
Overview of path directives

This is a tiny overview for some of the most common path directives:

  • rawPathPrefix(x): it matches x and leaves a suffix (if any) unmatched.
  • pathPrefix(x): is equivalent to rawPathPrefix(slash().concat(segment(x))). It matches a leading slash followed by x and then leaves a suffix unmatched.
  • path(x): is equivalent to rawPathPrefix(slash().concat(segment(x)).concat(pathEnd())). It matches a leading slash followed by x and then the end.
  • pathEnd: is equivalent to rawPathPrefix(pathEnd()). It is matched only when there is nothing left to match from the path. This directive should not be used at the root as the minimal path is the single slash.
  • pathSingleSlash: is equivalent to rawPathPrefix(slash().concat(pathEnd())). It matches when the remaining path is just a single slash.
  • pathEndOrSingleSlash: is equivalent to rawPathPrefix(pathEnd()) or rawPathPrefix(slash().concat(pathEnd())). It matches either when there is no remaining path or is just a single slash.
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