Running Spark on Tachyon
By default, Spark 1.0.x is bundled with Tachyon 0.4.1. If you run a different version Tachyon, please recompile Spark with the right version of Tachyon, by changing the Tachyon version in spark/core/pom.xml.
Input/Output data with Tachyon
The additional prerequisite for this part is Spark (0.6 or later). We also assume that the user is running on Tachyon 0.6.4 or later and has set up Tachyon and Hadoop in accordance to these guides Local Mode or Cluster Mode.
If you are running a Spark version less than 1.0.0, please add the following line to
export SPARK_CLASSPATH=/pathToTachyon/client/target/tachyon-client-0.6.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar:$SPARK_CLASSPATH
If running a hadoop 1.x cluster, create a new file spark/conf/core-site.xml
Add the following to it:
Put a file X into HDFS and run the Spark shell:
$ ./spark-shell
$ val s = sc.textFile("tachyon://localhost:19998/X")
$ s.count()
$ s.saveAsTextFile("tachyon://localhost:19998/Y")
Take a look at http://localhost:19999. There should be an output file
which contains the number of words in the file X
Put a file X into HDFS and run the Spark shell:
If you are invoking spark job using sbt or from other frameworks like play using sbt:
val conf = new SparkConf()
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.tachyon.impl", "tachyon.hadoop.TFS")
If you are running tachyon in fault tolerant mode with zookeeper and the hadoop cluster is a 1.x cluster,
additionally add new entry in previously created spark/conf/core-site.xml
Add the following line to spark/conf/
Put a file X into HDFS. When running a Spark shell, you can now point to any tachyon master:
$ ./spark-shell
$ val s = sc.textFile("tachyon-ft://stanbyHost:19998/X")
$ s.count()
$ s.saveAsTextFile("tachyon-ft://activeHost:19998/Y")
Persist Spark RDDs into Tachyon
For this feature, you need to run Spark (1.0 or later) and Tachyon (0.4.1 or later). Please refer to Spark Doc on the benefit of this feature.
Your Spark programs need to set two parameters, spark.tachyonStore.url
. spark.tachyonStore.url
(by default tachyon://localhost:19998
) is
the URL of the Tachyon filesystem in the TachyonStore. spark.tachyonStore.baseDir
(by default
) is the base directory in the Tachyon File System that will store the RDDs. It can
be a comma-separated list of multiple directories in Tachyon.
To persist an RDD into Tachyon, you need to use the StorageLevel.OFF_HEAP
parameter. The following
is an example with Spark shell:
$ ./spark-shell
$ val rdd = sc.textFile(inputPath)
$ rdd.persist(StorageLevel.OFF_HEAP)
Take a look at the spark.tachyonStore.baseDir
on Tachyon’s WebUI (the default URI is
http://localhost:19999), when the Spark application is running. There
should be a bunch of files there; they are RDD blocks. Currently, the files will be cleaned up when
the spark application finishes.
You can also use Tachyon as input and output sources for your Spark applications. The above section shows the instructions.