public final class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry

Class Overview

A set of supported protocol schemes. Schemes are identified by lowercase names.


Public Constructors
Creates a new, empty scheme registry.
Public Methods
synchronized final Scheme get(String name)
Obtains a scheme by name, if registered.
synchronized final Scheme getScheme(String name)
Obtains a scheme by name.
synchronized final Scheme getScheme(HttpHost host)
Obtains the scheme for a host.
synchronized final List<String> getSchemeNames()
Obtains the names of the registered schemes in their default order.
synchronized final Scheme register(Scheme sch)
Registers a scheme.
synchronized void setItems(Map<StringScheme> map)
Populates the internal collection of registered protocol schemes with the content of the map passed as a parameter.
synchronized final Scheme unregister(String name)
Unregisters a scheme.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public SchemeRegistry ()

Since: API Level 1

Creates a new, empty scheme registry.

Public Methods

public final synchronized Scheme get (String name)

Since: API Level 1

Obtains a scheme by name, if registered.

name the name of the scheme to look up (in lowercase)
  • the scheme, or null if there is none by this name

public final synchronized Scheme getScheme (String name)

Since: API Level 1

Obtains a scheme by name.

name the name of the scheme to look up (in lowercase)
  • the scheme, never null
IllegalStateException if the scheme with the given name is not registered

public final synchronized Scheme getScheme (HttpHost host)

Since: API Level 1

Obtains the scheme for a host. Convenience method for getScheme(host.getSchemeName())

host the host for which to obtain the scheme
  • the scheme for the given host, never null
IllegalStateException if a scheme with the respective name is not registered

public final synchronized List<String> getSchemeNames ()

Since: API Level 1

Obtains the names of the registered schemes in their default order.

  • List containing registered scheme names.

public final synchronized Scheme register (Scheme sch)

Since: API Level 1

Registers a scheme. The scheme can later be retrieved by its name using getScheme or get.

sch the scheme to register
  • the scheme previously registered with that name, or null if none was registered

public synchronized void setItems (Map<StringScheme> map)

Since: API Level 1

Populates the internal collection of registered protocol schemes with the content of the map passed as a parameter.

map protocol schemes

public final synchronized Scheme unregister (String name)

Since: API Level 1

Unregisters a scheme.

name the name of the scheme to unregister (in lowercase)
  • the unregistered scheme, or null if there was none