Running Tachyon on OpenStack Compute

Deploy Tachyon Cluster on OpenStack Compute via Vagrant

Vagrant can spawn Tachyon cluster in the cloud at OpenStack Compute.

A set of pre-configured Vagrant recipe and shell scripts can be found at tachyon/deploy/vagrant directory:

├── conf
│   ├── ec2-config.yml
│   ├──
│   ├── init.yml.glusterfs
│   ├── init.yml.hdfs1
│   ├── init.yml.hdfs2
│   ├── init.yml.os
│   ├── init.yml.docker
│   └── openstack-config.yml
├── init.yml -> conf/init.yml.hdfs2
└── ...

The script allows you to launch a Tachyon cluster on OpenStack Compute nodes. It reads OpenStack configurations from tachyon/deploy/vagrant/conf/openstack-config.yml, your shell environmen variables OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD, and Tachyon cluster configuration from tachyon/deploy/vagrant/init.yml, then the script automatically creates the cluster, sets up under filesystem, and starts Tachyon master and workers on the cluster for you. is designed to create multiple clusters. Node of each cluster is tagged so multiple people can use their own Tachyon cluster with the same credential and tenant.



With the above information, fill them in tachyon/deploy/vagrant/conf/openstack-config.yml. Also ensure your OpenStack login credentials are set in your shell environmen variables OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD.

Next, you provide your desired Tachyon cluster configuration. A sample configuration can be found in tachyon/deploy/vagrant/conf/init.yml.openstack. Link or copy it to tachyon/deploy/vagrant/init.yml. Since the Compute nodes use DHCP, the Addresses are not used.

The parameters in tachyon/deploy/vagrant/init.yml are explained as the following.

UfsTachyon Underfilesystemglusterfs|hadoop2|hadoop1
ProviderVagrant Providersvb|aws|openstack|docker
MemoryMemory (in MB) to allocate for Virtualbox imageat least 1024
TotalNumber of images to startat least 1
AddressesInternal IPs given to each VM. The last one is designated as Tachyon master. For VirtualBox, the addresses can be arbitrary. For AWS, the addresses should be within the same availability zone. For OpenStack, since the compute node instances use DHCP, these addresses are not used. For Docker provider, containers use DHCP, these addresses are not used. IPv4 address string

Launch Cluster

Run command to launch your Tachyon cluster

$ ./

A successful deployment will end up with messages showing Tachyon master and workers are launched.

Access Cluster

You can access your cluster nodes by vagrant ssh command. vagrant ssh TachyonMaster connects you to the node that acts as the TachyonMaster. If you have multiple worker nodes, vagrant ssh TachyonWorker1 connects to node TachyonWorker1.

Destroy Cluster

Run command to destroy the cluster

$ vagrant destroy [-f]