Webmail service

Introduction to Webmail service

Zentyal integrates Roundcube to implement the webmail service [1]. Roundcube is developed with the latest web technologies, offering a user experience far superior to traditional webmail clients.


Configuring a webmail in Zentyal

The webmail service is enabled in the same way as any other Zentyal service. However, it requires the mail module configured to use either IMAP, IMAPS or both and the webserver module enabled. If it is not, webmail will refuse to be enabled.

The mail configuration in Zentyal is deeply explained in the Electronic Mail Service (SMTP/POP3-IMAP4) section and the webserver module is explained in Web data publication service (HTTP) section.

Webmail options

You can access to the options by clicking in the Webmail section in the left menu. You may establish the title that will use the webmail to identify itself. This title will be shown in the login screen and in the page HTML titles.


Webmail general settings

Login into the webmail

In order to log into the webmail, HTTP traffic must be allowed by the firewall from the source address used. The webmail login screen is available at http://[Zentyal’s address]/webmail from the browser. Then the user has to enter his email address and password. Only real email address are accepted for login, not alias.


Webmail login

SIEVE filters

The webmail software also includes an interface to manage SIEVE filters. It will only be available if the ManageSIEVE protocol is enabled in the mail service. Check out Sieve scripts and ManageSieve protocol section for more information.


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Electronic Mail Service (SMTP/POP3-IMAP4)

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Instant Messaging Service (Jabber/XMPP)