Since: API Level 1


Checksum The interface common to checksum classes such as Adler32 and CRC32


Adler32 The Adler-32 class is used to compute the Adler32 checksum from a set of data. 
CheckedInputStream The CheckedInputStream class is used to maintain a checksum at the same time as the data, on which the checksum is computed, is read from a stream. 
CheckedOutputStream The CheckedOutputStream class is used to maintain a running checksum of all data written to a stream. 
CRC32 The CRC32 class is used to compute a CRC32 checksum from data provided as input value. 
Deflater This class compresses data using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification). 
DeflaterInputStream An InputStream filter to compress data. 
DeflaterOutputStream This class provides an implementation of FilterOutputStream that compresses data using the DEFLATE algorithm. 
GZIPInputStream The GZIPInputStream class is used to read data stored in the GZIP format, reading and decompressing GZIP data from the underlying stream into its buffer. 
GZIPOutputStream The GZIPOutputStream class is used to write data to a stream in the GZIP storage format. 
Inflater This class decompresses data that was compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification). 
InflaterInputStream This class provides an implementation of FilterInputStream that decompresses data that was compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification). 
InflaterOutputStream An OutputStream filter to decompress data. 
ZipEntry An instance of ZipEntry represents an entry within a ZIP-archive
ZipFile This class provides random read access to a ZIP-archive file. 
ZipInputStream This class provides an implementation of FilterInputStream that decompresses data from an InputStream containing a ZIP archive. 
ZipOutputStream This class provides an implementation of FilterOutputStream that compresses data entries into a ZIP-archive output stream. 


DataFormatException DataFormatException is used to indicate an error in the format of a particular data stream which is to be uncompressed. 
ZipException This runtime exception is thrown by ZipFile and ZipInputStream when the file or stream is not a valid ZIP file. 


ZipError Thrown when an unrecoverable ZIP error has occurred.