Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
18 150 0 0


Rule Violations Severity
NewlineAtEndOfFile 18  Info
Translation 0  Error
FileLength 0  Info
FileTabCharacter 0  Info
  • message: "Line has trailing whitespace."
  • format: "[^*]\s+$"
6  Info
FileContentsHolder 0  Info
MissingDeprecated 0  Info
MissingOverride 4  Info
EmptyBlock 5  Info
  • option: "nl"
1  Info
NeedBraces 0  Info
  • option: "alone"
0  Info
AvoidNestedBlocks 0  Info
CovariantEquals 0  Error
EmptyStatement 0  Info
EqualsHashCode 0  Error
IllegalInstantiation 0  Error
InnerAssignment 0  Info
MissingSwitchDefault 0  Info
RedundantThrows 0  Info
SimplifyBooleanExpression 0  Info
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0  Info
StringLiteralEquality 0  Error
NoFinalizer 0  Error
IllegalCatch 0  Info
IllegalThrows 0  Info
JUnitTestCase 0  Info
IllegalType 0  Error
DefaultComesLast 0  Info
FallThrough 0  Info
MultipleVariableDeclarations 0  Info
UnnecessaryParentheses 6  Info
FinalClass 0  Info
InterfaceIsType 0  Info
HideUtilityClassConstructor 2  Info
AvoidStarImport 0  Info
IllegalImport 0  Info
RedundantImport 0  Info
UnusedImports 1  Info
ImportOrder 1  Info
  • allowMissingParamTags: "true"
  • scope: "package"
  • allowUndeclaredRTE: "true"
  • allowMissingReturnTag: "true"
  • allowMissingThrowsTags: "true"
0  Info
  • scope: "package"
0  Info
  • scope: "package"
0  Info
UpperEll 0  Info
ArrayTypeStyle 0  Info
Indentation 35  Info
TodoComment 2  Info
  • illegalPattern: "true"
  • ignoreComments: "true"
  • format: "System\.out\.println"
0  Info
  • message: "Spelling error"
  • format: "seperate"
  • ignoreCase: "true"
0  Info
ModifierOrder 5  Info
RedundantModifier 0  Info
ConstantName 1  Info
LocalFinalVariableName 0  Info
LocalVariableName 0  Info
MemberName 0  Info
MethodName 0  Info
MethodTypeParameterName 0  Info
PackageName 0  Info
ParameterName 0  Info
StaticVariableName 0  Info
TypeName 0  Info
ExecutableStatementCount 3  Info
ExecutableStatementCount 3  Info
  • max: "120"
50  Info
  • countEmpty: "false"
0  Info
  • max: "120"
0  Info
ParameterNumber 0  Info
GenericWhitespace 0  Info
EmptyForIteratorPad 0  Info
MethodParamPad 10  Info
NoWhitespaceAfter 0  Info
NoWhitespaceBefore 0  Info
ParenPad 0  Info
TypecastParenPad 0  Info
0  Info
  • influenceFormat: "0"
  • commentFormat: "\$Id"
0  Info



Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 56
 Info Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. 69
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 91
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 169). 108
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 216


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 161
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 166


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Unused import - org.andromda.metafacades.uml.EnumerationLiteralFacade. 19
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 43
 Info method def child at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 329
 Info if at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 330
 Info if lcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 331
 Info if child at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 332
 Info if at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 333
 Info if lcurly at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 334
 Info if child at indentation level 15 not at correct indentation, 16 335
 Info if rcurly at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 336
 Info else at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 337
 Info else lcurly at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 338
 Info else child at indentation level 15 not at correct indentation, 16 339
 Info else rcurly at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 340
 Info if rcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 341
 Info else at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 342
 Info else lcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 343
 Info else child at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 344
 Info else rcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 345
 Info method def child at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 347
 Info method def child at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 358
 Info if at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 359
 Info if lcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 360
 Info if child at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 361
 Info if child at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 362
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 362
 Info if rcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 363
 Info else at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 364
 Info else lcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 365
 Info else child at indentation level 11 not at correct indentation, 12 366
 Info else rcurly at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 367
 Info method def child at indentation level 7 not at correct indentation, 8 369
 Info Executable statement count is 43 (max allowed is 30). 543
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 551
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 173). 559
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 178). 568
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 153). 579
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 589
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 148). 590
 Info Must have at least one statement. 593
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 187). 630
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 309). 640
 Info Executable statement count is 43 (max allowed is 30). 650
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 157). 687
 Info Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. 696
 Info Must have at least one statement. 752


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Must have at least one statement. 245
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 173). 256


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 128). 151
 Info method def child at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 12 157
 Info method def child at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 12 244


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 202
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 297
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). 317
 Info method def child at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 12 340
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 415
 Info method def child at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 12 486
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 529
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 542
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 549


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Wrong order for 'org.andromda.cartridges.spring.SpringProfile' import. 9


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 9
 Info 'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 14
 Info 'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 19
 Info 'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 24
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 109
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 114
 Info 'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 214
 Info 'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 225
 Info array initialization rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 252


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 21
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 23


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 18
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 20


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 27
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 29
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 57
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 81
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 105
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). 113
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). 121
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 129
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 137
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 145
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 149
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 153
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 161
 Info Must have at least one statement. 218
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 335
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 337
 Info Line has trailing whitespace. 386
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around return value. 391


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 21


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 141). 110
 Info Executable statement count is 37 (max allowed is 30). 112
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 151). 162
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 168
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 170


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 21
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 23


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around expression. 77
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around expression. 135
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 154
 Info method def child at indentation level 9 not at correct indentation, 8 174
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 256
 Info Must have at least one statement. 417
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 476
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 134). 524
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 132). 554
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 623
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around return value. 657
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around return value. 667
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 716
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 725
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 756
 Info Must include @java.lang.Override annotation when {@inheritDoc} Javadoc tag exists. 763
 Info Must include @java.lang.Override annotation when {@inheritDoc} Javadoc tag exists. 780


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 285
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 128). 316
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 357
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 144). 465
 Info Must include @java.lang.Override annotation when {@inheritDoc} Javadoc tag exists. 494
 Info Must include @java.lang.Override annotation when {@inheritDoc} Javadoc tag exists. 502


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 21
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 23