public class


extends Object
implements ClientConnectionManager
   ↳ org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager

Class Overview

Manages a pool of client connections.

This class is derived from MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager in HttpClient 3. See there for original authors.


protected ClientConnectionOperator connOperator The operator for opening and updating connections.
protected final AbstractConnPool connectionPool The pool of connections being managed.
protected SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry The schemes supported by this connection manager.
Public Constructors
ThreadSafeClientConnManager(HttpParams params, SchemeRegistry schreg)
Creates a new thread safe connection manager.
Public Methods
void closeExpiredConnections()
Closes all expired connections in the pool.
void closeIdleConnections(long idleTimeout, TimeUnit tunit)
Closes idle connections in the pool.
int getConnectionsInPool(HttpRoute route)
Gets the total number of pooled connections for the given route.
int getConnectionsInPool()
Gets the total number of pooled connections.
SchemeRegistry getSchemeRegistry()
Obtains the scheme registry used by this manager.
void releaseConnection(ManagedClientConnection conn, long validDuration, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Releases a connection for use by others.
ClientConnectionRequest requestConnection(HttpRoute route, Object state)
Returns a new ClientConnectionRequest, from which a ManagedClientConnection can be obtained or the request can be aborted.
void shutdown()
Shuts down this connection manager and releases allocated resources.
Protected Methods
ClientConnectionOperator createConnectionOperator(SchemeRegistry schreg)
Hook for creating the connection operator.
AbstractConnPool createConnectionPool(HttpParams params)
Hook for creating the connection pool.
void finalize()
Called before the object's memory is reclaimed by the VM.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager


protected ClientConnectionOperator connOperator

Since: API Level 1

The operator for opening and updating connections.

protected final AbstractConnPool connectionPool

Since: API Level 1

The pool of connections being managed.

protected SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry

Since: API Level 1

The schemes supported by this connection manager.

Public Constructors

public ThreadSafeClientConnManager (HttpParams params, SchemeRegistry schreg)

Since: API Level 1

Creates a new thread safe connection manager.

params the parameters for this manager
schreg the scheme registry, or null for the default registry

Public Methods

public void closeExpiredConnections ()

Since: API Level 1

Closes all expired connections in the pool. Open connections in the pool that have not been used for the timespan defined when the connection was released will be closed. Currently allocated connections are not subject to this method. Times will be checked with milliseconds precision.

public void closeIdleConnections (long idleTimeout, TimeUnit tunit)

Since: API Level 1

Closes idle connections in the pool. Open connections in the pool that have not been used for the timespan given by the argument will be closed. Currently allocated connections are not subject to this method. Times will be checked with milliseconds precision All expired connections will also be closed.

idleTimeout the idle time of connections to be closed
tunit the unit for the idletime

public int getConnectionsInPool (HttpRoute route)

Since: API Level 1

Gets the total number of pooled connections for the given route. This is the total number of connections that have been created and are still in use by this connection manager for the route. This value will not exceed the maximum number of connections per host.

route the route in question
  • the total number of pooled connections for that route

public int getConnectionsInPool ()

Since: API Level 1

Gets the total number of pooled connections. This is the total number of connections that have been created and are still in use by this connection manager. This value will not exceed the maximum number of connections in total.

  • the total number of pooled connections

public SchemeRegistry getSchemeRegistry ()

Since: API Level 1

Obtains the scheme registry used by this manager.

  • the scheme registry, never null

public void releaseConnection (ManagedClientConnection conn, long validDuration, TimeUnit timeUnit)

Since: API Level 1

Releases a connection for use by others. You may optionally specify how long the connection is valid to be reused. Values <= 0 are considered to be valid forever. If the connection is not marked as reusable, the connection will not be reused regardless of the valid duration. If the connection has been released before, the call will be ignored.

conn the connection to release
validDuration the duration of time this connection is valid for reuse
timeUnit the unit of time validDuration is measured in

public ClientConnectionRequest requestConnection (HttpRoute route, Object state)

Since: API Level 1

Returns a new ClientConnectionRequest, from which a ManagedClientConnection can be obtained or the request can be aborted.

public void shutdown ()

Since: API Level 1

Shuts down this connection manager and releases allocated resources. This includes closing all connections, whether they are currently used or not.

Protected Methods

protected ClientConnectionOperator createConnectionOperator (SchemeRegistry schreg)

Since: API Level 1

Hook for creating the connection operator. It is called by the constructor. Derived classes can override this method to change the instantiation of the operator. The default implementation here instantiates DefaultClientConnectionOperator.

schreg the scheme registry to use, or null
  • the connection operator to use

protected AbstractConnPool createConnectionPool (HttpParams params)

Since: API Level 1

Hook for creating the connection pool.

  • the connection pool to use

protected void finalize ()

Since: API Level 1

Called before the object's memory is reclaimed by the VM. This can only happen once the garbage collector has detected that the object is no longer reachable by any thread of the running application.

The method can be used to free system resources or perform other cleanup before the object is garbage collected. The default implementation of the method is empty, which is also expected by the VM, but subclasses can override finalize() as required. Uncaught exceptions which are thrown during the execution of this method cause it to terminate immediately but are otherwise ignored.

Note that the VM does guarantee that finalize() is called at most once for any object, but it doesn't guarantee when (if at all) finalize() will be called. For example, object B's finalize() can delay the execution of object A's finalize() method and therefore it can delay the reclamation of A's memory. To be safe, use a ReferenceQueue, because it provides more control over the way the VM deals with references during garbage collection.
