Hierarchical storage on Tachyon (Alpha)

The hierarchical storage introduces more storage layers besides the existing memory layer. Each layer contains one or more storage directories, where each directory stores block files.

When writing data into Tachyon, client needs to request space from a worker, and the worker allocates space on hierarchical storage, Currently the newly coming data is always stored onto top level storage layer for high speed, and the space is allocated among storage directories in one storage layer by a configured strategy. If the upper level storage runs out of space, its block files will be evicted to successor storage layer by a configured strategy to get enough space. If the storage layer is the bottom tier, the block files will be deleted. The location change and deletion information will be sent to master during heartbeat with master. After a block file is written, the client requests the worker to cache the block. Then the worker will update the block caching information to master after it is cached. When reading data from Tachyon, client first gets the block information from master. If the block exists on local worker, the client requests worker to lock the block and get the path of the block file. After reading the data, the client requests worker to update the block access time and unlock it. If the block does not exist on local worker, the client will try to get the block data from remote workers which contain the block.

Configuring hierarchical storage

Use tachyon-env.sh to configure the hierarchical storage by adding properties into Tachyon_JAVA_OPTS, there are six configuration parameters for hierarchical storage:

$ tachyon.worker.hierarchystore.level.max The maximum level of storage tier sets the number of storage layers in Tachyon. Its default value is 1, which means there is only one storage layer.

$ tachyon.worker.hierarchystore.level{x}.alias The alias of each storage tier, x represents the number of storage layers (starts from 0). There are pre-defined alias names in StorageLevelAlias, such as MEM, SSD, and HDD etc. Currently only local file system is supported, more types of storage layer will be added later.

$ tachyon.worker.hierarchystore.level{x}.dirs.path The paths of storage directories in each storage layer, which are delimited by comma. x represents the storage layer. It is okay to have one directory for the memory layer. It is suggested to have one storage directory per hardware device for SSD and HDD.

$ tachyon.worker.hierarchystore.level{x}.dirs.quota The quotas for all storage directories in a storage layer, which are also be delimited by comma. x represents the storage layer. Workers use the corresponding quota in the configuration for storage directories. If the quota for some storage directories are not set, the last quota will be used. There is default quota(128MB) for storage layer with alias MEM, if the quota for any other storage layer is not set, the system will report the error and exit the initialization.

$ tachyon.worker.allocate.strategy Space allocation strategy defines how workers allocate space in storage directories in certain storage layer. There are three pre-defined strategies: RANDOM, ROUND_ROBIN, and MAX_FREE. RANDOM means that workers allocate space randomly among storage directories; ROUND_ROBIN means workers allocate space by round robin among storage directories. MAX_FREE means workers allocate space in storage directory which has maximum free space, and it is the default strategy used.

$ tachyon.worker.evict.strategy Block file eviction strategy, it defines how workers evict block files when a storage layer runs out of space. Supported strategies are LRU and PARTIAL_LRU. LRU means workers evict blocks by LRU among storage directories in certain layer, and it is the default strategy. PARTIAL_LRU means workers evict blocks by LRU in some storage directory selected. More strategies will be added in future.

For example:


In this example, there are two storage layers. The alias of the first layer is MEM with one directory. The path is /mnt/ramdisk with 10GB quota. The alias of the second layer is SSD with two directories. The paths are /mnt/ssd1 and /mnt/ssd2, with 60GB and 80GB quotas respectively. The space allocation strategy is MAX_FREE and the block eviction strategy is LRU.

Currently only synchronous eviction is supported by hierarchical storage, it is recommended to use small block size (less than 64MB), to reduce the latency of block eviction. this restriction will not exist when asynchronous eviction is introduced.