Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Todo Work 8 todo, FIXME, @deprecated

Each tag is detailed below:

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 8

org.andromda.cartridges.spring.SpringHibernateUtils Line
Allow entities in vastly different packages 69
Implement this function. Right now it just returns "" always 86
org.andromda.cartridges.spring.SpringUtils Line
Check for global configured property "versionProperty" for adding version property to all entities 633
version*, inheritanceType, persistenceUnit, entityName, sequenceName 639
Convert DataType * to column Map with association. Punt for now. 696
org.andromda.cartridges.spring.metafacades.SpringCriteriaAttributeLogicImpl Line
removed isIgnoreCase from MetafacadeModel, delete handleIsIgnoreCase? @see org.andromda.cartridges.spring.metafacades.SpringCriteriaAttributeLogic#isIgnoreCase() 256
org.andromda.cartridges.spring.metafacades.SpringDependencyLogicImpl Line
Bug? generalization.getValueObjectReferences() can contain not only ClassifierFacades 123
org.andromda.cartridges.spring.metafacades.SpringManageableEntityLogicImpl Line
Check Operation return type upper bound also 385