

def mapUnmatchedPath(f: Uri.Path ⇒ Uri.Path): Directive0


Transforms the unmatchedPath field of the request context for inner routes.

The mapUnmatchedPath directive is used as a building block for writing Custom Directives. You can use it for implementing custom path matching directives.

Use extractUnmatchedPath for extracting the current value of the unmatched path.


def ignore456(path: Uri.Path) = path match {
  case s @ Uri.Path.Segment(head, tail) if head.startsWith("456") =>
    val newHead = head.drop(3)
    if (newHead.isEmpty) tail
    else s.copy(head = head.drop(3))
  case _ => path
val ignoring456 = mapUnmatchedPath(ignore456)

val route =
  pathPrefix("123") {
    ignoring456 {
      path("abc") {

// tests:
Get("/123/abc") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Content"
Get("/123456/abc") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Content"
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