Jira Report

SPRING-192 andromda.spring.services.config.only is ignored Resolved Not an issue Peter Friese
SPRING-187 nullable VO parameter in service and 1 multiply in VO attribute cause NullpointerException in ServiceBase Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-77 When 1 --- 1..N association, DAO has bad create method Closed Duplicate Chad Brandon
SPRING-73 wrong parametertype for collections/associations in SpringDao Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-37 dao inheritance leaves out the children ' s DaoBase classes Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-3 Bag class in load method Clo sed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-169 Andromda 3.2RC1 doesn ' t compile with generalized manageable entities Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-95 compiler limitation -- static { } block is too large -- need refactoring Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-68 1-n references to self don ' t work Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-7 generalized entities have methods that collide Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-206 Manageable entities should access non manageable entities Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-202 CRUD no well resolved when using composite keys Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-199 Problems when I use remote ejbs without adding core library Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRIN G-198 Compilation errors with private/protected service operations. Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-197 DaoBase does not compile when property enableTemplating=true Open Unresolved Jens Vagts
SPRING-195 The create() methods of Dao classes for " required " parameters does not take the assigned identifer as parameter. Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-194 Error accessing application on JBoss after repeated deployments of *-ds.xml files. Resolved Fixed Jens Vagts
SPRING-191 Improve documentation for the criteria search feature. Open Unresolved Peter Friese
SPRING-190 Introduce support for Lingo remoting Resolved Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-189 Bug in the DAO.create method when there is a NOT NULL Foreign Key. Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-188 no DAO support for composite-id (Problem with recently added composite primary keys support in hibernate cartridge) Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-186 applicationContext-import-remoteServices.xml - Wrong xml syntax Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-184 Enumeration attributes being checked against null Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-183 add hibernate merge operation to DAO Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-182 Dao create method signature conflict Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-180 Use of ParameterList in HibernateDao is not possible if not using named parameters Resolved Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-179 Added Transaction Timeout Feature for Spring managed Transactions Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-178 Generated Entity to VO transformation - don ' t move DaoImpl to src tree Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-176 Add configPropertyPrefix for classic client context. Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-175 Provide empty default for configPropertyPrefix Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-171 ServiceLocator template: always use " beanRefFactory " as default id even with EJB enabled Closed Fixed Jens Vagts
SPRING-170 ejb-jar.xml contains generics in method parameters. Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-168 add ' both ' in andromda.ejb.viewtType for generate local and remote. Closed Fixed Jens Vagts
SPRING-165 When ' daoInheritanceEnabled=false ' , VO transformations are generated incorrectly Resolved Fixed Jens Vagts
SPRING-164 applicationContext.xml does creates duplicate attribute entries when inheritance is false Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-163 Allow transformations from/to ValueObject(s) to be generated selectively Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-162 Conflict between Calendar and Date types on value object constructors Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-160 Bug in Generation of Base DAOs toValueObject method Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-158 ManageableDaoBase creates wrong code with associations Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-157 ambiguous constructor in daobase using value objects Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-155 Integrating unit-test generation in Spring cartridge Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-154 DAO methods that don ' t return Entities of the DAO Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-151 AutoGenerated Entity/ValueObject Converters- Conversion support for Hibernate Version Ids and WebService Dates Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-150 service inheritance: initialize service references in subclasses Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-147 weird SQL error when updating crud entities Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-145 duplicate crud service operations Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-144 Spring IoC serverContext.xml not been generated Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-143 CriteriaSeach classes been generated to the core subproject Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-142 Dao create operation returns incorrect class when polymorphic Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-141 association ends named entity generate uncompilable code In Progress Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-138 can ' t find vsl template in andromda-spring-cartridge Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-137 Many-to-many association and map association Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-139 Use get() instead of find() w/HQL for DAO load() Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-136 Add support for @andromda.persistence.assigned.identifer Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-135 Add support for Spring FactoryBeans Open Unresolved Peter Friese
SPRING-134 Use ValueObjects for databinding frameworks Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-133 Add a tagged value turn on/off named parameters for each finder individually Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-132 Add a method to Servicelocators that let ' s clients retrieve beans by their ID. Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-131 Allow the creation of stateful services Open Unresolved Cyril Combe
SPRING-129 Services should refer to DAOs even if DAOs will not be generated Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-127 CRUD does not support 1:0..1 associations Resolved Fixed Matthias Bohlen
SPRING-126 Umlaut does not display for a CRUD entity attribute value Open Unresolved Wouter Zoons
SPRING-124 ejb-jar.xml code generated for @andromda.spring.service.config.only Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-123 Use/define " foreign " services Closed Not an issue Chad Brandon
SPRING-121 Configure Acegi role prefix Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-120 DAOs should also contain rebind(Object) and rebind(Collection) methods Closed Won ' t Fix Chad Brandon
SPRING-119 Missing AuthenticationManager in serviceSecurityInterceptor bean Closed Not an issue Chad Brandon
SPRING-118 Allowing programatical modification of sorting in criteria searches Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-117 Transaction Isolation Level Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-116 Add a transform method to the generated DAO to convert associated VO to entity Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-114 Or - Mode for CriteriaSearch parameter values Reopened Unresolved Peter Friese
SPRING-113 Add support for modelling interfaces Open Unresolved Peter Friese
SPRING-112 Add rich-client support to Acegi support Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-111 Persist class/entity packages to multiple databases (data sources) Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-110 Write a Spring Remoting and Rich Client mini how-to Open Unresolved Peter Friese
SPRING-107 Rich Client Support Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-106 Missing blank in applicationContext-server.xml.vsl Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-105 Error in code generation for acegi security Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-104 SpringServiceLogicImpl.java missing ' } ' on variable in clientContext.xml Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-102 Inherited daos do not initialize referenced daos of parent Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-97 Create methods in the serviceSecurityInterceptor from objects with a " Service " stereotype and add a tagged value for the processConfigAttribute Open Unresolved Peter Friese
SPRING-96 tagged value to add additional interceptors to services Closed Fixed Peter Friese
SPRING-94 The load() and create() methods of the *Dao should return the most specific type Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-93 Criteria not handling EmbeddedValues correctly Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-92 Model driven deployment configuration Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-9 1 Hibernate related default property values do not depend on hibernateVersion Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-90 Criteria searches do not allow Lists to be returned and sort ordering not being preserved Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-89 Unexpected manageableIdentifier behaviour Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-88 Configureable ejb proxy factory classes Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-87 Configureable ejb interfaces and class Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-86 allow code generation for find(Entity) methods to use query.setProperties Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-85 Paging support in criteria-based finders (setFirstResult(int) method) Closed Fixed Wouter Zoons
SPRING-84 Handling of Hibernate Report Queries leads to ClassCastExceptions Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-82 Associations generated as Collections Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-81 No RemoteExceptions for service interfaces even for remote ejbs Closed Fixed Chad Brandon
SPRING-79 Support for @andromda.ejb.viewType tagged value Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-78 Transaction manager option for transactions created by the container Open Unresol ved Chad Brandon
SPRING-75 Entities can extend Interfaces Open Unresolved Chad Brandon
SPRING-72 Use/enable spring transactions even if using EJBs Closed Duplicate Chad Brandon
SPRING-69 Adapting OpenSessionInViewFilter to AndroMDA Closed Fixed Chad Brandon