

def mapRouteResultWith(f: RouteResult ⇒ Future[RouteResult]): Directive0


Changes the message the inner route sends to the responder.

The mapRouteResult directive is used as a building block for Custom Directives to transform the RouteResult coming back from the inner route. It’s similar to the mapRouteResult directive but returning a Future instead of a result immediately, which may be useful for longer running transformations.

See Result Transformation Directives for similar directives.


case object MyCustomRejection extends Rejection
val rejectRejections = // not particularly useful directive
  mapRouteResultWith {
    case Rejected(_) => Future(Rejected(List(AuthorizationFailedRejection)))
    case res         => Future(res)
val route =
  rejectRejections {

// tests:
Get("/") ~> route ~> check {
  rejection shouldEqual AuthorizationFailedRejection
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