΒΆ

This chapter focuses on the functionality of Zentyal as a gateway, allowing a more reliable and secure network, management of the band width and definition of connection and content policies.

There is a section centered on the functionality of the firewall module, that allows you to define rules to manage the incoming and outgoing traffic both of the server and the internal network. Two modules that help the management of network objects and services make easier the firewall configuration.

When you access Internet, you can balance the load between several connections and define different rules to use one or another connection depending on the traffic. In addition, you will see how to guarantee the quality of service, giving more priority to a specific type of traffic or even limiting the speed in some cases, as for example in case of P2P.

RADIUS allows you to authenticate the network users and finally, you will also find an introduction to the HTTP proxy service. This service allows you to make the Internet access faster, storing the cache and establishing different content filtering policies.


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High-level Zentyal abstractions