

def cancelRejections(classes: Class[_]*): Directive0
def cancelRejections(cancelFilter: Rejection ⇒ Boolean): Directive0


Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections created by the inner route for which the condition argument function returns true.

See also cancelRejection, for canceling a specific rejection.

Read Rejections to learn more about rejections.

For more advanced handling of rejections refer to the handleRejections directive which provides a nicer DSL for building rejection handlers.


def isMethodRejection: Rejection => Boolean = {
  case MethodRejection(_) => true
  case _                  => false

val route =
  cancelRejections(isMethodRejection) {
    post {

// tests:
Get("/") ~> route ~> check {
  rejections shouldEqual Nil
  handled shouldEqual false
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